Does this game have a config file i can delete to get rid of text problems? I initially started with playing with version 1.0.1 until i hit this problem.
Now after putting the patch for version 1.0.2 into the folder and trying to reload a few saves as well as hitting the restore defaults function it looks even more fucked up.
I can imagine that is some font fucking up, but this is exactly what i want to fix with resetting the config file (if one exists).
This is the first vn i ever had a problem like this with, and it weirds me the hell out
Fixed text issues
If the game still displays MS Gothic font (overlapping characters) go into the text settings and hit restore defaults, and it should change to Segoe UI Semi. "
That seems to be the exact problem, and the restore default function is not doing squat. Also looks like it is just affecting the choice boxes. But that means i will have to restart and let it skip to the choices again and overwrite those saves. What a stupid way to fuck up and in a vn of all things