Walkthrough v. 0.5.6 (Two Versions Word and PDF)
Hey Carlo S.
First of All Thx for making the Walkthrough. I find your point not to spoil the Story very good.
Just a few Points:
- Maybe update the Pictures, as you are using still old ones
- New funcitonality for Skipping inside is not described
- New functionality for Achievements is not described
- New functionality which shows the location of the characters is not described
- Just a Hint, if you Punish Veronica exactly 12 Times (each message 4 times) you get double Increasement of points (13 times decreases by 2, so watch out when clicking to fast)
Thats it, maybe you could think of adding those points for the next version
I know you're doing it in your free time so don't feel obliged to add those steps, but it would definitely complete your walkthrough