Ok, one more quick reply for bed:
First of all thanks a lot for all the feedback guys!
I'll try to address each post shortly, sorry if I missed some.
@Crispyking: Thanks for compliments and great points about the modding (I hadn't even considered that).
I think that a language mod would be great and will put it on my list (which is growing faster than I care to admit

Btw, I agree with the rushing to sex part, hence the lack of actual sex right now
@towboat: Cheers! Glad to be part of the hive
@white dude: Thanks for the feedback, I was thinking about adding a minimap for the appartment, but figured it might make the interface a bit clunky, but I will keep this in mind for sure!
@Onyx99: Thanks for the advice! The character designs we're pretty much locked down imo, I just started second guessing myself after all the feedback on them looking similar too other games (which will probably always be the case for some characters, unless I buy exclusive models). The story has already been finished, so that box is checked!
@Ozygator: Thank you for the very detailed feedback! One of the new characters has a totally different figure by the way! I'll try to diversify as much as I can! About your other points:
Save feature is already implemented (in the phone), guess I should include that in the tutorial.
In the contact list on your phone you can see the current stats for each girl (that one I
did include in the tutorial)

Stat balancing will definitely be an ongoing process through the coming updates.
That bug has been fixed already and will be uploaded with the next version!
@everyone asking about the handjob: That's what you get for hacking!

The event isn't fully implemented yet, but I have a feeling that this might change in the next update...