
Jul 15, 2017
Definitely, too be honest I just didn't really expect things to take off so fast, so I'm kinda overwhelmed right now.
The plan is too make a game that incorporates lots of different (types of) girls, each with their own storylines and events, but in all honesty everyone starts out like that ;)

So for now I'll be developing the storylines of the 3 current characters, while gradually introducing new girls.
Definitely, too be honest I just didn't really expect things to take off so fast, so I'm kinda overwhelmed right now.
The plan is too make a game that incorporates lots of different (types of) girls, each with their own storylines and events, but in all honesty everyone starts out like that ;)

So for now I'll be developing the storylines of the 3 current characters, while gradually introducing new girls.
It took of so fast because people took interest into it, because it's promising. Don't feel pressured by this, but complimented, even if it comes in the form of criticism.

Since you will never be able to satisfy the wishes of everybody (there is no modification of your work that won't displease at least somebody), please consider our comments, or at least mine, as purely inspirational, but do not feel obliged to comfort us. I know it sounds funny when I'm saying that, but I think it's true.

That being said, since you are early in development, let's inspire you ;) :

-) Many people love to mod games, and you could use this to your great advantage: If you manage to export your text or at least dialogue into an own text file, you will not only end up with a lot of raunchy mods, but also with a lot of translations. That's an untouched market, since there are e.g. no good german adult games. Seriously, it's a desert here! I don't know why nobody is doing this, but I think you could expect a much larger fan base and a lot more patronage this way. If an authenticity verification sould be important to you, then maybe a hash-check and infobox during game start could help with that.

-) Many adult games rush to the actual sex, to keep people satisfied, yet when it's done people lose interest since it's hard to keep up any more tension in the relationship development. I have seen two smart strategies to counter this dilemma: You can have some actual sex scenes within dreams and phantasies, or your main character gets a sidekick-friend, whom you help to bone his family. In both cases you can present some actual hot sex scenes, and still keep the sexual tensions between your main characters intact and interesting.

Just my ideas, please feel free to ignore them if you feel like it. ;)

Have a nice day!


Jun 14, 2017
Hey @Faerin glad to have you. We need to get you a "Developer" tag once you're verified...

Some thoughts & observations:

3. Bugs...
Have only seen one so far, when peeking in on the mom and it (assuming here since it's a white screen/missing pic) zooms in on her chest before she notices the MC.
I found another bug: If you say your little sister goodnight with a french kiss you get +59 love points (or is this a feature? ;) ).
And after this your get +14 love points for complimenting mom.
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Active Member
Jan 21, 2017
The interface on the phone is the best implementation I have seen in any game.
All the interactables are tooltipped, and the english text has no glaring errors that I saw.
All the renders are top quality, looks very nice.
Very solid foundation to build a game on.

The taxi seems like it's not worth it, costs more than the train for a small time saving.
The function of locking on the stats is not explained well, or I blitzed over the explanation.
The actions you can take have no visible cooldowns.
Needs more high heels.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 14, 2017
Ok, one more quick reply for bed:
First of all thanks a lot for all the feedback guys!
I'll try to address each post shortly, sorry if I missed some.

@Crispyking: Thanks for compliments and great points about the modding (I hadn't even considered that).
I think that a language mod would be great and will put it on my list (which is growing faster than I care to admit :p)
Btw, I agree with the rushing to sex part, hence the lack of actual sex right now ;)

@towboat: Cheers! Glad to be part of the hive ;)

@white dude: Thanks for the feedback, I was thinking about adding a minimap for the appartment, but figured it might make the interface a bit clunky, but I will keep this in mind for sure!

@Onyx99: Thanks for the advice! The character designs we're pretty much locked down imo, I just started second guessing myself after all the feedback on them looking similar too other games (which will probably always be the case for some characters, unless I buy exclusive models). The story has already been finished, so that box is checked!

@Ozygator: Thank you for the very detailed feedback! One of the new characters has a totally different figure by the way! I'll try to diversify as much as I can! About your other points:
Save feature is already implemented (in the phone), guess I should include that in the tutorial.
In the contact list on your phone you can see the current stats for each girl (that one I did include in the tutorial) :p
Stat balancing will definitely be an ongoing process through the coming updates.
That bug has been fixed already and will be uploaded with the next version!

@everyone asking about the handjob: That's what you get for hacking! :p
The event isn't fully implemented yet, but I have a feeling that this might change in the next update... ;)


Chicken Bubble Butt
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
actually a good game.

need more girls (ofc) but the actual ones are good.
still i not very like the MC look, i also think he should be hidden in some action (like watching tv, you should show the tv screen with some shit in it and not a large show of the MC)

just my opinion


May 16, 2017
It would be stellar if the older sister was the cock blocker in this game and you have to get her booted for Ashley's mystery friend to become a roommate, and then they can add on the across the hall...
May 25, 2017
doesn't work for me, i do every step but in the end she just leaves the room
hmm...did you teached her how to kiss and helped with studying before? and you probably need to repeat that several times so she can come to your room and sleep with you...probably then hj will be available


Apr 8, 2017
This game took me like 3 hours to complete so I ended up using value editor, pretty good for now, but very long for little "interesting" content :( I like the way it's going and I definitely think the grinding should be slimmed down a bit since there's a lack of content as of now for what you do. Just my opinion because I don't think a majority of people will like to sit there for a few hours on a porn game grinding like an mmo :p

Sural Argonus

Chimpanor Productions
Game Developer
May 12, 2017
And lol!
(Will reply to your other points tomorrow...need...sleep....):p
My only real complaints were the grind and the re-use of popular models. Otherwise nicely done. I just couldn't find the gym. heh.

Other than that...This place will give you their honest opinions. They may not always be kind, but generally they will be honest.
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May 16, 2017
Ashley hj

Edit savegame w/text editor, find Ashley's "Special" value (yellow stars count), and change value to 10. Reload SG and enjoy ;)
P.S. Maybe lower value can do this, idk, feel free to try


Aug 29, 2016
Once you get the hang of the mood system it isn't that hard.
Lots of oppertunities to eat so that's no problem. The same goes for hygiëne.
With the videogame you can always destress, so no problem either.
The only thing you really need is the energydrink to lock the sleep, halfway through the day.
For that it would be nice to have a chance to take a nap on the couch.

I really like it. I don't think the grind is that bad.
At least not as bad as BB or SoB.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2016
I'm attempting a playthrough w/o hacks to start to see how it all works naturally, took me quite a few hours and I never could buy anything from the mall (just couldn't fit it in between morning mood balancing, pizza place opening and still being home in time for homework) I did get the sister to 50/5 though w/o items. Sidenote: as of 5.1a there is a typo in pizza delivery, it says it takes 3 hours when delivery actually only takes 2, haven't checked if that's been fixed yet. Given the massive time management focus of the game it really affected my income till I figured it out.
  • Income seems like an unusually long grind due to how little you make a day (I averaged around $30 between one bus travel and item purchases in order to ignore refreshing my 8 hour mood timers). Maybe add in different time options 1,2 or 3 hour shifts with increased pay or open the pizza place at 10am.
  • Varying the amount of love gained so later interactions give more might be a good idea. I pretty much ignored math since their was no difference between it and history. By the time you get to 10 and 20 love increasing it becomes a chore, so much so that you're just finding the most optimal path to grind to the next scene. Varied amounts can reward the player and give them a sense of progression and bonding in the relationship along with mitigating the grind.
  • I appreciate the slow burn of the relationship progression (not just jumping into the hot/heavy and actually have them questioning if what they're doing is right). Keep with that progression, it helps for making more realistic characters that you can get invested in.Maybe add in some weekend hobbies or interests to flesh the characters out a bit more as a person and not just a series of GIF objectives to farm through. Maybe Ashley is a real movie buff and that's why she's into watching movies on a daily basis. The main character could of course join them on these activities. I know I found myself using the hourglass alot on the weekends to pass the time instead of doing something.
  • Is there any Mom or Older sister progression yet? I couldn't find any besides the bathroom peeking for older sister and the bathrobe bedroom scene with mom, and it seems like the image in that scene hasn't been added yet. I just got a white screen (I've seen other people mention this, never saw it responded to as to wether it's a glitch or just a place holder image).
I've heard tale of a Casino and maybe a gym, are these locations currently in the game or just suggestions?


Aug 29, 2016
I'm attempting a playthrough w/o hacks to start to see how it all works naturally, took me quite a few hours and I never could buy anything from the mall (just couldn't fit it in between morning mood balancing, pizza place opening and still being home in time for homework) I did get the sister to 50/5 though w/o items. Sidenote: as of 5.1a there is a typo in pizza delivery, it says it takes 3 hours when delivery actually only takes 2, haven't checked if that's been fixed yet. Given the massive time management focus of the game it really affected my income till I figured it out.
  • Income seems like an unusually long grind due to how little you make a day (I averaged around $30 between one bus travel and item purchases in order to ignore refreshing my 8 hour mood timers). Maybe add in different time options 1,2 or 3 hour shifts with increased pay or open the pizza place at 10am.
  • Varying the amount of love gained so later interactions give more might be a good idea. I pretty much ignored math since their was no difference between it and history. By the time you get to 10 and 20 love increasing it becomes a chore, so much so that you're just finding the most optimal path to grind to the next scene. Varied amounts can reward the player and give them a sense of progression and bonding in the relationship along with mitigating the grind.
  • I appreciate the slow burn of the relationship progression (not just jumping into the hot/heavy and actually have them questioning if what they're doing is right). Keep with that progression, it helps for making more realistic characters that you can get invested in.Maybe add in some weekend hobbies or interests to flesh the characters out a bit more as a person and not just a series of GIF objectives to farm through. Maybe Ashley is a real movie buff and that's why she's into watching movies on a daily basis. The main character could of course join them on these activities. I know I found myself using the hourglass alot on the weekends to pass the time instead of doing something.
  • Is there any Mom or Older sister progression yet? I couldn't find any besides the bathroom peeking for older sister and the bathrobe bedroom scene with mom, and it seems like the image in that scene hasn't been added yet. I just got a white screen (I've seen other people mention this, never saw it responded to as to wether it's a glitch or just a place holder image).
I've heard tale of a Casino and maybe a gym, are these locations currently in the game or just suggestions?
I only found the Casino but it's still under construction. Just a place to travel to
Looking at the CG's there should be a lot more locations.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 14, 2017
Hey guys, some more answers:

@ThanatosX: I'll look into balancing the taxi a bit, in future updates there of course will be more random events, that's when the taxi might prove more useful as well!
I'm also looking into claryfing the stat/mood system a bit.
And as for the high heels -> for sure (skirts & heels ftw!) ;)

@coconuts: Thanks mate and to be honest, when I was doing that tv scene I thought exactly the same thing, but got a bit "lazy", but that will be updates soon, as there are some story events that will evolve by watchin tv... ;)

@Patan: Day 3: "They still haven't noticed my comment about the HJ not attainable yet..." :p

@Gozer: Cool idea! But I've got something slightly different planned already, for both Veronica as Ashley's friend! (next update)

@Cj87: Thanks for the feedback and I do agree with the grind (hate senseless grinding myself)!
But keep in mind, the more events/items/etc. will be added, the less grindy it will be, because there will be tons of stuff to do, from here on it will only get better!

@Sural Argonus: There are loads of locations already (since the main storylines are finished), but you can't visit them yet, here's a small preview: casino, fitness club, strip club, park, police station, bar, beach, office building, and many more!
These will gradually be added each update.

@Altaviat: Day 3: "They finally noticed that the event is implemented already, just not in game!" :p
If you feel like hacking, you might discover some other stuff already as well...

@Ramirez™: Thanks mate!

@Yevaud6: Thanks for awesome review! The pizza typo is fixed in the next update, cheers for that!
Good point about the stat progression, I'll consider that!
I feel exactly the same about the weekend, but it will change soon, as more stuff will happen during weekends.
Mom and Veronica are not yet developed, but expect some more content in the next update.

@everyone: I might reply a bit less the coming days, as I have so much feedback already and I'm really motivated to work on the next update after all this! But I'll definitely still check your comments and suggestions, so keep them coming!
Thanks a lot everyone!
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