Unity - Completed - Man of the House [v1.0.2c Extra] [Faerin]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: Too difficult. Even with the tutorial I had no idea what to do. I did some chores, delivered some pizzas, showered, ate food, used the computer, but nothing ever happened. I have no idea how to get to the sex scenes. I increased my stats on the computer, but still, nothing was happening. My character had a dream and then nothing.

    I tried complimenting the mom and sister in the morning, nothing happened.

    Having to constantly eat, bathe & relax is annoying.

    Renders: The images I've seen on the web are very good. The women are hot, but too bad I don't know how to unlock any sex scenes. The game needs a better quest system that tells you exactly what to do. Example: "Go here, do this x times, do this, do that..."... This is one of those games with a complicated walk through that you need to alt tab constantly.

    The game seems too grindy with no direction on how to unlock sex scenes.

    I checked out the walk through and my god, even the walk through is complicated.

    The game is too slow in the beginning.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 419061

    non stop grinding to enjoy the smallest scene. Also no clue what time and which place you should visit to process the game. You have always to check the walkthrough. For me all that kill the mood for playing.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Your mother love's you but she works too much, your big sister hates you but she has a secret and your little sister is such an innocent girl trying to discover to the world and who better than you to show her the pleasures of this life?

    This game is an open world ("kinda" in the dev's words) sandbox. Lot's of hot girls to meet and relate. The game has quests (or hints) and you need to keep doing that to make the girls improve their love for you and their "sexual interest". And all characters have a unique status.

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    This game has some bars like hungry, sleep, dirty etc. You need to keep then full otherwise the MC will refuse to do some actions. And there some improvements that your character need, you need to study, look handsome, work out etc. But the dev add a cheat menu in the game so you don't need to worry about it.

    The render is just incredible and there are some interactive cutscenes.

    The only problem of the game is that you need to repeat some actions a lot of times to improve your relationship with the girl. The game has a time jumper and a skip control so it's not really a problem. But it's a little boring do the same kissing roleplay five times before the game let you touch the girls' ass and then again touch her ass more five times to gain a chance to touch her breast.

    Like I said there is a lot of places and girls to meet and any girl has his own personality and style I really feel involved in the story.

    I would give four stars for this game because of the repeatedly hints but this is the best erotic game I've ever played (In fact I'm new at this universe and I just have played a dozen of games so at this very moment this game is my favorite).

    I think every erotic gamer have to at least try this one.

    P.S.: When you go to the gym and heard the music... it's just incredible.

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  4. 5.00 star(s)


    9/10 I have not gotten anybody in the game but you have a plus. The game is fun, a tutorial, mainly cheatmobil for non-payment. It's a lot of fun. The game as it should be. So even if it's overdue, it's still winning my curiosity, because the models are wonderful. Pleasant mining. You do not need more, play and play and remember this is not an hourly game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice art and story, can't wait for the next update! Also Faerin is pretty constant with his 2 week updates so this project is pretty unlikely to get cancelled. Thus i can really recommend this game to anyone. Even my Stepmom.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game. I had my issues with it in the past but with the new upgrade are fixed. There is a nice background story, rich characters and development, nice graphics, renders and animations. Totally recommended
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Man In Moon

    We all love games like this, but oh so rarely do they last, and even rarer do they actually have anything worth playing. The story is engaging. The plot is interesting. The images are crisp, sharp, and very pretty. This game is one of the few games that manages to grasp the extreme difficulty of getting the MC involved with romance, but not doing so on a silver platter. I hate to be flowery, but damn fine game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story with mechanics that feels like a fleshed out game. The progression is kind of slow but not tedious imo. Even if it gets too tedious for someone with less time, the cheating menu makes it easy to increase stats and straight up jump to certain hours/days for their events.

    As for the characters, they give a good variety of different content, which keeps it "fresh". They look pretty hot, though they have boobs that are a bit too big for my taste (thank god for Sophia). Definitely one of the better 3D corruption incest games out there.

    Would recommend.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is great and the message board here helps a lot to play it and provide feedback to game developer, which is also a member of this board. The walkthrough provided by Carlo S. is very useful for novice players.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    That's exactly what we can expect from a good Harem game. No annoying male character that is trying to steal your girls, you can multiply the relationships without any trouble, animations are great, renders are great, there are different types and styles of women to go after, a little grinding but it's really not a big deal as we can cheat easily if we're boring. The only flaws i see, personnally, are the mom's boobs that are maybe a little too big for me, but that depends on people. An excellent game anyway, updated very often.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Good sense of humor, sexy and just fun to play. I have been impressed since day one and Faerin has been very aware of what needs to be corrected and fixed. A developer who listens to his patrons is a nice touch.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    [Rev v0.8.1b]
    I liked the pacing. Writing is good and voice is consistent, even if a couple of the scenarios seem a bit forced and contrived.

    Art's enjoyable.

    Nothing squicked me content-wise, and there were several scenes I actively enjoyed. Loves me some good girl-girl times.

    Version I played was an 'extras' release; I didn't feel I ever needed to cheat the progression stats but DID cheat the stamina/mood/hygiene stuff. Doing so never made me feel guilty which makes me wonder if those other mechanics are necessary at all or just a detriment: the opportunity cost of being at a place to advance one girl's plot over another and *maybe* just a stamina bar seems ample control over pacing. The bit with having to pick the exact right options for the girls' outfit competition was... suboptimal.

    Do like the hints on the contacts screen. Usually just helpful enough without trivializing exploration. Usually.

    Liked it, watched thread, looking forward to more.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Good dating sim with appealing girls with decently-written and routes to them, each one with plenty of content available.
    The strength of this game may be the content as the current version already packs relatively to the other "AAA" smuts you can find here with surprisingly over 10 hours of content on a non-cheating/walkthrough assisted first playthrough which is(not) surprising given how linear the routes are.
    Regarding the negatives, besides the obvious "it's unfinished", the fact that it is a dating sim, as you may imagine, some of those hours end up being spent grinding stats up to unlock the next lewd which may make the lewds extra rewarding when you get to them but may let you feel intimidated once you begin another girl's route. Another "negative" may be the use of "famous" models, namely the protagonist and Ashley. Sure, it is only a negative for pervs like me who almost play these games for a living but perhaps opting for other, lesser-known ones could prevent the weird Dejavu.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    EDITED: 1 year later after playing v1.0.0.

    The Veredict: Great game, already an all timer of this still young golden era of indie porn games, much more rewarding gameplay than *other similar themed games that comes to mind*.

    The Grind:
    At first I tried to play it without cheats. It has several status meter (hygiene, stress...) that you have to maintain constantly by showering, eating, watching porn... That grows pretty boring pretty fast. Fortunately, it has a built-in cheat mode in which you can max up and lock up those stats.

    But the "sexual grind" is a different beast. Most of the times you have to repeat a scene 5 times before it escalates (EDIT: this has been greatly smoothed, although It wasn't that bad at the first place, but now its less repetition, and every scene has a slight variation that makes it worth reading again) . Yeah, sometimes it gets repetitive but its essential to the sense of corruption, which is achieved like very few other games had. Mostly through good writing and, specially, through excellent designed game mechanics.

    The Gameplay:
    When I first played this game *that highly popular game in which you corrupts your family* came to mind. But the core difference to me is that, while in *that one* you progress while doing counterintuitive things in the margins of your routine day, sometimes by chance, sometimes following a walkthrough; in MOTH your grind routine IS the progress. You are always informed when you are progressing. And when you don't progress, you have a self-sufficient hint system (optional) in-game. So while it has some (necessary) grind, it's way way less frustrating.

    The Fetishes: i'm commenting only on incest and submission, but there are many more.
    -Incest: MOTH has a common "problem" in which incest is severely downplayed. Almost never they mention how weird it is they are fucking being family and all, and strangers make no comment when they know about it. Now, I'm aware that compliance with Patreon TOS is a factor but in the end is a fetish in name only. EDIT: This has been greatly corrected, specially in the mom route. Playing with the incest patch, of course.

    -Dom/Sub: My favorite part of the game. It begins as a revenge blackmail that grows sexual step by step (with a couple of very clever expectations defying twists). The MC is not a rapist sociopath, and the first time he gets openly sexual, it has been heavily hinted by her that she enjoys the punishments and that he could (should?) go further. Now, while I enjoy the outcome, I would have preferred a more jerk MC, and a more passive Sub (guilty enjoying it and with less agency, at least at first). Anyhow, this is a matter of personal taste, and the fact still remains that this route, that kickstarts more Sub routes later, is extremely sexy and well done. Really looking forward to see how this fetish would be implemented in his next game.

    EDIT: I first rated it 4 stars, but this almost finished version is clearly already a classic. Perfect score well deserved.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. A bit of a learning curve and use of cheat console and walkthrough highly recommended to minimize frustration but great characters, graphics and story. Fast click response and not overly complex stats/interaction.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite pure and simple. The mother's story is great. The little sister's story is great. The big sister's story is great. All three characters are different and the MC's approach is unique to each of them. Only one character I don't like and she is not that important (skinny and small boobs, no thanks).
    The sex scene's animations are nice and you can control the speed if you like.
    More importantly you can play without a walkthrough because you can search what to do without worrying you made a wrong choice. If you lack points for an event it willnot occur until you accumulate the points whenever you want.
    It's a must try.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 24507

    It's no wonder that for almost a year I and some colleagues have done the translation of this excellent game into my Portuguese language of Brazil, due to the fact that I have really enjoyed the way the plot of the game was developed and also by the simplicity of the developer Faerin deal with the suggestions of the fans he has been conquering with this one more than 1 year, becoming in this small period the 3rd most viewed game and commenting here in the Forum!

    I confess that I created a certain friendship with Faerin, always giving suggestions to him, because as a player of several games here of the forum, I realized that the other players wanted to see in games of that adult type!

    Summarizing over time, it has improved the history and the 3D arts and even included the animations differently from other games, where it is possible to control the speed of it.

    Congratulations @Faerin on the excellent work!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is Brilliant!! The developer is Outstanding!!! The story line is captivating and intriguing. He's very accessible and active in the community and listening to his "customer base" and fixing things extremely fast. He's put a lot of time in his story line and always leave you waiting with baited breath for the next release. If you're looking for a Great Game this is one of them, I recommend you support him on patreon, since he has delivered what he's promised, which is rare in this genre. Keep up the Great Work Faerin!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, this is excellent game. Of course, there are some problems. Graphics could be better, although I wouldn't consider them bad. But I understand developer probably wanted to focus on gameplay more. Second problem is portability. Almost all games here are acessable on other OS (like Linux and MacOS), but this one is not. Anyway, I didn't want this to sound like criticism. Game offers every man's dream, to have access to horde of new girls, and seduce them, manipulate them in bad, try everything with them.... with funny story, and lot of boobs. :)
  20. 1.00 star(s)



    -Half good animations, which is where the 1 star comes from


    -Incredibly cumbersome UI navigation.

    -Crazy amount of pointless grinding to get that one scene
    that you might miss and have to grind some more.

    -Typical cheesy story that adds absolutely nothing to the narrative.

    -Hideous recycled character design, with bland looks and that are as interesting as a wet sock.

    -Your typical exaggerated expressions that are borderline creepy

    -Balloon asses/tits left and right but with the added bonus of looking extra crappy and clearly messing some poses

    -Since this game launched a year ago, absolutely nothing has improved render wise. Usually Devs that actually care about the game, put the work in and further improve the visuals...but not here.
    Still the same terrible lighting and the average time spent on making the vast majority of these renders is about 3-4mins tops.

    -Cliche cringy scenes left and right for easy content. "Oh what's that ? my shirt just slipped and you saw my boob ?! nooo waaay"..... "She just bent over and I saw her panties ?! WOW better start jerking off then"...you get the idea

    It's hard for people to tell, that have no experience with the programs used to make a game like this, but this is about as low effort as you can get, and I doubt that he puts more than 15hrs of work between updates.

    Any complete beginner can make what he's making in tops 1hr, and most of that time would be spent downloading the assets...not even joking.

    There's a lot more shit, but bottom line is, Dev is doing this solely for the money and nothing else. The fact that he has this many supporters is beyond me, and the only thing that I can think of is that they forgot to cancel their payments..

    There's quite a few good devs out there now that are always improving with each update, so spare yourself the trouble and the money and help them out.