I might have found a bug in the storyline. I'm stuck at getting the oil from Amy (since there isn't any in the sex shop), thus Mom's hint is referring to Amy. However, I went in the cab with Veronica, HJ, and I can't get further. Amy's story needs Veronica and vice versa.
Is there a quick solution ?
You'll have you give Veronica's panties to Amy after you've taken them during Veronica's laundry chore (she needs to be sitting down on the bathroom floor). Once you get that scene, take her to your room and ask for her panties. If you already have them, go to the health club and ask to buy the massage oil. She'll tell you no, so you'll need to bribe her with Veronica's panties.
is Amy's star level 3? It certainly sounds like Veronica's stars are at 11..
At a guess, you have run into Faerin's fix for people getting too many stars for Veronica, and not getting Amy's vault location.
So, If you have asked amy for oil, and she has refused, you need to offer her veronica's panties (from your inventory)
If amy does not acknowledge your request for oil, get her to 4 stars by getting that drink with her, and having her give you her vault address, then try again.
If you HAVE gotten amy's vault address (and thus reinforced your knowledge that Amy likes Veronica), and you Still are unable to give her panties, I am not sure what is wrong