then please ask him this one,"wauw ik voel me veel uitgeruster, ik hou van deze matras"
besides it is a verry strange sentence, the real problem is in the last bit "deze matras" die dat dit en deze are "aanwijzende voornaamworden" they are used to literly point things out as in this scentence "matras"
to know in dutch which one is used there is a easy rule of thumb.
if a word is a "de"word, die or deze should be used.
if it is a "het" word. dit or dat should be used.
scince a matras would be "het matras" mc would have slept verry well on "dit matras"
by the way there abselutly no difference between flamish and dutch in the written form, there is only a difference in the pronouncing of words unless he means somekind of belgian dialect like i speak a dutch dialect "remunjs"
but enough of that, i aplaud the dutch translator for putting time and effort in to make a dutch translation at all, but he has to realise that dutch people will start playing it in Dutch, and will notice misakes.
I don't know how far you into the game maybe still at the beginning, which would explain why the dutch translation is bad because of the machine translation, or because of an old mapping file. You could check if the translation improves after a few events and more progress.
I find this ironic.
"Matras" is originally a "de-woord" and "het matras" has only been introduced more recently due to people making the same mistake you do. So while I appreciate all input and people trying to improve the game and its translations, I'm sad to see that a translator gets criticized so easily (even unjustified), after putting in so much time and effort, free of charge, to enable people to play MotH in their native language.
I'm sure all translations can be improved.
If you (or anyone else) would like to help, feel free to send me a PM.
after a post about the bad dutch translation, i actualy restarted this game to play it in dutch. and he is right the dutch translation is verry poor. besides the grammer mistakes which i could ignore most of the time the translations are way to often an excact translation from english to dutch. forinstance "holy shit" would never be translated by any dutch man to "heilige shit" there are actualy a lot of words in dutch which could be used here, like "verdomd, kollere, or just plain shit, as said i tried to play it in dutch but the mistakes or weird sentence buildup becomes so destracting i actualy was paying more attention to the mistakes then to the story.
it is realy a shame, it would be quite fun to play it in dutch, but as in any languice it isnt fun to do when things are said realy weird and the story becomes weird with it.
by the way, i did do a dutch incest patch it was a bit strange to have that in english when playing a dutch translation.
oh wow, you managed to pick out something that seems to be happening 2x in the course of 21k lines of the translation.
did you happen to notice how often it was translated correctly as well? Kolere is mentioned 160 times and then there's Allemachtig which is mentioned 76x and if i would look op every mention of Holy shit / holy crap i would probably find some other words that are being used as translations.
It's true that i've missed it 2x, i'm not perfect and instead of plainly plainly critisizing you can also send a pm with the mentions of dialogue that's incorrect, didn't i mention something earlier that there is always room for improvement or something like that? (If i'm not mistaken it's not that far back in this forum)
I was kind of planning to read through every bit of line ingame with 1.0.2 to see how read-able everything is so far and if needed make some more adjustments, Not to mention read through a file with 83k lines of code (at the release of 1.0.1) to see if my spellcheck has missed stuff. Because this last addition to the translation will actually be the stage where the game goes from beta to final-ish.
I've added a bit of the translation i've done, and small adjustments needed aside, i really can't see any of the weird "buildups" and unreadable stuff that makes it so you can't follow the story.
I noticed the steam version was upcoming. Would it include things like achievements in steam, other things on top, would it perhaps have anything missing that is present in the extra version? Also, what pricing might it have?
Also, assuming that version would still have "landlady" and "roommate".
I noticed the steam version was upcoming. Would it include things like achievements in steam, other things on top, would it perhaps have anything missing that is present in the extra version? Also, what pricing might it have?
Also, assuming that version would still have "landlady" and "roommate".
yeah i don't think steam allows incest at all tbh, i can't comment on the achievements, maybe faerin ports the overlapping achiements (or maybe all of them) to steam achievements (would be nice).
I do have a funny feeling that you would still be able to change the mapping.xml file yourself.
Well, to be honest, House Party got around that by a simple text file to uncensor stuff, and i reckon a lot of other adult games use a similar approach, put the game (somewhat) censored and have an addon on there as well to uncensor.
I think this was the first game I ever got on this site (and it's still one of the best) so it's crazy to see it finally ending. Congrats to Faerin on such an accomplishment!
I am happy that the quality has been so well maintained and the game is completed, but part of me is also a little sad that such a great game is finished.
I love this game, one of the best. Wait, STEAM release? Since when does STEAM allow porn games? I know they allow games with adult content but not outright porn games.
Yes, I love MotH very much.
But to see all those side characters being thrown aside... It hurts.
Thank you for all the content over the years for this game Faerin
I hoped that this game was going to be 100% completed, but I guess we have to accept that it's only partially completed (But that's still more than most games on this site)
Uff 2 years, the game was always very good and I do not doubt it will have a good ending, great work Faerin, a game that lasted long enough to be very good but not so long to become bad or incoherent.