- Nov 15, 2017
- 662
- 592
First off, Gratz on the EmmyWell the Emmy on my desk at work would say that you are dead wrong about my experience in film and video production.
as for how you write I can't comment on that since I haven't read it...
But I know the writers I have worked with both in Hollywood Film and Episodic television all know where their story is going to go before a single camera is set up to shoot. The only time an ending has changed in my experience is when it wasn't good to begin with and didn't make sense for the content that came before that. And that decision was made in the editing room not during the shooting.
My analogy in this case is dead on...
This is Episodic Game Development!
Just like a TV show doesn't decide mid season to rewrite and reshoot previous episodes because they came up with a better overall arc mid season (as you suggest is fine because "IT ISN'T COMPLETED WORK").
Is it technically possible? Sure!
But your audience is taken out of the story and will quickly change channels or in this case drop the game and go onto another. And I know you were not suggesting that he change what he has already done but so many people use the same excuse you did to suggest Developers should change what has been released for no other reason than they found a better story after the fact.
Now i really feel we are hogging a game related thread with an off topic discussion so i'll try to make it short.
You have all this knowledge of film making and television, yet said the following (Quote) ▼
"It is NOT like a film where it takes nothing more than setting up a camera and reshooting a scene and cutting it in"
Ok then.. - But back to the topic this started with.
@Faerin had a poll about the uppdates. Should he focus on small bits of everything or larger parts of specific areas.
I vote thematic based on the simple reason i belive this to be better for the finished (Completed) resualt.
I'd be happy to continue this discussion on a movie forum but for now, I rest my case. Cheers