Carlo S

Forum Fanatic
Respected User
May 20, 2017
MEGA version 0.6.7: - --------------- ---------Walkthrough version 0.6.7 ------ Saves 0.6.5 and 0.6.6 (Mike) -------- Mod for conversion (Mapping) --------- Guide for play in easy way --------- Vote for the character you like:cool: in Man of the House here in this Link: - @Viatovic: - - --------------------------- @EverythingButTheGirl: Did a Great sub-forum about Fan Art ;), Everyone can find in the Thread in the end of this page or this link: ---------------- -- The best and complete CGs of the game You'll find here, was posting by @Benjy:
----------------- And All for Aunt :heartcoveredeyes:in the Man of the House, Here: - ---:cool:;) ------ @BROTHERS: Homework for all the week x'Dx'D, finding a perfect aunt for Faerin. This is my Aunt :heartcoveredeyes::heartcoveredeyes: Here:
Jan 18, 2018
It refer to either, she is in the bathroom, or that u should go to the upper halway from ur room using the arrows not the quick travel because a msg or a scene is trigered.
>90 hearts
>sunday 11:00
>click on the arrow to bathroom
>nothing happens
Jan 18, 2018
"Sometimes when I leave my room on weekday afternoon, I bump into her"

Sunday 11:00 is not exactly that! is weekend before noon isn't it ? ;)
* 10:00 Ashley is in the bathroom (Click -> nothing happens)
* 11:00 - 17:00 Ashley is with Sophia in bedroom (Click -> just the usual msg)
* 18:00 Ashley is with Veronica n Claire in the table (Click -> just the usual dinner)
* 19:00 Ashley is in the living room (Click -> just the usual options to watch a film together)
* 20:00 Ashley is in the celphone (Bedroom - Nothing happens)
* 21:00 Ashley is the bathroom (Click - just the usual scene [bath together])
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Futa lover!
Jan 28, 2018
I had to reduce Amy's arousal and submission to zero and increase her star to three. Here is a save from the end of v0.6.5 the morning after you have discovered the vault if anyone wants it just open with notepad and change the name (4th line) to one of your choice
Although there should be no problems I recommend only using the cheat for MC's and money and not to max the girls stats
How do you even get Amy to 10 heart? I'm still at 5 do you need to get the sex shop first through the mom storyline than continue the Victoria story? I'm gonna try it that way since i believe that may be how it is done than i get Amy up to 10 and that is how you get the vault so i'll stop doing Victoria story for now. I just hope it works this way don't want to use a save from someone else.

User #19006

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2017
How do you even get Amy to 10 heart? I'm still at 5 do you need to get the sex shop first through the mom storyline than continue the Victoria story? I'm gonna try it that way since i believe that may be how it is done than i get Amy up to 10 and that is how you get the vault so i'll stop doing Victoria story for now. I just hope it works this way don't want to use a save from someone else.
you can do it paralel, did Amy already taste Veronica (Victoria) from MC s fingers ?? and at the Nightclub u get the other 5 Hearts In one of those taxi rides with Veronica (Victoria) on the second to be precise V tells u that she would do Amy with pleasure after that the cuffs and the Blindfold are unlocked at the Sex Shop.


How do you even get Amy to 10 heart? I'm still at 5 do you need to get the sex shop first through the mom storyline than continue the Victoria story? I'm gonna try it that way since i believe that may be how it is done than i get Amy up to 10 and that is how you get the vault so i'll stop doing Victoria story for now. I just hope it works this way don't want to use a save from someone else.
You should be able to do it either way but there has been less problems going the Mom route first

Carlo S

Forum Fanatic
Respected User
May 20, 2017
Good Night Brothers and Good Sleep ;):) --------
@Faerin said, in the next version Ashley will be the focus, but have scenes with the others Characters as well. Thanks for the information :cool:;):) - -------- - MEGA---Saves---Mod---Guide---Informations about the game, You find here:

Squark ⚧❤️

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 16, 2017
Its easy enough to change. In the Mapping.xml, there is the following:

<!-- Claire -->
      <!-- Her name is: -->
      <!-- I am to her: -->
      <!-- And she is to me: -->
Change the "her name is:" bit from Claire to Mom, and off you go.

The downside, it means other, non-family folk also call her mom. Oops? Could be cleaned up with a bit of additional code, but considering that is like 1 total conversation in the game for now, not a lot of motivation yet I suppose.
Wow, talk about uber copy and paste skills. See page 706.
Thanks for supplying the additional caveat, though.


Futa lover!
Jan 28, 2018
you can do it paralel, did Amy already taste Veronica (Victoria) from MC s fingers ?? and at the Nightclub u get the other 5 Hearts In one of those taxi rides with Veronica (Victoria) on the second to be precise V tells u that she would do Amy with pleasure after that the cuffs and the Blindfold are unlocked at the Sex Shop.
Yes she did suck the MC fingers and i have done 2 or 3 cab rides so do i do another one? How many rides to Veronica talks about Amy so i can get the next 5 hearts so i can get the Vault from Amy?

User #19006

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2017
Is like @RWaites suggested, In the game is a good tactic to pursue all girls, you have to progress with mom to certain level, unlocks the sex shop then progress with V love and arousal, opens up amy events since u have to go to Neon u can speak (drink beer with her till no more hearts come,) then V tells u on a taxi home that she would do Amy, unlocks cuffs and blindfold, progress with V (submision) talk again to Amy at the Neon, unlocks the Vault and so on if u like there is a walktrough, a few pages back also @Carlo S walktrough is a good help
4.20 star(s) 269 Votes