
Nov 5, 2017
Hi all
I was so happy when i found some new scenes.
I found a briefcase and went to claire s office
nice under table scene ;-0
But when it ended it repeated itself and again and again and again etc (is it called a loop?)

then i get on a Saturday afernoon to the terras and get the sunbathing/lotion show
same thing happened here . repeating over and over.

any one got a solution , or no one else had this?


New Member
Oct 27, 2017
I can get the bathroom scene, however no achievements are given and i can't move forward and get the scene where she's arguing with mom.

I've got the second bathroom scene but i can't move on from there. i don't recieve the selfie after the bathroom or kiss in the bedroom


Active Member
Nov 15, 2017
I can get the bathroom scene, however no achievements are given and i can't move forward and get the scene where she's arguing with mom.
I've got the second bathroom scene but i can't move on from there. i don't recieve the selfie after the bathroom or kiss in the bedroom
1. It helps a lot if you add some extra info like how many hearts and stars you currently have with Ashley?
2. Most importantly, what does the phone tip tell you to do next?
I find the phone tip to be he way to go everytime you get stuck. A few minor tips may be missing but the story line is all there. If you see "No more tips" usually you need to check again at another time of day. It should only read no tips after you complete a girl 100%.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 14, 2017
Normally it's time for my latest playthrough review. This time it's gonna be much the same as last time. I'll try to maby add a little moore indeeph as for why i really dislike 1 part of the game. You can guess what.. hehe ;)

I can still take a picture of veronica in her room not wearing panties before the event where i ask her to take them off.
If you miss the picture of Veronica vacum the living room wearing her panties and you pass the event where you ask her to never wear them again you will loose this picture. No way back at that point.
I can still work all night at the gym if i have 2 jobs in red and 2 jobs in white. Doing a white (That does not go beyond closing hours) it sometimes reverts all 4 jobs to white again. That means you can work all through the night.

Then i guess my mandatory sex shop nag. What really bugs me with this is how it doesen't fit the story at all. Clair and Amy have zero ingame relationship yet block eachother out completely from game progress. Massage oil and Veronicas panties + location of the shop. I didn't take the time to play through clairs route seriosly this time but rather phone cheated my way to uppgrade her stats. At one point following Veronicas path Amy stops at 5 hearts and you can take veronica home in Taxi after neon club. Looking at the phone tips for Veronica now reads.. Maby i should have a drink with Amy. (That does nothing.. it's gated behinde the massage oil) You can see in the achievement that taking a backseat is still undone even tho Veronica already gave you a handjob in the taxi. It's totally confusing. Only reason i have a single clue why i'm stuck at this point is because i already know about the Clair route and the massage oil. Amys phone tip is (keep working on Clair) .. See.. makes no sense from any story perspective.

This hinders me from playing the game as i would like in a big way. Basically i'm forced by the game to follow the bread crums. It's not my choice. I can accept the routes have crossovers when it makes sense. Getting a chore from Clair and then making Veronica do it is perfectly ok. It's logical and also a choice. I can do them myself if i choose..
Ashley sleepovers and Clair peeping also messes with you but it's easy to overcome. Do 1 then the other or just mix and do them on diffrent days. Having 40 hearts and 50 arousal on clair to get a blinfold for Veronica is not ok. It's a pain in the old buttox.. In revert needing the Panties from Veronica for the massage oil same thing. (nag nag)

I promiss i won't nag on the subject again, but i wanted to make it clear how much this part is currently making an otherwice suberb game feel less fun for me to play. And ofc i still miss the shortcut keys. Especially the time forward option so i didn't have to do the mouse hover over icon all the time ;) Latest content with Veronica was ok. I missed a little more action with me as the MC. Debbie stole my girl, haha But ok ok, i got to watsh. I hope i get to join them in a later uppdate :)

Cheers mate :cool:
Thanks for the feedback @JohnPonn!
Just so you know, I still have all your previous points on my feedback list, but didn't manage to work through the list last update, due to time constraints.

For the next update, I hope to go through at least half of my list (at around a 100 bugs/suggestions now),so I'll probably be able to fix some of yours as well!


Jan 2, 2018
Hello all together.
First of all, ist truly a great game.
I have a big problem.
I don't know if this is the incidence: After I leveled up Ashley to level 80, it seems all stats are frozen and it seems I cannot encrease the stats of some ladies neither.
I used the phone cheats only for Money time and own stats.
I tried to decrease or encrease personal stats but there is still no Change
Because I still new here I have not the permission to add the save file here.
Has anybody a tipp for me?
b.t.w. excuse my bad English but this is not my mothertongue


New Member
Aug 14, 2017
Hey guys, have not played for a few release and picked the game up again. need some help to progress with Mom...
I have her at 45 love, 50 arousal and event 7, but cannot move forward. Hint say wondering if she has sent dr mathew's any more emails.... cannot check for new email...
Any suggestions? Thanks


Hello all together.
First of all, ist truly a great game.
I have a big problem.
I don't know if this is the incidence: After I leveled up Ashley to level 80, it seems all stats are frozen and it seems I cannot encrease the stats of some ladies neither.
I used the phone cheats only for Money time and own stats.
I tried to decrease or encrease personal stats but there is still no Change
Because I still new here I have not the permission to add the save file here.
Has anybody a tipp for me?
b.t.w. excuse my bad English but this is not my mothertongue
How many stars doe's Ashley have? What does the hint on youur phone say?
Progression event 8 -
Always 19:00 19:59 Living room no Watch a horror movie with her, sleep naked and let her stay
From 80-90 hearts
Always 19:00 19:59 Living room yes Watch a horror movie with her, sleep naked and let her stay.
Always 22:00 22:59 Ashley's bedroom yes Tell her goodnight.
Weekday 08:00 08:59 Stairway yes Compliment her.
Always 19:00 19:59 Living room no Watch a horror movie with her, sleep naked and let her stay.
Progression event 10 - Note: Sophia needs to be at at least hearts.
Weekdays 15:00 23:00 Your bedroom no Leave your room and walk out into the hallway , whenenver Asley is home.
Progression event 11 -
Sunday 11:00 16:59 Ashley's bedroom no Meet Ashley and Sophia in the bedroom, for a "teaching" session.

If you are still havinng problems you could try this
Everything for help the Players that have some bugs:

Everything that solved some bugs in this version: First – be sure that download the hotfix version ---------------------------- Faerin solutions: Here are some possible solutions:

  • Move the game to another location (preferably with write permission).
  • Running as administrator (to force those permissions).
  • Make sure your anti-virus software is not blocking it.
- - Changing the graphics quality, solved for some players, fantastic, good, beautiful and more - And reloading the game, sometimes solves it - Changing the Save

Carlo S

Forum Fanatic
Respected User
May 20, 2017
Good Morning Brothers :):):) -----------------------
Out of curiosity, in the walkthrough is a hospital location on the map. How do you unlock that? Getting beaten up by robber didn't help so i am a bit at a loss there.
Brother, the map shows some places, locked too, will open in the next versions ;);):)
how do i get images?
Here, Brother: -
CGs @Benjy here: - -----------

Carlo S

Forum Fanatic
Respected User
May 20, 2017
I can get the bathroom scene, however no achievements are given and i can't move forward and get the scene where she's arguing with mom.

I've got the second bathroom scene but i can't move on from there. i don't recieve the selfie after the bathroom or kiss in the bedroom
MC bought the lingerie for her? If he bought it, go to the living room at 21.00 and receive selfie ;);):)

Carlo S

Forum Fanatic
Respected User
May 20, 2017
@Faerin: Thanks a lot for always share the pics with Us ------------ Give a look how Veronica's comes in the next version. Wooooooow! I love Her :heartcoveredeyes::heartcoveredeyes::heartcoveredeyes::heartcoveredeyes::heartcoveredeyes::heartcoveredeyes::heartcoveredeyes: 86521_veronica.jpg
4.20 star(s) 254 Votes