I know I've played this before, but I don't remember it well at all. So, with the new updates. I figure I'll play again.
And I do intend to play it again. But, near the beginning, there's a scene I don't like.
This isn't a "throw a fit" comment, but just me giving some input.
I don't like that you have no way to reject your step-mom. We're talking beginning of day one, so no need for spoilers. But when she comes to you, your option is "let her do what she wants."
I know, I know. Porn game.
But... choices, too.
I'd like a choice to say no. Maybe I'm scared. Maybe it's my first time and I don't want it like that. Maybe it feels wrong because I see her as mom. Maybe it's guilt and not wanting to betray dad. Maybe it's that I don't find her her attractive.
Any of these, or several, could be choices to say/do. They could effect scenes, any point system in play, etc. Make her mad, make her feel guilty, make her brush it off as a joke, whatever.
But I prefer if I have a choice who I fuck around with, and who I say no to. Even if there is no branching choice with consequences later, I like to be able to say no.
I get there is some story reason for why she feels she has to do this, and she isn't just being a predator. But I'd really have liked the choice.
Fuck, if you say no here, you could just do a longer, better and more meaningful scene, later, when reasons become apparent. I'm not against sleeping with her.
further, minor issue:
it can be very unclear who is saying what, when a name is not displayed. Especially if it is multiple people with no displayed names. The speech text color doesn't even change. Yeah, you can work it out, but that seems, if anything, to be both the most needed, and the easiest, fix to the game.