
Aug 30, 2020
WOW! helps, thanks; ok, next part: apparently, in some cases (like yours w the 90 charm! the dice or "odds" go over 100? how does that work, & does it affect the dice we should use?

thanks again. (lessons in dice! lol)


Dec 27, 2018
The new Event Engine (when you invite mercenaries/locals to parties and dinners) shows just how valuable certain combat characters are. Losing them to a group of punks might be a too-brutal end to someone who could offer you so many quests and stories like, say Ansel in Redhaven or Bud at Walton's Smithery. I have plans for making "incapacitated" mercenaries gain a counter, say maybe 30 days, that they need to deplete before returning as hireable entities on the map.
Is this comming soon?
Both Bud and Ansel are dead in my 500d playtrough, and dont feel like starting over again.


Dec 27, 2018
About events not listed on the wiki, what have you found?

Ive made very few of them, but found one where watching TV Juno improved 1 pt of Nicoles beauty
Also a dinner with Pipper (or Rebecca) discovered she looses happines everytime I leave the city

Wiki really needs some work for sure.


New Member
Dec 6, 2022
WOW! helps, thanks; ok, next part: apparently, in some cases (like yours w the 90 charm! the dice or "odds" go over 100? how does that work, & does it affect the dice we should use?

thanks again. (lessons in dice! lol)
Its lessons in the probability distribution curves resulting from dice rolls. ;)

Whats happening is that dev has set threshold values for all events, i.e. a win condition, that is not based only on your skill level but other factors too.

Example. Win condition for event say strip naked in inventory menu is charm roll + affection value + hygine + weapon equiped + dick size = 250. So if you roll a 10 in charm and other values don't add up, no win. this is a random example. i havent' looked at the code.

Your level matters and the state of other variables matter more; even with very high charm you can fail a charm request. Dice roll is not a major concern here, in my experience.

Dice rolls are very apparent in hunting, fishing and gambling.

Keep it 1d100 for most part till skills you use cross 65, then switch to 2d50 for consistency. I use this with gambling. After gambling reaches 100 i win everytime ($500 per night). Same with hunting. $1500+ per hunt.
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
I tried that route before----1 was a "charming medic" another a professor. ***HI WILLPOWER*** girls killed me (MAX charm mean less in other areas, incl Manip. ) +, I kept loosing willpower (UGH, happened several times) in teacher, etc, ie, Manipulative "Fail" cost me points elsewhere! Current run is a Criminal MAX Manip@start (asked in another post, but got no replies; Best "luck" so far, is the 2 variations of "criminal" (ie, PURE/embrace, & Rebel) all routes too many problems can't overcome.] For example, you can BUY more charm, but can't buy more Manip. pts; Also extremely hard to get back lost willpower (everything they talk about is very "Random", meaning you might try it many times, *IF* you're lucky only get 1 WP point! WP + Intel I think factor into training girls, & getting 2pts/day vs 4, is *HUGE* [can only teach 2x/day] can take months just to train 1 girl, in 1-2 skill! [much better if you can get 2pts/session]

PS alt route: when I did the hi charm (like you suggest) even *AFTER* books, etc Manip was still so low failed most of time. (not sure what odds are, but if you factor in those "other factors" ;-) you mention, maybe 60 manip. fails ~50% of time? Book (assume bad luck!) don't always give the same amount, & same w classes. Actually, isn't that CLASS singular? only "Miss Devious" class? if mem serves, nothing @ Acad give Manip pts.
again, cases here where too much spread/randomization is a BAD thing.
The "worst case" girls (Hi WP) charm usally FAILS on anyway, & they get more pissed off! Same thing w FEMINISTS. Manip. is only other way to affect them.

From many tries, my "pro-tip" , is Criminal, & MAX Intel, Manip. & WP @ start
(my 1st version was actually pretty good, but you can only have 6 slaves, & had to sell some b4 was able to get their Quests. If you plan to do most of the Quests, one must be very careful which slaves & in what order you buy them! lol
Heh, criminal is a fun choice, a few versions back I played a 'Fagin' (from "Oliver Twist") character for a while, (Criminal, Embraced, Labor Camp, Attractive, Brainy, Thief, True Love, Teen Destroyer, Middle Aged) and made a living off all the Daddy's Girls. Low manip caused occasional problems but I was able to work around it.

What is it that's giving you problems? I wonder if you're missing an element here. Do you make sure all your girls get at least the minimum Respect for you by taking them out with you on a rotation when you clear Stokke Hills regularly? I keep my girls (now) at about 80 WP so Rebecca's natural bitchiness ('Malevolent') doesn't bring them down and I'm able to get what I want from them (eventually...) by charming them to Undying and not trying anything until I'm sure I'm likely to succeed.

I didn't know you could buy Charm, he mighta added that since I immersed myself in the mechanics, or I just missed it. It used to be you could get a massage for ~10% at a willpower point, but my current run I've been there 40+ times and haven't garnered a single point so that might have gotten capped. I did that on a regular basis before and got WP up to 133 that way, but that may have changed. I do pay attention when at Furry's these days and don't lose any to drug use anymore though.

Feminists get ass-fucked in bondage on a regular basis, that may not be the easiest way of dealing with them, but it's the most satisfying. I ask my girls, I don't force them, so they never get all that pissed off at me. I'm patient and in doing so I've found I've been able to charm (with max charm strategies generally) them well enough I can get whatever I want from them. I realize it's going to take months to get a girl where I want her, and that means 100 dancing, 100 acrobatics, 100 stamina, 100+ on every sex skill and at least 60s in strength and ranged combat. Dex naturally gets high due to all the acrobatics. Some girls need Domestic, one at 60+ and another at 80+ and of course someone has to qualify as a Quartermistress and that's usually the most involved training.


The Budman
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2021
Version has been released!

This much-awaited minor update eventually became as content-rich as 0.8.1.

Main features
- New follower system. Assign anyone to your combat group, in any combination.
- New scavenger system. Explore the rich areas of Ikaanos (and beyond) with the new Investigate Area button.
- Crafting system. You're now able to craft all weapons, armor and medical equipment in MoR.
- New camping system. Enables crafting, more pleasant sleep, armor repair and Health recovery while out on the field.
- Amelia's character quest.
- New tutorial quest (tied to Ansel) with raider and crafting missions.
- A "loot all" button!
- Revamped NPCs (more will be added in ans all original mercs are back by version
- Over 75 new renders.

Full .



Aug 30, 2020
Heh, criminal is a fun choice, a few versions back I played a 'Fagin' (from "Oliver Twist") character for a while, (Criminal, Embraced, Labor Camp, Attractive, Brainy, Thief, True Love, Teen Destroyer, Middle Aged) and made a living off all the Daddy's Girls. Low manip caused occasional problems but I was able to work around it.

What is it that's giving you problems? I wonder if you're missing an element here. Do you make sure all your girls get at least the minimum Respect for you by taking them out with you on a rotation when you clear Stokke Hills regularly? I keep my girls (now) at about 80 WP so Rebecca's natural bitchiness ('Malevolent') doesn't bring them down and I'm able to get what I want from them (eventually...) by charming them to Undying and not trying anything until I'm sure I'm likely to succeed.

I didn't know you could buy Charm, he mighta added that since I immersed myself in the mechanics, or I just missed it. It used to be you could get a massage for ~10% at a willpower point, but my current run I've been there 40+ times and haven't garnered a single point so that might have gotten capped. I did that on a regular basis before and got WP up to 133 that way, but that may have changed. I do pay attention when at Furry's these days and don't lose any to drug use anymore though.

Feminists get ass-fucked in bondage on a regular basis, that may not be the easiest way of dealing with them, but it's the most satisfying. I ask my girls, I don't force them, so they never get all that pissed off at me. I'm patient and in doing so I've found I've been able to charm (with max charm strategies generally) them well enough I can get whatever I want from them. I realize it's going to take months to get a girl where I want her, and that means 100 dancing, 100 acrobatics, 100 stamina, 100+ on every sex skill and at least 60s in strength and ranged combat. Dex naturally gets high due to all the acrobatics. Some girls need Domestic, one at 60+ and another at 80+ and of course someone has to qualify as a Quartermistress and that's usually the most involved training.
Most recent run is Crim--Emb, b4 [last big successful 1] it was crim---Reb; I too have had the best luck w "Brainy" [extra intel helps w books & training]

Ever try the Medic? I'd need to check my notes, but 1 of my failed attempts, was a "Charming Medic" [did u guess? Hi charm+Medic ;-) ] Many problems, charm most (mostly) good, but no *HOSPITAL* & can't teach medicine [HINT HINT DEV!] was able to teach sci after a while, but kids kept kicking my butt (low MAnip scor.) in class! Also, CHARM usually fails, (even hi charm) on the Hi WP girls (there's several) so you *REALLY* really need hi Manip, or things go from bad to worse!



Aug 30, 2020
ok, 1st Q: what's the Min Respect? 20? 30?
1 of the problems I had (Charming-Medic, case in point) is if you push CHARM 2 the max, you suck @ fighting! Loosing health + stats (+ girls loose health + stats too!) isn't worth it in the attempts I've done. "Threaten" seems to work better (ie, Manip) than "charm", but if all else fails, you need good stats + good weapons/armor, & good mercs! (hard to get in 1st 200 days if you focus was on peaceful stuff like charm lol!)
The best fighers (Aria, Reb) R also the most hi WP & difficult to control! [need hi manip!] I've tried Respect @ 20, but by the time you get Aria, most of the "easy" fights are already done, & one Aria gets pissed (or depressed, etc) she refuses to train w you; (again, charm won't help)
What Reb brings down is happiness, maybe affection too, I'd need to check.

1 of my runs had a "pure" (+) Feminist. NIGHTMARE, let me tell you! IMPOSSIBLE to make happy, or corrupt. Anything that failed would just PISS HER OFF big time! (so again, part of it is luck) Esp if the Fem has a quest that you want to be able to do.

"ass-fucked" (no, not trying to be dirty here) more info please.
For example [this is a FEMINIST, right?] did you only do this when Def was high, & it was "Proclaim Punishment?" Did you get her to love you 1st, or was her affection Neutral? (or worse) Even w Non-Fem, I've only had decent luck (Bond/BDSm) when they were loving +; *EVEN* with high stats in Bond/whips! [see example he gave where he had 90 charm & STILL FAILED! it can happen!]


Aug 30, 2020
Only way I've been able to make it work (obviously, some runs this wasn't possible, post start you can't incr Manip very much at all. (books give some, but not *NEAR* enough, & I'd say ~50 or less you fail MOST of the time)) is "break them" [ie, WP <0, & them build them back up; Req *BOTH* Hi Charm & *AND*, hi manip, but again, think Feminist, etc, they'll refuse (WP) even if you ask nice. Reb & Aria good examples, but Feminists in general are a pain in the butt! (& elsewhere too! lol)

Again, this means runs where can't get Manip 70+ by day ~150, usually fail.

Related Q: Did you use FEAR at all? (Feminist, etc) Hi wp likely to try to escape, even only 1-2 fails! Dev (hint hint need this dev!) doesn't give option to "lock in room" so... FEAR's 1 of the best things I found lower escape attempts. (makes her hate you, but FEMINIST hate you anyway!)


Dec 27, 2018
To the guy above: the more I try, the less I understand what you wrote.

To myself: downloading discord link exceeded my quota on Mega, so Im gonna download the fixed version tomorrow.
Hope bugfix allow slaves as followers without quitting their previous job.


Dec 27, 2018
Any advice to earn more money?
Kill bandits (you should get a notice in the morning if they spawned)
Store weapons (loot) and sell it in batches overseas (better prices, travel alone)
Improve science/academics by buying/reading books and then teach courses
Educate slaves to get academy/performance jobs
Pimp your slaves
Invest your money for long term profits

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Only way I've been able to make it work (obviously, some runs this wasn't possible, post start you can't incr Manip very much at all. (books give some, but not *NEAR* enough, & I'd say ~50 or less you fail MOST of the time)) is "break them" [ie, WP <0, & them build them back up; Req *BOTH* Hi Charm & *AND*, hi manip, but again, think Feminist, etc, they'll refuse (WP) even if you ask nice. Reb & Aria good examples, but Feminists in general are a pain in the butt! (& elsewhere too! lol)

Again, this means runs where can't get Manip 70+ by day ~150, usually fail.

Related Q: Did you use FEAR at all? (Feminist, etc) Hi wp likely to try to escape, even only 1-2 fails! Dev (hint hint need this dev!) doesn't give option to "lock in room" so... FEAR's 1 of the best things I found lower escape attempts. (makes her hate you, but FEMINIST hate you anyway!)
I agree Brainy is one of the very best selections. I don't do Doctors, he needs to do some balancing to make that a more attractive choice, it sucks now.

You're going to fail sometimes even with high charm, just keep at it and move on to the next girl. It can take a few days, maybe a week for some characters/girls, but you've got time.

You need Charm more than fighting ability at first, you can train that easily and with Rebecca first thing to get you a decent fighting unit. Hire Loren first day and charm Rebecca as fast as you can to open up her quest where you can find the Space Marine in Hannah Bay. Do your time in Divine Juices in Watery Eyes to open up the Black Guardsman. Make Combat Armor your first priority, there's enough money available the first two days to get yourself and two girls Combat Armor and equip Loren too. I've done the 'opening' quite literally more than 100 times for the gaming fun of figuring out the best strategies. It's not that tough to learn and once you do you can start with the base 30 ranged combat and buy Rebecca and get yourself some Combat Armor. The Bounties available at Town Hall are a good place to start, as are the easier ones at Furry's. The 'Holiday Dresses' quest gives access to free guns, and there's easy ones to get a chance to take in Watery Eyes with a lone Rifleman and numerous other places on the initial board. The Gun Stocks quest gives you some good rewards, especially Michelle, and remember to put her in first position and go back to Old Cooney's as you'll get an easy ~1200 plus maybe a gun to sell.

Early Combat Armor is the difference-maker though, use Rifles with them (the pistol is worthless) and hire the best mercs you can. Right now that system is being upgraded so there's less available, but the ones I mentioned above are there or will be soon. Do ranged combat training every day with Rebecca and soon enough you'll be good enough for Coil-guns and will have taken some already as you clear the higher level initial targets. Take out the Northern Swampmen early on for some easy respect-building and target practice with all your girls; I think the first cap for Respect is 20. Two suits of Combat Armor swapped around is an economical way of doing it. Get each girl a Rifle too, don't buy any weapons as you should be getting them as plunder on a regular basis.

It's a strategy game too, and sometimes you're going to fail or have to work around a weakness. That's part of the fun, and so is learning to do it.

I've not used fear or threats at all, that's not my fantasy. I want happy little sluts who're euphorically becoming more perfect fucktoys. I can manage that easiest with high charm characters so that's what I play.

Feminists are high-maintenance, but just keep at them and you'll get them eventually.
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Active Member
Jul 4, 2018
Been out for a while and, I'm sorry to say, I'm a bit disappointed with the wife update :confused:. You can't have a bondage session with her, even if she's into it; the seduction/foreplay mechanics is gone; talk options are extremely limited; she can't be invited to parties; and, at least before, you can't bring her to the Red Dragon (come on GD-studios, not even an anniversary or something?!).

I won't argue against the realism of things getting dull after you tie up the notch, but methinks that, in game, turning a slave into a spouse should be a promotion, not a demotion :unsure:.


Dec 1, 2022
Any advice to earn more money?
Hunting. My strategy revolves around starting with hunting, hoard food while waiting for famine so food price go up to 10 dollars or so. Then sell all hoarded food. To make money while waiting for famine, cure leathers and sell to armorer, it gives good income. To maximise this strategy I do not get mercs until I earned 20-40 in the big famine sell off. I also buy tent so I can camp at hunting spot to not waste time walking there. When hunting is depleting, I fish and train science, academics, domination and medicine. And maybe train one slave.

Oviously you can use just part of this strategy. It gives a faster start if you pick survival skill when making character but not essential since survival improve naturally from hunting and fishing.

If you never get any famine and have hoarded 2k+ food, you could settle for the food price increase from bandits moving into Marsten Avenue. then 6 dollars should be price to aim for.
And you have to transform your raw meat into food rations, otherwise it probably rots away, so I try to avoid having raw meat more than 3-4 days or so, then I go home and make food rations. Not sure if meat actually do rot, I just want to avoid the risk, and if it is unnecessary I write it down to role play. Testing is for people with agency :p
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The Budman
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2021
Been out for a while and, I'm sorry to say, I'm a bit disappointed with the wife update :confused:. You can't have a bondage session with her, even if she's into it; the seduction/foreplay mechanics is gone; talk options are extremely limited; she can't be invited to parties; and, at least before, you can't bring her to the Red Dragon (come on GD-studios, not even an anniversary or something?!).

I won't argue against the realism of things getting dull after you tie up the notch, but methinks that, in game, turning a slave into a spouse should be a promotion, not a demotion :unsure:.
All that is coming. As you might've noticed, bondage is there, but "WIP", and you should be able to invite her to all three resturants by interacting with her. (?) This even executes unique personal anecdotes that are "wife-only".
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