Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
at what #? (many things take 60+ to reduce bad traits!) I've always found: 1) get her *AFFECTION* back up, & 2) her WP (Neg <0 WP has lots of problems, like you mention)

Maybe I've always encountered enough Feminists (only takes 1-2/8!) that it's a *HUGE* fight to get & keep corruption high
I don't know at exactly which level I lost the ability to trigger Nicole's media establishment. I'd guess around 40, maybe 50. When the only thing they start hoping and dreaming for is your cock you know you've gone too far. Mind you I'm pretty sure you can get the content, then corrupt them to the max without losing anything, so that's the way I'm going to try it next.

Feminists are a pain, but keep fucking their brains out (both down in the dungeon and your bedroom) and corruption will keep rising.


Aug 30, 2020
At first I couldn't succeed with charming Rebecca at all, 0% chance of success, but with time and respect-building I was able to eventually get into her pants and then she was mine in short order. First time I got her to take a bath with me she wouldn't even let me touch her. I waited until I could start caressing her (using passionate approach) and did not piss her off or try anything too forward to start with.

Never. Give her time.

As I've said before, be nice to Rebecca, ignore her defiance and eventually she's your little bitch.
You must be a *LOT* luckier than I am!
Time's a luxury you don't have w Defiant or Hi WP girl! [Reb's Def # was over *10* 1st day! she stole a lot of food!]
She'll likely escape if I don't use FEAR or punish her; [took <5 failed "rolls"----Not 1 success!] (current: Charm-46/Manip-46)
I know you mentioned getting CHARM to 70, But since no books & you started @ 25, I assume you got Reb while MUCH much lower. [again, need specific #s; ] Takes a very long time to get Respect >30, but again, you didn't mention specifics. ("leave here alone" till when?
Should also be noted that affection/happiness factors into training, so more like FAIL there too, if charm fails.

[tried a run like yours----"Soldier"----but w LOW charm & LOW Manip scores. [takes quite a while to upgrade house, even w the $!]
"ignore defiance" is usually a bad policy---even IRL! Only 5% escape risk----but that's the same odds as lowering many Traits (which you hear people do all the time)


Aug 30, 2020
I don't know at exactly which level I lost the ability to trigger Nicole's media establishment. I'd guess around 40, maybe 50. When the only thing they start hoping and dreaming for is your cock you know you've gone too far. Mind you I'm pretty sure you can get the content, then corrupt them to the max without losing anything, so that's the way I'm going to try it next.

Feminists are a pain, but keep fucking their brains out (both down in the dungeon and your bedroom) and corruption will keep rising.
make sure it's not a WP issue; How they respond to "Ask" Qs changes a *LOT* when WP's too low (1< ?)
In fact the response is exactly what you talked about (even @ low Corrupt #s!)
I would say safe side, WP=>10


Aug 30, 2020
Takes over 60+ to destroy FEMINIST, but if her WP's hi, even 40-50 corrupt won't matter ("Ask" Questions response)

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
You must be a *LOT* luckier than I am!
Time's a luxury you don't have w Defiant or Hi WP girl! [Reb's Def # was over *10* 1st day! she stole a lot of food!]
She'll likely escape if I don't use FEAR or punish her; [took <5 failed "rolls"----Not 1 success!] (current: Charm-46/Manip-46)
I know you mentioned getting CHARM to 70, But since no books & you started @ 25, I assume you got Reb while MUCH much lower. [again, need specific #s; ] Takes a very long time to get Respect >30, but again, you didn't mention specifics. ("leave here alone" till when?
Should also be noted that affection/happiness factors into training, so more like FAIL there too, if charm fails.

[tried a run like yours----"Soldier"----but w LOW charm & LOW Manip scores. [takes quite a while to upgrade house, even w the $!]
"ignore defiance" is usually a bad policy---even IRL! Only 5% escape risk----but that's the same odds as lowering many Traits (which you hear people do all the time)
I didn't have Rebecca go to 10 defiance the first day, though I've had her ( in different runs) get six points in one shot a couple times, but she never escaped or tried to. You may well have been unlucky in that. Once I found out that I had zero chance with her at the beginning I left her alone and worked on Juno who was more receptive. What I mean by 'left alone' was not even clicking on her, not giving her the chance to get those random Defiance points and uppity attitude. However she was a fixture in my combat team so she not only got to 20 Respect as soon as possible, she started exceeding it fairly quickly. Olivia was the other mainstay but I swapped her around with the other two to get their Respect to 20 at least. Do you use the Swamp Tribesman to get easy and quick respect and Ranged Combat from crits? That's what they're for in my view.

I didn't try with Rebecca (she was the last girl I bedded) until I'd cuddled ('Caress' during seduction) my way to 70 Charm. After that, along with her Respect being about 40, her panties dropped easily and she was mine to enjoy, my little bitch as always.

It takes what, 20 days or so to completely upgrade the house? I had all but the last two Tech Room upgrades done by then at least, those I put off for a little while, but everything else (outside the last kitchen upgrade which I forgot about for a while though I had the money) I did in consecutive days, starting with the bedroom and then the bathroom because Stamina is so limited in the very beginning. That's what I do every game and I don't think of the first twenty days as being a 'long time' in a game like this. Note that really helps you get to the Arena faster getting those daily influence points from having upgraded your house.

Try what I did, I found it quite engaging. Just do the start over and over, that is until you clear the board (of those that you plan to kill, I let some live) of all but the Highwaymen of Darkmere and the Black Guardsmen and Gunner guarding the mind manipulator formula. I found the 'best' opening generally changed with every update as new things and encounters were added. At first you might well want to keep another copy of MoR running so you can 'scout' the targets you don't know for sure so you don't waste time clicking on targets you can't take at that juncture. Learn the board and find the free guns (Holiday Dresses quest etc) and the easy money like Old Cooney. You can even sell Michelle now for beaucoup bucks, ($8k?) but I'd never do that, she's one of my favorites.

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
make sure it's not a WP issue; How they respond to "Ask" Qs changes a *LOT* when WP's too low (1< ?)
In fact the response is exactly what you talked about (even @ low Corrupt #s!)
I would say safe side, WP=>10
Yes, I no longer try to drop their willpower, in fact I try to keep it from getting too low by choosing 'Compliment Intelligence' regularly after I've gotten their Happiness and Affection high. That not only gives you WP, it also raises their 'Kindness.'


Apr 19, 2019
No, they're all on contraception.
True, but not the whole truth either. After months of empirical research - took all of them off lube and kept on fucking them - I have come to the conclusion that contraception's not all that is involved there. At once when married and taken off lube they can - and will - become pregnant when their wombs are properly filled with cum. (The things we do for science. :censored: )

Marital life being such a bad experience it is no wonder that the number of inhabitants is dropping.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2017
Pantry girl with domestic above 80 does not appear to do anything.
It says it should reduce ration use by 1 for each slave to a minimum of 1.
However, giving the title and sleeping does not change the daily report.
It doesnt *seem* to reduce the ration use by either slaves, master, or mercs


Apr 19, 2019
Is range better than melee ?
Range is BIGGER than melee. :giggle:

I seriously suspect that GD-Studios have balanced ranged and melee attacks deliberately quite closely while leaving much choices to the player to find and buy different weapons and armors. Folks are able to train their game characters and their teams in very different ways. What matters first isn't necessarily true anymore when a player advances and develops more and more skills and chooses other types of adversaries than in the beginning. The game changes as well. Much has happened already and many things will change when the new battle engine arrives.

Opinions about the superiority of ranged weapons compared with melee weapons have been quite numerous within the site here. I admire greatly writers who bother to bring up facts and studies about weapons, armors and their reasonable usage in battle situations. And still I have difficult time to believe that they matter very much on a foreign post-apocalyptic planet and possibly quite different kind of armed fighters who seem to believe in other things than we do and behave a little bit peculiarly compared with the way soldiers and other fighting folks do their thing currently on Earth.

Tastes differ. People have different game styles and divergent opinions. For me it is totally OK to leave balancing to the developer.

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Is range better than melee ?
It's better at doing damage, especially quickly, but it's more expensive. Firing five coilguns, or far worse, Plasma guns, is damned expensive after a while. I think the best tactic is a mixture; fire the big guns and take out anyone with a rifle or better, then close and finish them off with swords--and eventually powered katanas. That way you won't take much damage requiring tendstims, which are also kinda expensive (one tendstim is 1.5-2 shots with a coilgun) but you'll save money on ammo.
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Active Member
Oct 16, 2021
It's better at doing damage, especially quickly, but it's more expensive. Firing five coilguns, or far worse, Plasma guns, is damned expensive after a while. I think the best tactic is a mixture; fire the big guns and take out anyone with a rifle or better, then close and finish them off with swords--and eventually powered katanas. That way you won't take much damage requiring tendstims, which are also kinda expensive (one tendstim is 1.5-2 shots with a coilgun) but you'll save money on ammo.
I'll have to try that out, I've been exclusively range. Have you messed around with medicine? Does it seem worth the effort? How do followers with high medic scores translate into game play? I haven't really messed around with the game in a while.

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
I'll have to try that out, I've been exclusively range. Have you messed around with medicine? Does it seem worth the effort? How do followers with high medic scores translate into game play? I haven't really messed around with the game in a while.
I did play a character with a decent medicine score with the new changes and with my Quartermaster healing me too I eventually stopped needing much in the way of tendstims except when I got worked over pretty good in combat. I always 'Push it' when training, and outside of when I'm reading my books I'm always training, and it was convenient not to have to worry about healing myself. Convenient, but not critical.
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Active Member
Apr 9, 2020
I'll have to try that out, I've been exclusively range. Have you messed around with medicine? Does it seem worth the effort? How do followers with high medic scores translate into game play? I haven't really messed around with the game in a while.
Having high medical on you MC helps heal you and your NPCs much faster when resting. I also use a mix of range and melee. I'm hoping that Grim, when he adds the ability to capture enemies, includes having to use blunt weapons for that option. This will add more reason to have high melee characters in your party. Not sure what high medicine followers add to healing party, though on a quartermaster it gives addition health recovery to MC when resting.


Aug 30, 2020
It's better at doing damage, especially quickly, but it's more expensive. Firing five coilguns, or far worse, Plasma guns, is damned expensive after a while. I think the best tactic is a mixture; fire the big guns and take out anyone with a rifle or better, then close and finish them off with swords--and eventually powered katanas. That way you won't take much damage requiring tendstims, which are also kinda expensive (one tendstim is 1.5-2 shots with a coilgun) but you'll save money on ammo.
Really depends on the weapons. (& sadly, *WAY* too much randomness!) As you say, Coil or Energy's very expensive. (should be!) In other runs (prev to 812) did best with Crafting Coil ammo (you can't craft Energy, & @ $500+, it's not really a $ practical weapon!)
if you have the stats (apart from luck/randomness, STATS R next best thing) Kat's are best (melee) I've seen them match Coil for dam, & on average (assuming *NOT* bad luck!) = or better Dam than MG! Make sure you use Combat Weave AR, as anything else kills Dex (more likely get hit!)
If you doing Melee, swords (13 dam) are just too dam weak again hi end weapons/enemies. Kats (26 dam) do significantly more dam.
Keep in mind, MG/Coil/etc all have recoil----ie, more likely to miss if your stats are too low.
Depends on enemies (AR) too. Swords/Kat cut through leather easy, but take more time CB AR (+);
If you have $ or can craft Coil: (assumes = stats!) COIL for heavily AR (CB+) enemies, Kat for everybody else.
Melee in general will save $ in long run (esp in newer ver where we have to pay for mercs Ammo!)
I've used Enya many times (she uses Kat) ----@ hi stats, takes out rifle enemies for a snack! (usually only MG people have CB+)

Stats (again, randomness aside!) R actually really important. Even w MG/Coil, 2 misses is enough to give an expert ("Heroic?") enemy more than they need. Very few enemies use Kats; But a # use MG or coil;

Like most things, comes down to $; Equipping a 5 person team w Coils (unless somebody drops one!) =$27,500. Does *NOT* include ammo!
Kats R not cheap compared to swordS, (knives, etc) but @ $1500/ea, you could equip a whole team for $7500! (& *YES*, no ammo needed!)

Finally, Traits: Watch out for "Brawler"; Train best for *MELEE* weapons; There's no similar trait for range weapons.


Aug 30, 2020
I did play a character with a decent medicine score with the new changes and with my Quartermaster healing me too I eventually stopped needing much in the way of tendstims except when I got worked over pretty good in combat. I always 'Push it' when training, and outside of when I'm reading my books I'm always training, and it was convenient not to have to worry about healing myself. Convenient, but not critical.
Healing Implants really can't be understated, both not only for healing, but also less DAM in combat. (save stims 4 everybody else)
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Really depends on the weapons. (& sadly, *WAY* too much randomness!) As you say, Coil or Energy's very expensive. (should be!) In other runs (prev to 812) did best with Crafting Coil ammo (you can't craft Energy, & @ $500+, it's not really a $ practical weapon!)
if you have the stats (apart from luck/randomness, STATS R next best thing) Kat's are best (melee) I've seen them match Coil for dam, & on average (assuming *NOT* bad luck!) = or better Dam than MG! Make sure you use Combat Weave AR, as anything else kills Dex (more likely get hit!)
If you doing Melee, swords (13 dam) are just too dam weak again hi end weapons/enemies. Kats (26 dam) do significantly more dam.
Keep in mind, MG/Coil/etc all have recoil----ie, more likely to miss if your stats are too low.
Depends on enemies (AR) too. Swords/Kat cut through leather easy, but take more time CB AR (+);
If you have $ or can craft Coil: (assumes = stats!) COIL for heavily AR (CB+) enemies, Kat for everybody else.
Melee in general will save $ in long run (esp in newer ver where we have to pay for mercs Ammo!)
I've used Enya many times (she uses Kat) ----@ hi stats, takes out rifle enemies for a snack! (usually only MG people have CB+)

Stats (again, randomness aside!) R actually really important. Even w MG/Coil, 2 misses is enough to give an expert ("Heroic?") enemy more than they need. Very few enemies use Kats; But a # use MG or coil;

Like most things, comes down to $; Equipping a 5 person team w Coils (unless somebody drops one!) =$27,500. Does *NOT* include ammo!
Kats R not cheap compared to swordS, (knives, etc) but @ $1500/ea, you could equip a whole team for $7500! (& *YES*, no ammo needed!)

Finally, Traits: Watch out for "Brawler"; Train best for *MELEE* weapons; There's no similar trait for range weapons.

When I had a character who could craft, I did make as much coilgun ammo as I could, but kept running out of Durasteel. Fasterners too, but those can be bought cheaply, at that juncture there was no way to reliably get Durasteel outside just breaking down merchandise. Now you might be able to scavenge it, do you know where Durasteel can be found?

I'm not sure about Combat Weave, I've had greater success with just raising my Dex to ~125 and still having the 35 point armor.

I never buy a single coilgun, I take mine off the dead at Stokke Hills and the Highwaymen of Darkmere. Every 2-3 days I get two shots at a coilgun dropping, and eventually I'm drowning in them. Or using them to get the rest of the Walton investment like I just accomplished in my Rise from the Ashes run.
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