
Aug 30, 2020
Combat PS:
812 changes "order" hard to get right girl in right spot! [Bottom-Right] Can anybody test that spot? [Raise respect, <20 ]


Aug 30, 2020
1st "Bounty" :

Well, with the $ *PLUS* influence (more of both that you get from most fights!) I can see how one could make a living this way!

Dev ReQuest: If "rescuing" somebody, option to take them home, or (if no family & "homeless" like kids @ Temple) adopt them? [in a violent place w high crime, likely many homeless & orphans]
Hey fits in good w story, & the "Mr Nice guy" part! :) :cool:

Oh, + as in other post:
-->> Option to bring back most *ALIVE* [more moral/ethical than murder, & closer 2 IRL ]

Sidenote: *PUBLIC* punishments, have (IRL--history) always been most effective; "Private" stuff often seen as "vigilante" ---& rarely deters crime.

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Books---Not even the BDSM (Ropes/Flag) ones? Isn't it nearly impossible to raise corruption w/o them?
No, you can get two points per day by 'kissing dominantly' during both vaginal and anal sex up to 20 and just fucking them good gives you a couple points as well. I did 2 hour foreplay (to raise Charm by Caressing) so I could only fit in two sex sessions per day, but that was enough...with time...

I usually try to do at least some books early, but putting them off (as you've shown) has an advantage too. [can use those T points 4 Books/Train--but not BOTH]
Speaking of books, did you Train (Educate) your slaves? [I assume not;] Skill lvl, Intel, # books owned, all factor into success there. [vital 4 dancing/academy/good sale $, etc. Basically, anything except fighting & the most basic jobs.
I didn't attempt to educate anyone yet, I've not even looked to see if I could because I'm guessing my stats are so low I probably couldn't. I'll need to do my classes and books first I think, and I've put that off a little in hopes someone might show me a way to increase INT by more than a few points first.

Rebecca wants to dance (and all my girls will have to be competent dancers in my household) so I'll probably look into it soon.

"..... I made my money off the Arena every day and all the bounties I could."----So, basically in ways that even 2 versions ago (lol) would've been much more difficult or impossible. (see other post---combat changes)
(Arena Req 1500 Infl, & "Ashes" starts @ 100, so even that would take a while)
PS If you kill/murder somebody, they're DEAD whether it's in front of their wife or not. [Is there no option to bring Bounties back *ALIVE?* In old West (USA----IRL!) the *BEST* US Marshals brought back over 1,000+ wanted criminals, [some over 2k+!] & *MOST*----over 90%----were brought back ALIVE. (some w a "posse", some alone; but most eventually gave up---very few people IRL *REALLY* want 2 die!)
IF/W Bounties becoming more common, *PLEASE* (for the sake of those of us who value human life!) give us the option to bring them back ALIVE.
It doesn't take long (in my way of thinking) to get to the Arena, just commitment to keeping the board clear. Yes, the bounties helped, but I've played Grimdark before and it just took longer without the new bounties, it didn't preclude success.

I'd rather bring some of these guys back alive too; others I have no trouble doing it 'fire and forget' style. Currently there's no options other than to abandon the bounty or kill them.

Versions: (lol! again the details!) Newest is 812; Most of my recent runs (&XP) were on 810/811/811c; Still learning about 812, (code compare takes a long time!) Seen bounties talked about but didn't know how to activate them. (being sick *WAY TOO MUCH OMG! in winter doesn't help, get what some call "brain fog"-----so if i seem like a total idiot some days, well, a little grace please....)
I guess I started on .811c and am now playing .812. I get the numbers all mixed up and don't pay much attention to them anymore.

Hey do you----or anybody---have a link to the *CHANGELOG* for ver 812? [wiki is behind, can't keep up lol!]
Seeing how tight $ is most early runs, very interested in the "Bounty Hunter" business. (is there a bail bondsman? or is this supposed to be a "WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE" thing?) [or is there even an option?]

Ugh. Sounds like we're assassins now. [aka, vs "Dock Punks" or other street gang]

That's the best I could find for a changelog.

Yes, I do feel like an assassin sometimes and don't really like it, but we are playing a 'grimdark' game. I would like more options to bring them back alive, and even ally with some of these guys, but it doesn't exist yet.

"..... but if I didn't have at least a 25% chance I didn't bother with them until I did. You should fail often with a 50 Charm, and often enough with 60, I don't see why that would come as a surprise.
"----still learning, but from what I know there's built-in factors that can make odds go beyond 100; Sounds like you gave them a "cooling off" period [didn't try everyday?] if it wasn't in your favor? [hard to do, but maybe something some of us should try some. With many "fails", & so many bad factors, often it's far from ideal.
I find you don't generally get many of the bonuses in the beginning, I do try to get the ones I can. Mostly I fought along side them (to build respect) and tried to charm them when I had at least a decent shot at success. I did let them 'cool off' a little, but I also tried not to piss them off either. I know with time I'll get them anyway and am willing to be patient.

Crafting: What I've seen so far (different in 812?) is CRAFTING takes a great deal of TIME, STAMINA, & fair amt of start up $ [even if you had the stats] Really not compatible w other strats, unless/*RICH*/(&) extra Stamina; You need that time/stamina, to do fights/sex stuff/etc;
I don't disagree, but from what I've seen you post it doesn't seem like you take advantage of your ability to break down merchandise to get scrap metal and smelt it into steel etc.

" If you rely on Rebecca like I do it's good to get her Respect as high as possible. At game day 136 Rebecca's Respect is at 47."----wow! Never had her Respect so high! Maybe that's part of what helped you out?
The Rebecca's I've known had to have WP near -0- [assuming CHARM fails, which yours did most of the time right?] b4 she'd consent, *OR*, if she did, she'd get turn'd *OFF* & pissed. (some specifics would help here) When you got her to agree (& it worked!) What was her: Respect? Affection? WP?
At first I couldn't succeed with charming Rebecca at all, 0% chance of success, but with time and respect-building I was able to eventually get into her pants and then she was mine in short order. First time I got her to take a bath with me she wouldn't even let me touch her. I waited until I could start caressing her (using passionate approach) and did not piss her off or try anything too forward to start with.

-->>> (Since Reb's such a pain!) If I'm reading you right, you: 1) NEVER punished Rebecca, & 2) NEVER used FEAR on her? & 3) [I assume, since your stats were low] you never tried to talk "Dom" to her?
Never. Give her time.

As I've said before, be nice to Rebecca, ignore her defiance and eventually she's your little bitch.

Your run makes me want to try "Soldier" again! lol
Thanks for the info!
It works, even if you start as an Academic character. Anyone can start and get the board pretty much cleared in a week or so, the Black Gunner and Guardsmen guarding the mind-thingy and the Highwaymen of Darkmere usually take a little bit longer, but you'll get them eventually too.


Aug 30, 2020
responses in Italic & bold:
"I guess I started on .811c and am now playing .812. I get the numbers all mixed up and don't pay much attention to them anymore."----Easy to do, but this is actually important considering **SO MANY* changes he's done. [example, crafting]

"... changelog"----thanks. Haven't been on DC in long time, need to find my login! lol!

Yes, I do feel like an assassin sometimes and don't really like it, but we are playing a 'grimdark' game. I would like more options to bring them back alive, and even ally with some of these guys, but it doesn't exist yet. [me too]

---lol! Actually, for "Grimdark" (no offense meant dev) I don't find it that "dark" at all! lot of action/horror games are *MUCH MUCH* worse! [OMG! ] Lots of "good guy" options: CHARM; "Sadistic" can be avoided (oh & DEV, "DOMINANT" isn't necc "Sadistic") ; almost everybody you attack has a weapon; Most are criminals/wanted by the "authorities" ; There's some dark stuff, but it's *OPTIONAL*, as you've pointed out you don't have to "rape"/non-consent anybody;
SO, "good guy options" [like bringing back criminals to face public justice] is very much in-line w story & theme.

(ok recent example: "X-files" Episode sleeping problms [but did just fine w "Grimdark" --didn't seem that "dark" 2 me! lol!)

"I don't disagree, but from what I've seen you post it doesn't seem like you take advantage of your ability to break down merchandise to get scrap metal and smelt it into steel etc."---This is a good example of 1 of those "version" things. In 810, it was all the same. But in 811c [& 812] There's Art & Blacksmith Req; Plus of course, buying stuff; Net: $3500+ AND Req 30 BS skill [YES, that's just to SCRAP metal!]
W changes in newer versions', takes a long time unless you do "crafting" option @ start.

"It works, even if you start as an Academic character. "----1 of the many recent changes I've seen, [versions again] is shorter time for classes. BOTH (if memory serves?) Teaching (Acad) & Edu (home)
Has anyone done a Scientist run recently? [ie, STARTED 811c or 812] A while back it wasn't popular, & I posted about some of the problems.
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Aug 30, 2020
No some enemies (like cultist monks and master brawlers) start in the charged stance already.
Probably 1 of the newer changes. Used to be they all started back.
I've done runs w option to change start pos (Ver? T4) but, sorry, I too have trouble keeping all the versions str8!


Aug 30, 2020
GR: PS "Grimdark" (again, not meant 2 offend dev)

"You're my hero! Thank you! I'll spread the words of your kindness." [DIRECT QUOTE!]

"Grimdark" ---um, ***THAT's EASY*** That's so much of what we see/hear IRL today.
THIS???? Quite the opposite I'd say!

---->>> 1 of best things about MoR: just like IRL, can go either way; (dark/light; good/bad; ) ***CHOICES**** (there's some really otherwise good VNs out there, that have very few choices, or they just plain suck)

I've (historically) never been much of a fan of HTML games----but this is by far 1 of the best, if not *THE* BEST* I've ever seen!
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Aug 30, 2020
(Attention DEV)
line #77992 [T4 ver, 812] *WAS* correct in 811c; now typo!
"....I'll be off. I… was never part of their gang, just so you know!"
in ver 812:
"I… was never part of their gang, just so you now!"


Oct 12, 2020
I know "Feminist" does [Trait] -->> but, bigger Q is, why would you want to?
Its nice to have slut for slave or prostitute money machine, but you want to marry someone decent additional problem with corruption is that its infecting, high corruption mean high household corruption and you realy dont wish to spread it to your daughters or wife.


Apr 7, 2017
sorry to add to the bad news but when u buy the ladies armor then equip it u pay another 2600 to equip. this happened with lorena


Aug 30, 2020
sorry to add to the bad news but when u buy the ladies armor then equip it u pay another 2600 to equip. this happened with lorena
Actually, there's a difference, buying armor for *SLAVES*, & buying 4 "household" (including mercs like Loren)
Check again, you should still have the armor you bought. "Household" (ie mercs) Armor can only be upgraded from their screen.
Store bought stuff is only 4 slaves. If you bought it (store) it should be avail for your slaves to use


Apr 7, 2017
Actually, there's a difference, buying armor for *SLAVES*, & buying 4 "household" (including mercs like Loren)
Check again, you should still have the armor you bought. "Household" (ie mercs) Armor can only be upgraded from their screen.
Store bought stuff is only 4 slaves. If you bought it (store) it should be avail for your slaves to use

i get it ty for the answer (y)
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
I know "Feminist" does [Trait] -->> but, bigger Q is, why would you want to?
If you get them too corrupted you can't trigger some of their content, all they hope and dream of is tasting your cum in the morning and getting their tight little ass railed at night.

Assigning a girl to the Arena will slowly lower their corruption as well.
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Aug 30, 2020
If you get them too corrupted you can't trigger some of their content, all they hope and dream of is tasting your cum in the morning and getting their tight little ass railed at night.

Assigning a girl to the Arena will slowly lower their corruption as well.
at what #? (many things take 60+ to reduce bad traits!) I've always found: 1) get her *AFFECTION* back up, & 2) her WP (Neg <0 WP has lots of problems, like you mention)

Maybe I've always encountered enough Feminists (only takes 1-2/8!) that it's a *HUGE* fight to get & keep corruption high
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