
Oct 16, 2017
So, here's a thing:


Basically, I sold all the rations I had to sign up with a new course at the university, didn't make as much fishing as I'd hoped, thought I'd shower with Juno and sort it all out in the morning, and then this happens when I get out of the shower.

I'm guessing I got hit by all the red because I'd clocked past midnight. Certainly I didn't get a repeat the next morning. But the placement is still messed up.
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Oct 10, 2017
hey guy how do you use anal plug to raise anal proficiency
there is no place i can find to equip it
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Aug 30, 2020
So, here's a thing:

View attachment 2300175

Basically, I sold all the rations I had to sign up with a new course at the university, didn't make as much fishing as I'd hoped, thought I'd shower with Juno and sort it all out in the morning, and then this happens when I get out of the shower.

I'm guessing I got hit by all the red because I'd clocked past midnight. Certainly I didn't get a repeat the next morning. But the placement is still messed up.
It's a rare occurrence: you're out of *BOTH* food & $;
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Aug 30, 2020
MoR: 811c [from code compare]

Cudos to DEV 4 all the places he's decreased time for events! :) [lost count, but over a DOZEN!] [+ several where dec stamina lost!]
Still needs some work; TALK events for example (& flat out "back" button clicks where you didn't say anything!) are at least 3x too long (most should be 2 min instead of 6) [you're only saying 1 sentence; ]
[ some maybe *TOO MUCH*? 2h ->12 mins?!? ]
FYI I try to make my times Realist IRL (my mod) For example (I didn't change that one, but if I did:) Outside walk: [ok random would fit here] 30min to 1h; Unless you're staying really close to home, anywhere take a while (by foot). Keep in mind this is round trip! A "fast" steady walk (while walking couples might stop from time to time) is ~ 15min/mile; Plus you have to stop/wait for traffic, etc

Most movies 90min-2h; Likely 120-150min by the time you get home. [was 3h, in 8118 changed to 1h]

Devious: Regardless of time, actual time change should match dialog. [for Paid lecture Rec ~2h?]

"You spend an hour carefully collecting as many specimens ..." [not sure what time should be here (I didn't change) but, again, needs to match text]

"steel needles..." (generally longer you spend break into something, more likely get caught! Rec ~2 min)

"It takes almost three hours before your contact returns. ..." (again, time needs to match text. (depends on size of ledger, but could be long or short)

"I need you to hire some mercenaries and equip yourself with armor and a good rifle..." (for taking on 3 MG, *AND*, get CA for everybody, $1500 is less than HALF what you need! (CB alone is over $2k) [Rec MIN $45-5500 here] --->>> This is one of toughest early battles!
"Keep whatever remains as an extra bonus." ---Implies they'll be some left over. (which there *NEVER* is! Unless you cheat or are already rich!)

[Upgrading Michelle] ----Hard to imagine upgrading anything in 12 mins! 1h+ actually makes sense here. (more likely 2+) Even if all you do is paint!

"Another hour passes, filled with savage"----again, time needs 2 match text

"if $av_domestic gte 30>><<set _money+=200>><</if>>
if $av_domestic gte 50>><<set _money+=100>><</if>> --->>> Higher skills should pay *MORE*, not LESS! [example--line#112,627]
if $av_domestic gte 70>><<set _money+=500>><</if>>"
[similar w dancing: 50 is good, but *70* really *IS* better, & Qualifies for Pro job!]
Sidenote: Are we ever going 2 B able to get/find/buy more than 1 Teddy?

"Ten tendstim units at a discount price." Except they aren't. cheaper to buy the single, than the 10x pack, even *AFTER* the Quest!

-crossbows are still not profitable to craft. (materials $> sale $!)
[--->>> Combat Knives R much better, thankyou!]

--Recommend keeping Furry's (it's a bar) open past midnight. 2am?

-Ammo pack (post Walton/Roo Quest) does not include any Rifle ammo;

-Pistol costs much more than sword, but sells for same price.

-[from Dialog] line #62,405:
"...Aww… It’s wonderful. Especially when you deepthroat me!" (WRONG) SHOULD READ:
"...Aww… It’s wonderful! Especially when I deepthroat you!" [she's doing it to him, not him doing it to her]

"Bloodthirsty" Trait (per hints) should inc *BOTH* happiness *AND* masterlove (affection)
T4: "Master of War:" Healing Implant does not show up! [hey it's EXPENSIVE! supposed to get level 2, so $28k]

Ansel Quest: You're supposed to recover his ammo (but don't get any)

Belial: Deliver weapons Quest: Needs to be update to current weapon costs, otherwise, not profitable (better off selling to market!) [ok, note here, $'s don't match in all sections; $'s offered need to match actual delivered $; Text/Journal/etc] {line #'s 148,656-148,660}

Combat Knife (buy/sell) $'s in T4 ver [lower] don't match $'s in Public ver.
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Jul 11, 2020
It seems kinda odd that you want a slave mistress wife to have the lowest willpower possible, when I would think the opposite should be true.


The Budman
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2021

"if $av_domestic gte 30>><<set _money+=200>><</if>>
if $av_domestic gte 50>><<set _money+=100>><</if>> --->>> Higher skills should pay *MORE*, not LESS! [example--line#112,627]
if $av_domestic gte 70>><<set _money+=500>><</if>>"
Thanks. :) Did some modifications here and there although I couldn't find all your ATT points - others have already been fixed, while some probably are misunderstandings.

Like the above:

Those values stack. domestic gte 50 actually gives +300. As its "GTE" (Greater Than or Equal to).

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Notes from the Ashes:

(this is an update of my 'Rise from the Ashes' run)

Better than buying Charm, I re-discovered that Caressing during foreplay can get you Charm points. Thus I've spent pretty much every sex session Caressing until it greyed-out, then one click on 'Kissing' then back to Caress etc. I got my Charm up to 70 that way and I think that's the limit.

It seems WP gains from massages and nutting on the slut's face is capped at 55 now, I've had no further luck with it. Note that doesn't the cute little teenaged slut at the massage named Tori remind you of Lovisa's sister, Tori? I wonder if they're the same and 'hidden in plain view.'

I had no problem putting together a crew and clearing the board, it might have taken a bit longer as charming Rebecca to open up the Space Marine was a no-go at the start. In fact despite Rebecca having 'Daddy's Issues' I couldn't possibly succeed (a -100 modifier all told) with her at the start, but time, building respect and slut-cuddling Juno to raise Charm eventually got me into her pants and her corruption rising did the rest of it.

132 days in and my Stamina (which I prioritized at the start) is 151, Charm 70, Ranged Combat 123, Melee Combat 34. In worse news I did decide to hang out at Furry's and see if I could grind my Gambling up and pick up some Science and Academic points. That's going very slow, Gambling is currently at 29 and I've only picked up four points in both Science and Academic. I think my character being a born idiot (INT still 35) decreases my chances of getting Sci and Academic from tavern encounters.

I've only started with four girls, Rebecca and the three freebies. I didn't save-scum their Traits and didn't get anything very good, (no workaholics) but also nothing all that bad. Olivia (my tier-2 slave) got Sweet Tooth and started gaining weight, but I ran her into the ground and she's back to 119 lbs and has a 130 Stamina as well and the Sweet Tooth is gone.

Loren and Ansel served well as my crew, along with Rebecca and Olivia as a Fatherly combat slave. Ansel took a lot of knocks, I think he went down about four times, his Strength is down to 39 and his Dex is at 34. I replaced him with the Space Marine who's now using my Plasma Gun (taken off a bounty!) to great effect.

Main strategy after clearing the board is to wake up and train (I just started on Dex now), then go to Town Hall for a bounty, then to the Arena and back home to cuddle some sluts. Then to Furry's to get the location of the bounty and go get him, then back home for more sex training and finally to Furry's for the night. If I miss out on Furry's I do some resource recycling, but with my sci so low I don't know when I'm ever going to get to it. I've some 2500 pieces of scrap metal I don't know how to turn into Steel and at this rate it's going to take forever!

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Notes from the Ashes:

(this is an update of my 'Rise from the Ashes' run)
Further note, I just became the Champion of the Mastersphere, so that has definitely gotten a lot easier. Olivia went down in the final fight, but otherwise I got away with it mostly unscathed. I started out with easy randoms for about the first 50 points, then moved to regular randoms until I got to the mid-eighties. After that I took out the mid-tier and then the higher tier and actually hit 100 and 'Champion of the Mastersphere' before the final fight.

Interestingly enough, afterwards I went and got a massage from cute little Tori and to celebrate nutted all over her lovely little face and got a Willpower point and now have a Willpower of 56! For some reason I got it into my head that was capped at 55, obviously not, so poor little Tori will be wiping more goo off her face and asking me to give a good report so she doesn't feel the cane that night. Little does she know I'd pay money to see her tight little teenage buttocks creased by that cane, so I always tell the Brother she's been a naughty little slut and needs to have that cane administered harshly.

That's what fake smiles get you!


Aug 30, 2020
Thanks. :) Did some modifications here and there although I couldn't find all your ATT points - others have already been fixed, while some probably are misunderstandings.

Like the above:

Those values stack. domestic gte 50 actually gives +300. As its "GTE" (Greater Than or Equal to).
you change stuff so fast can't keep up w it! LOL!
[yes some was fixed in 812]
BTW hope u had a good Christmas & new year.


Aug 30, 2020
It seems kinda odd that you want a slave mistress wife to have the lowest willpower possible, when I would think the opposite should be true.
Actually as long as she has 1) good traits, & 2) good affection [Loving+? ] Hi WP is just fine! In fact, some benefits only happen if HER (wife) WP is higher than the slaves WP. [challenge is keeping some hi, & others low! LOL]

The problem (in general, even IRL) is for those w hi WP *AND*, they are neutral or hate you. (affection)
A strong woman can be a *GOOD* thing [even IRL!] PROVIDED she's on your side!
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Aug 30, 2020
Notes from the Ashes:

(this is an update of my 'Rise from the Ashes' run)

Main strategy after clearing the board is to wake up and train (I just started on Dex now), then go to Town Hall for a bounty, then to the Arena and back home to cuddle some sluts. Then to Furry's to get the location of the bounty and go get him, then back home for more sex training and finally to Furry's for the night. If I miss out on Furry's I do some resource recycling, but with my sci so low I don't know when I'm ever going to get to it. I've some 2500 pieces of scrap metal I don't know how to turn into Steel and at this rate it's going to take forever!
---->>> For anyone who doesn't have it, "RISE FROM THE ASHES" is a Tier 4 option that's like an "opposite" cheat----*WORST* possible start! (see pic)

wow. couple Q's:
1) Books. W an Intel *THAT* low, did you bother to buy/read any books? [uses up training points, but you can't train when tired]
2) Sounds like you make most of your $ from FIGHTING, and hunting?
Which game version? [a *LOT* has changed in just the past 2-3!]
4) Arena---were most 1-on-1 or (team) group fights? [& how did you get your influence high enough?]
5) How much did you upgrade home? [besides buying ***, (only slave you bought was Rebecca right?) UPGRADES are another common early game expense! + they increase maint!
6) Did you do any crafting? ["Ashes" run has *VERY* poor BS skills! (Bl-15/Ar-10)
7) VERY poor----both CHARM & MANIP start----so I assume lots of fails---did any of them wind up hating you? How did you get Rebecca hi WP down? (w/o hi CHARM or Manip) I've had charm 50+ fail many many times, even 60+; Did you Rape/Non-consent anybody?
8) Respect. How high did you get Rebecca's Respect? (or other's, if any Neutral or < affection) [getting past 20 is slower]
I try to get Reb to 20, but not sure if worth more.

Ok sorry more than 2 Q's! LOL!
But maybe something some of us can take away for those "bad luck" hard runs [UGH, like "Pure FEMINIST" I got!]


Aug 30, 2020
Notes from the Ashes:

(this is an update of my 'Rise from the Ashes' run)

Main strategy after clearing the board is to wake up and train (I just started on Dex now), then go to Town Hall for a bounty, then to the Arena and back home to cuddle some sluts. Then to Furry's to get the location of the bounty and go get him, then back home for more sex training and finally to Furry's for the night. If I miss out on Furry's I do some resource recycling, but with my sci so low I don't know when I'm ever going to get to it. I've some 2500 pieces of scrap metal I don't know how to turn into Steel and at this rate it's going to take forever!

Am I missing something here? I only know of 3 bounties @ Town Hall; Is there a way to get more? [3 "job" Quests furry's, but no option for any more Bounties]
If there's a way to get more then the 3 Th (show up @ start) please tell us all & & give details (not on Wiki either---or is it new ?)

(core of survival, esp 1st 100+ days, is how do you make $ ! [even fighting route, easier if u can buy guns/ammo/good armor, $'s important])

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
---->>> For anyone who doesn't have it, "RISE FROM THE ASHES" is a Tier 4 option that's like an "opposite" cheat----*WORST* possible start! (see pic)

wow. couple Q's:
1) Books. W an Intel *THAT* low, did you bother to buy/read any books? [uses up training points, but you can't train when tired]
2) Sounds like you make most of your $ from FIGHTING, and hunting?
Which game version? [a *LOT* has changed in just the past 2-3!]
4) Arena---were most 1-on-1 or (team) group fights? [& how did you get your influence high enough?]
5) How much did you upgrade home? [besides buying ***, (only slave you bought was Rebecca right?) UPGRADES are another common early game expense! + they increase maint!
6) Did you do any crafting? ["Ashes" run has *VERY* poor BS skills! (Bl-15/Ar-10)
7) VERY poor----both CHARM & MANIP start----so I assume lots of fails---did any of them wind up hating you? How did you get Rebecca hi WP down? (w/o hi CHARM or Manip) I've had charm 50+ fail many many times, even 60+; Did you Rape/Non-consent anybody?
8) Respect. How high did you get Rebecca's Respect? (or other's, if any Neutral or < affection) [getting past 20 is slower]
I try to get Reb to 20, but not sure if worth more.

Ok sorry more than 2 Q's! LOL!
But maybe something some of us can take away for those "bad luck" hard runs [UGH, like "Pure FEMINIST" I got!]
1. I've not bothered with classes or books yet. I might have to eventually to get the 35 science needed to smelt steel and such. I'm not really looking forward to getting the minimum for all my classes and books.

2. I did very little hunting. I cleared the board but left the Walkers, Cult Monks and Headkiller's Crew unscathed. I also let the Pai's live and one bounty who emptied his pockets and who I would have had to kill in front of his wife and children. I may be a little grim, but I'm not that dark! I made my money off the Arena every day and all the bounties I could.

3. Whichever one we were on the day I talked to you about it before, I think there's been maybe one update since.

4. Most were essentially executions, five of us and one or two enemies who seldom got more than one shot off, if that. As for how I got there, I cleared the board and kept it clear and bounties now give steady influence too.

5. I upgraded the home completely, as soon as I could, starting with the bedroom as stamina is so tight in the beginning. The bathroom is next, then the living room. I then get the garden started and get the kitchen and tech stuff.

6. I did no crafting. I think the only thing this idiot can make is a combat knife, and I took so many of those off the dead I didn't need to make any for Ansel's quest.

7. I built up respect to the soft cap (20) with all of them and I got started building Charm as soon as I could. Juno was fairly receptive, but I did fail a fair amount with her but kept plugging at it. I then started fondling her frequently (Caress during seduction) which raised my Charm slowly but surely. The others I tried from time to time, but if I didn't have at least a 25% chance I didn't bother with them until I did. You should fail often with a 50 Charm, and often enough with 60, I don't see why that would come as a surprise.

Rebecca still has plenty of WP, but it's been falling as I fuck her brains out more frequently.

I left them alone until I could seduce them, for the most part. Olivia earned herself a Punishment (she was at Arrogant for a while) and I tried to give her a whipping and that I let her go before I dug myself into a hole I couldn't get out of. There was no non-con action.

8. If you rely on Rebecca like I do it's good to get her Respect as high as possible. At game day 136 Rebecca's Respect is at 47.

I've not been able to keep them all at Undying/Ecstatic like I usually do, but currently Rebecca and Michelle are Undying, Juno's at Soulmate and Olivia is at Loving. I have discovered there's a new happiness level called 'Godly' and right now they're all at 'Ecstatic.'
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018

Am I missing something here? I only know of 3 bounties @ Town Hall; Is there a way to get more? [3 "job" Quests furry's, but no option for any more Bounties]
If there's a way to get more then the 3 Th (show up @ start) please tell us all & & give details (not on Wiki either---or is it new ?)

(core of survival, esp 1st 100+ days, is how do you make $ ! [even fighting route, easier if u can buy guns/ammo/good armor, $'s important])
There's more bounties now in the version I play, I thought you had it too. At any rate it's coming soon enough for everyone and it's a good money and influence maker, and some fun stories. There's some tough ones though too, but you can now get a Plasma Rifle drop.

I've detailed the basic strategy I use frequently on this board and recently to you. Hire some mercenaries, Loren and Ansel work fine. Do the easy ones, get combat armor, use the rifles you get from the Holiday Dresses quest and the easy drops like the sole guy in Watery Eyes (upper left--recurring). Then take out the moderate ones and the endless Swamp Tribesman for easy respect-building and target practice. Then start keeping Stokke Hills clear and you'll eventually start getting some coilguns on drops. Train your Ranged Combat and Rebecca (or whoever) too so you can use those coilguns with efficiency, then go after the toughest targets. First chance you get go to the Arena. Two easy randoms are worth at least $400 net a day, the regular randoms are more like $1000 per day.
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New Member
Dec 1, 2022
Two more things - maybe not bugs, but design oversights:

- perfectionist can be over 100, I see 106/100 points
- also the roll to decrease frigid and jaded seems to be the same, they are decreased in lockstep
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Oct 16, 2017
OK. I'm trying to discipline a surly Juno and just about every roll is > 100. Where am I getting the penalties? I'm well scrubbed, got laid reasonable recently (Juno's recent blowjob strike is the reason for the whipping) but I'm still getting penalties that mean I'm never going to do the flagellation thing right.

What am I missing?
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