Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Hey! The Rise From the Ashes character starts with 45 survival! That's something to work with, I can make a go of it hunting from the beginning. I also took a 'Stocky' build so my Strength is 60, that will get me a little bonus wooing my sluts. Stamina is 40 which isn't too bad.

Those are the best attributes though, all other stats/skills are 10-35. We'll see if I really know how to play.

Opening screen for 'Rise From the Ashes' character:
Screenshot 2023-01-07 at 11-55-46 Masters of Raana.png

Well, I guess I won't be buying Rebecca first thing as I planned. Time to adapt and overcome!


Aug 30, 2020
Hey! The Rise From the Ashes character starts with 45 survival! That's something to work with, I can make a go of it hunting from the beginning. I also took a 'Stocky' build so my Strength is 60, that will get me a little bonus wooing my sluts. Stamina is 40 which isn't too bad.

Those are the best attributes though, all other stats/skills are 10-35. We'll see if I really know how to play.
Lots of fishing & hunting! But let me know (other posts) Slaves u buy/what 2 spend $ on; Good 4 food, but not very profitable. (have 2 buy ammo!)
Also (ugh! tried this w FEMINIST!) even if they're "wild-Born", bonus isn't enough to overcome "FEMINIST"/"Malevolent" (dom?) where they drop stats.
Oh, 1 other downside from hunting trips: Takes a while (get there & back!) so, either 1) loose training points [2/day] OR 2) loose some time/stamina going back & forth. *PLUS* [hope this part gets fixed!] can't interact w slaves/followers while camping!
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Aug 30, 2020
You don't need to get her WP down, eventually it will drop anyway if you fuck her the way I do.

Her 'Malevolent' trait also gives her a bonus to damage in combat and makes her eminently corruptible which turns her into your little bitch in short order. Ignore her rebelliousness ('Defiance') and get her respect up and charm her as best you can. I'm going to keep my other girls' WP up (but not 120!) so Rachael's natural bitchiness doesn't bring them down. I've accepted that Rachael is a bitch, but she's my bitch.-----OMG that's so funny!!! o_O:eek:(y):geek::ROFLMAO::LOL:

"The tier two slave is very useful, I think this time I'm going to go for a 'Fatherly Combat' slave (usually I go for fatherly domestic as that skill is needed for two important positions and doesn't come as easily as combat skills). She ought to make a big difference and she's also hotter than hell."----
True, but [be HONEST NOW!] isn't she a CHEAT??? Can you do a "Rise from the Ashes" run w/o her?

"You're playing against yourself, not anyone else, so the only one you can 'cheat' is yourself. Be kinda silly to pay the money and not enjoy that hot little slut."-----LOL! :ROFLMAO:
Goes back 2 my other post (fuck/RAPE/CHARM/?)
Assuming low stats (OR BAD LUCK/FAILED ROLLS! [I've had stats 50+ fail!] she won't have sex willingly. All the way down to... (?) -0- WP?
[need to check, but it's close]
Current new run---***MANY FAILS*** [so she's/depressed/PISSED] & WP below 20----but she won't even do SHOWER! [again, fail] let alone, sex. [not even Reb, just Juno; ] Yes some bad traits help combat----but if you're *NOT* soldier, (assume you have low W/R stats) & **POOR** (yes you're new start!) you really can't afford fights.
Other posts already mention Merc changes.

Wait----so if you're playing against yourself, do you "Lose" , or *WIN*? [or is it the same!?]

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
1--Yes, more why $'s important, buy CHARM (Doctor's office) later; Can't buy most other stats.
2--No offense, but "board" [lol remember *REAL* BOARD games?] seems to change a *LOT*, every version, so no, I disagree, [wait how many hairs on the back of your hand? no cheating, u can't look! lol] . ----See pic. Mercs R good example.
This is 1 example of mercs used in previous versions, being diff in newer ver.
Prices you quoted---$125/day [again, see pic, WAY more expensive!] which ver?
3--Put out a "Grimdark" challenge a while back, but never had any takers. But even that would change a *LOT* depending upon ver.
4--I've done enough runs, usually find Manip more valuable than CHARM. Again, yes, you can buy charm, *PLUS*, Bad luck/failed rolls/hi WP even *TEACHING*, you need hi Manip or things get worse! (& you can't buy it!)
5--Yes, *EVERYTHING important is EXPENSIVE (hence my other post---$) This includes courses/armor/weapons etc
6---"I have suspected that character willpower works as discipline does for slaves in regards to training, but I don't know that for certain and have not seen Grimdark ever mention anything about it."----Agreed. 1 more thing difficult to raise [good 2 get some @ start!] I think (?) affects many things & rolls, so lower = more fails, higher (in theory?) = more success, But there's exact #'s there too.
CHARM/MANIP #'s directely affect this, as I've seen "failed" rolls lower WP!!!
"UBER" start, "ME" runs, R basically "cheating" if you're honest. (can still B fun don't get me wrong!) -->> I have a "Silver Tongue" [wait isn't it RED?] run that is fun, but then if I step back, I have to say "WAIT, how did I ever *GET* there?!?
"Silver Tongue" or "Magnate" [haven't tried him, is that the rich guy?] ie, "(75 charm & 110 manip)" and "(135 Charm & Manip)" you'll get very few fails, maybe some w *VERY* hi WP/Feminist, but even them *MUCH* much MUCH easier! (as I say, cheating.)
This is just off top of head, but (?) 70+ & you start to get a *LOT* less fails. (again, hi WP/FEMINIST excepted)

8---"Now all my stats will start at 30-40 so perhaps I'll have to adapt and overcome. "-----LOL! welcome 2 something closer to IRL & "normal"! [note that you *CAN* get a few stats higher @ start, but u have to be picky---& it's a trade-off. ]
9--Interesting thing about "romance"-----more "LUCK" /success/good rolls you have [CHARM/MANIP!] the less important it is. (but it should be noted, too angry/depressed/DEFIANT/etc, those won't matter & her stats won't improve!) Also can increase $$ costs early on. W "Silver Tongue" it wasn't even needed.

Sidnote: "Criminal" gives highest Manip # @ start; (have worked it out---unless he changed #'s recently?)
1. Yeah but as I recall it's very expensive, something like 5k/5 charm in the beginning for sluts, then it goes up. You need charm most in the beginning before you have any respect built and you have very little money. There's an opportunity cost here and that early charm might be worth it, even if in the long run you might be able to buy it. By the time you can buy it you may not need it so much.

2. I've been posting on strat boards since the old ARPANET in the Eighties where we discussed strategies for 'Risk' and 'Axis and Allies' and other board games you probably never heard of.

The mercs have changed, the targets haven't. I'll probably have to be a little more merciless this run, previously I let Headkiller's crew live, let the Pei's go and never attacked the Waltons or the Cult Monks, I might not leave that money on the board this time. I could really use that 'Power Katana' the Pei's have early, if it drops.

3. Yes, I saw that, I was doing something else at the time. I paid for the privilege of playing a 'Magnate' and 'Silver Tongue' and I was going to enjoy that. I've played the Grimdark start before with normal characters, it doesn't make it that much more difficult. You can still save and I found not being able to see the numbers more irritating than challenging. This time is Grimdark, obviously.

I am fully aware that any number of factors will force you to change your stategies. I started playing wargames as a little kid when I bought War at Sea circa 1978. When I sold my collection of wargames in 1999 I had more than 100, which included most of Avalon Hill's wargame library as well as SPI's and other publishers like the ones who did the Europa series.

4. Most of the problems I see you posting about would appear to come about by not being able to charm slaves (and others) early on. Just an observation.

5. I take weapons off the dead, but I do agree that it's a good game design to make important things expensive. My point there was that it may turn out that you really set yourself back buying that charm and not having it at the beginning. I don't know for sure but I do think it a possibility.

6. This clown I'm playing now starts with 35 WP, I'll see if I notice the difference training.

7. When I give advice or answer questions I take into account most of the players on the board are playing the public version, which I've played much more than I did my last two runs as 'Magnate' and 'Silver-Tongue'.

8. Frankly I like the character creation process which is why I've played the public version so much more than the enhanced one. I did pay for it so I was going to try it though.

9. Luck yields to good strategy the longer you play. I try not to piss my sluts off and don't get into any holes I can't dig myself out of.


Aug 30, 2020

The tier two slave is very useful, I think this time I'm going to go for a 'Fatherly Combat' slave (usually I go for fatherly domestic as that skill is needed for two important positions and doesn't come as easily as combat skills). She ought to make a big difference and she's also hotter than hell.

You're playing against yourself, not anyone else, so the only one you can 'cheat' is yourself. Be kinda silly to pay the money and not enjoy that hot little slut.
T2 (Arnold? ;-) besides anything physical (I like Amelia better) she's 1) FREE! 2) Custom trained! & 3) [so far anyway] *NEVER* has any bad traits! [WOW! where can I get that IRL?!?] That makes her better than even Juno or Mich. [if fail, Mich Req combat!]

In "cheating" terms:
IMHO, while still a "cheat" she's better than "fixing stats," or even an ME run [WAIT! how did I get all that?!?] . *PLUS*, her story fits in very nicely. [Good job dev!] Oh, as mentioned another post: Her "Quest" still doesn't work (WIP?) Redhaven Orphanage (?) I think.
If Bad luck/"FAILS", even JUNO can turn against you (current new run!) so "T2 girl" ["Emily" this time :) :cool: ] is like a Godsend.
(pretty sure IRL she'd give me a ride 2 store!)
What does "fatherly" do? higher love?

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Goes back 2 my other post (fuck/RAPE/CHARM/?)
Assuming low stats (OR BAD LUCK/FAILED ROLLS! [I've had stats 50+ fail!] she won't have sex willingly. All the way down to... (?) -0- WP?
[need to check, but it's close]
Current new run---***MANY FAILS*** [so she's/depressed/PISSED] & WP below 20----but she won't even do SHOWER! [again, fail] let alone, sex. [not even Reb, just Juno; ] Yes some bad traits help combat----but if you're *NOT* soldier, (assume you have low W/R stats) & **POOR** (yes you're new start!) you really can't afford fights.
Other posts already mention Merc changes.
Part of the fun of a good strategy game is adapting to failures and having to cover up weaknesses. Don't let the RNJesus get to you; persevering through a bad run of luck and overcoming it anyway is quite satisfying in my opinion and forces you to become a better player.

Wait----so if you're playing against yourself, do you "Lose" , or *WIN*? [or is it the same!?]
You get out of it what you put into it in my experience.
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Aug 30, 2020
1. Yeah but as I recall it's very expensive, something like 5k/5 charm in the beginning for sluts, then it goes up. You need charm most in the beginning before you have any respect built and you have very little money. There's an opportunity cost here and that early charm might be worth it, even if in the long run you might be able to buy it. By the time you can buy it you may not need it so much.

2. I've been posting on strat boards since the old ARPANET in the Eighties where we discussed strategies for 'Risk' and 'Axis and Allies' and other board games you probably never heard of.

The mercs have changed, the targets haven't. I'll probably have to be a little more merciless this run, previously I let Headkiller's crew live, let the Pei's go and never attacked the Waltons or the Cult Monks, I might not leave that money on the board this time. I could really use that 'Power Katana' the Pei's have early, if it drops.

3. Yes, I saw that, I was doing something else at the time. I paid for the privilege of playing a 'Magnate' and 'Silver Tongue' and I was going to enjoy that. I've played the Grimdark start before with normal characters, it doesn't make it that much more difficult. You can still save and I found not being able to see the numbers more irritating than challenging. This time is Grimdark, obviously.

I am fully aware that any number of factors will force you to change your stategies. I started playing wargames as a little kid when I bought War at Sea circa 1978. When I sold my collection of wargames in 1999 I had more than 100, which included most of Avalon Hill's wargame library as well as SPI's and other publishers like the ones who did the Europa series.

4. Most of the problems I see you posting about would appear to come about by not being able to charm slaves (and others) early on. Just an observation.

5. I take weapons off the dead, but I do agree that it's a good game design to make important things expensive. My point there was that it may turn out that you really set yourself back buying that charm and not having it at the beginning. I don't know for sure but I do think it a possibility.

6. This clown I'm playing now starts with 35 WP, I'll see if I notice the difference training.

7. When I give advice or answer questions I take into account most of the players on the board are playing the public version, which I've played much more than I did my last two runs as 'Magnate' and 'Silver-Tongue'.

8. Frankly I like the character creation process which is why I've played the public version so much more than the enhanced one. I did pay for it so I was going to try it though.

9. Luck yields to good strategy the longer you play. I try not to piss my sluts off and don't get into any holes I can't dig myself out of.
1---Part of my point (prev posts) is *MOST* helpful options (Space M/CB armor/etc) R expensive! $
Rem that "90 charm still failed" post? [current new run =55 charm BTW, *NOT* that low!] If there's an "always succeed" #, (Silver Tongue?) I don't see how it's achievable in 100 days (assuming no cheats!) --whether you push it @ start, or not. [Considering hi WP---Reb/Aria, pretty sure you need MAX charm possible!]
2--Damn! (thought I was old! [oh, BTW, current master "older" (harder?) ] Safe 2 say we had VASTLY diff childhoods....
(kinda liked Risk...)
4--As mentioned prev, "failed rolls" (charm/manip) [NOT "Crimin" this time] But actually, 55 charm is not *THAT* low... so part is LUCK. (ran #'s?) I must confess, have done the "save c" thingy b4, easy 2 do when BAD LUCK/lots fails! Harder to stick w "bad rolls"
6--wow! thought 40 WP was bad! (another thing try 2 push @ start)
We'll see how you do for $$; What's *YOUR* starting charm? [D<20] Hunters do have that combat bonus, so not worst choice...
7--"7. When I give advice or answer questions I take into account most of the players on the board are playing the public version, which I've played much more than I did my last two runs as 'Magnate' and 'Silver-Tongue'."----I normally try to limit my Q's/post to those also; Try 2 include everybody if possible. [played public most myself!
8--" Frankly I like the character creation process"---me too! :) :cool: KUDOS DEV!
9---Some of my frustration, "strat" used to use (not perfect, but done enough 2B not bad either) simply didn't work anymore----$ changes, MERCs, etc 811+; [again, tested from NEW GAMES, not already old/hi stat/RICH/etch] Cost *UP*, income DOWN; (or didn't change) so yes, exactly what works (& HOW!) seems to change.

10---CHARM is actually (again, *CURRENT* 811+) SECONDARY. (even if you FAIL & PISS THEM OFF!)
Just like IRL----$$$$'s *VITAL* (they still work at least even if pissed!) CHARM won't make you any more $$$, (most also have "threaten" aka, Manip choice) but in the end---even what you're doing NOW----most comes down to *COMBAT* , & *$$$*
Other post covered ImP of $; Most Imp 1st ~100 days, $ & combat (or if WIN/LOOSE/avoid?)
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
T2 (Arnold? ;-) besides anything physical (I like Amelia better) she's 1) FREE! 2) Custom trained! & 3) [so far anyway] *NEVER* has any bad traits! [WOW! where can I get that IRL?!?] That makes her better than even Juno or Mich. [if fail, Mich Req combat!]

In "cheating" terms:
IMHO, while still a "cheat" she's better than "fixing stats," or even an ME run [WAIT! how did I get all that?!?] . *PLUS*, her story fits in very nicely. [Good job dev!] Oh, as mentioned another post: Her "Quest" still doesn't work (WIP?) Redhaven Orphanage (?) I think.
If Bad luck/"FAILS", even JUNO can turn against you (current new run!) so "T2 girl" ["Emily" this time :) :cool: ] is like a Godsend.
(pretty sure IRL she'd give me a ride 2 store!)
What does "fatherly" do? higher love?
I've had tier 2 slaves with Feminist, Delicate and my current one has 'Brawler' which is a net negative in my opinion.

I think fatherly makes it easier to keep her happy. My tier 2 slaves have hardly ever had to have 'slut maintenance' (raising happiness to keep them at Estatic) on a regular basis.

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
PS sorry can't rem which post----Where did you get Kat to drop? [probably Random I assume!]
The Pei bounty at Town Hall opens up a mini-quest where you have to go to the docks and then you will find them at the bottom of Kasey's Park. You can 'show mercy' and get some gold bars (if you're magnanimous about it) or you can blow them away and a Powered Katana might drop.


Aug 30, 2020
Persevering... IMHO, depends if things get "better" or *WORSE*! [1 of my runs---PUBLIC, Hi CHARM---kept loosing WP/loosing on MANiP, (pissed slaves =loose infl; loose @ teaching, loose WP+ influ; etc) [probably add loose combat....]
Maybe it's more like Poker----have to know when you have a loosing hand, & FOLD!
[oh, more proof hi charm can be *BAD*!]

This run (T2 slave) yes, will eventually work out. (still sucks!)
IF PUBLIC VER, might B another run give up on.
(that T2 save *really DOES* give you a big edge! [even if she gets pissed])


Aug 30, 2020
The Pei bounty at Town Hall opens up a mini-quest where you have to go to the docks and then you will find them at the bottom of Kasey's Park. You can 'show mercy' and get some gold bars (if you're magnanimous about it) or you can blow them away and a Powered Katana might drop.
I've learned to usually "show mercy" if don't have good combat crew; [for 1 or 2 poor fighters, (even ANSEL's nerfed!) they can kick ass!]

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Persevering... IMHO, depends if things get "better" or *WORSE*! [1 of my runs---PUBLIC, Hi CHARM---kept loosing WP/loosing on MANiP, (pissed slaves =loose infl; loose @ teaching, loose WP+ influ; etc) [probably add loose combat....]
Maybe it's more like Poker----have to know when you have a loosing hand, & FOLD!
[oh, more proof hi charm can be *BAD*!]
"You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run...."

Spent a couple years in Nevada playing poker for a living too, just before it became a TV event. That's why I sold all my war and RPG games, to make that move and get a stake.

I'll really miss hanging out at Furry's playing poker this run with this pathetic character, I can't see how I could afford to grind up gambling and I don't even know when I'll bother reading books and taking classes as INT is so low it's hardly worth it. I've read about a way to increase INT playing games or somesuch but I never managed to find it for myself, do you know how to do it?
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Aug 30, 2020
I've had tier 2 slaves with Feminist, Delicate and my current one has 'Brawler' which is a net negative in my opinion.

I think fatherly makes it easier to keep her happy. My tier 2 slaves have hardly ever had to have 'slut maintenance' (raising happiness to keep them at Estatic) on a regular basis.
Thought "Brawler" was a +? [my Juno is Br] Has combat bonus.
IDK if bro was bad, they seem 2 appreciate it more when you're nice. [ spoiled girls R less thankful!]


Aug 30, 2020
"You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run...."
you never count your cards when you're sitting at the table...

Spent a couple years in Nevada playing poker for a living too, just before it became a TV event. That's why I sold all my war and RPG games, to make that move and get a stake.

I'll really miss hanging out at Furry's playing poker this run with this pathetic character, I can't see how I could afford to grind up gambling and I don't even know when I'll bother reading books and taking classes as INT is so low it's hardly worth it. I've read about a way to increase INT playing games or somesuch but I never managed to find it for myself, do you know how to do it?
wow! quite the poker life!
I've had Gambling @ 40 b4, & still sucked/lost most of the time---I think you need "luck" or *REALLY* hi stats to do well in lots of things!
How low is your INT?
If only a little: Get Acad/Sci books (usually bonus every book u finish) Can only make up so much though. Rem that "trade-off" I mentioned? [this run intel is 65! (higher than charm, but again, can't buy intel! lol
I usually try to push intel every run now---factors into book/courses/training, etc. (*BRAINY* )
Even some random stuff...

Courses take time, & cost $$$, & again, your gain depends on your Intel!

Hunter run might not have as much---or be able to use as much (except train slaves?) Intel.

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Thought "Brawler" was a +? [my Juno is Br] Has combat bonus.
IDK if bro was bad, they seem 2 appreciate it more when you're nice. [ spoiled girls R less thankful!]
Maybe it is, I just saw the penalty to raising Ranged Combat at the Waltons and didn't think much about the melee advantage as that goes up quickly in combat and it doesn't need to start too high if you're just using it to take out heavily wounded/poorly armed and armored opponents anyway. Come to think of it most of my sluts get their Ranged Combat increases from crits in combat, so maybe that isn't much of a detriment. The only one I usually really rely upon training at the Walton's is Rebecca.

This one had 'Starlet' too so I just made her a dancer.

I tried a few 'perverted' backgrounds and I didn't notice that, just that her anecdotes seemed to indicate an unhappy person and my brother being a jerk. Anecdotes from 'fatherly' are quite pleasant and there's one perk where they'll be especially happy as long as they're a maid in your house. I think it's akin to the 'Starlet' bonus as I didn't notice a difference when she was dancing compared to her just being a maid in my house.

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
wow! quite the poker life!
I've had Gambling @ 40 b4, & still sucked/lost most of the time---I think you need "luck" or *REALLY* hi stats to do well in lots of things!
How low is your INT?
If only a little: Get Acad/Sci books (usually bonus every book u finish) Can only make up so much though. Rem that "trade-off" I mentioned? [this run intel is 65! (higher than charm, but again, can't buy intel! lol
I usually try to push intel every run now---factors into book/courses/training, etc. (*BRAINY* )
Even some random stuff...

Courses take time, & cost $$$, & again, your gain depends on your Intel!

Hunter run might not have as much---or be able to use as much (except train slaves?) Intel.
My family always played poker (and Sheepshead) at family gatherings like reunions and holidays so I started playing poker when I was like eight years old and they'd let me (we played for nickles and quarters).

In this game you need very high (100-130+) gambling to make playing at Furry's reliably profitable. You can break even some of the time with a 40 or so, but not much better than that.

This character has a 35 INT.

I was referring to something about the event engine where you play games on the Ensys or something and can get INT boosts. I've never managed to get one myself, but I've read of others doing so here and on the Discord. I was wondering if you knew how to do that.

You can get academic and science points at Furry's fairly regularly, but I don't remember ever getting an INT point. I don't want to spend the resources to do the classes or books until I can get more out of them than the minimum, which is what a 35 gets you as I recall.
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