
Aug 30, 2020
Hi All
if slave has high Corruption, affection, willpower at same time, will she be refusing command?
As I understand it, W very hi affection (Soulmate+) *AND*, assuming you have very hi charm, no, she'll never refuse anything.
Willpower only really matters if her *AFFECTION* is Neutral, or lower. (Have this problem a lot w FEMINISTS!)
Corruption doesn't make her refuse commands, just maker her more "open" to unusual things. (like BDSM)
Downside is, if hi corruption (very high!) & her affection drops too much, she can be a bitch to get back up!
[hi Corrp + hi WP is extra Resist to Dom/Aggresive, & YES in my exp, even CHARM! So, make sure to keep her AFFECTION up!]


Aug 30, 2020
I think this is how it works. The way to read the rolls is the number to the right is how much higher or lower your roll was, which if you subtract the +/- number to the roll is the number you had to beat. In this case it looks like you needed to roll higher than a -2, so you couldn't fail.

Also, it isn't a 1:1 comparison. The Charm number is modified by several other factors in game during a check and it is just using that as the base skill.
There was a post a while back (soory don't rem by who!) he had *90* CHARM, & FAILED! It's possible to have odds go over 100, with the "Extra" factors (her affection, happiness, etc)
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Aug 30, 2020
Good lord. I love the premise of this game and the work that has gone into the hot female character models. But the amount of grind in this game is insane. And I say that having used cheats. The amount of grind is insane even with cheats. I'd love to see what corrupted Lovisa is like. I'd love to see a Rebecca Higgs who doesn't hate me. But I have a job in real life and other responsibilities; I can't spend a week in real time just grinding up or down stats. I tried to decrease Lovisa's "vanilla" stat, and after multiple days, I barely made a dent in her stat bar.

Also, I don't particularly like that you can't control slaves better. Rebecca Higgs hates me? Tough shit. I'll beat it out of her, like I can in Free Cities. But then she hates me and constantly tries to escape. I could take more drastic measures in Free Cities (blind them, amputate them, etc), but here? Just shrug my shoulders. Honestly, I think the creator could take a lot of tips from Free Cities. Multiple pathways to submission. WAY less grind. WAY less.
WOW you hit on a bunch!
1) 1 thing about this game, IT'S DIFFERENT EACH PLAYTHROUGH depending upon how you start. Very few games like that!
B4 you start a run, TAKE SOME TIME to figure out your most important goals (girls/fighting/$/etc); This is *NOT* something where you can do well "jack of all trades" ---really pays to be a "Master" (of at least a few things)
2) I have a mod out (NOT updated for 811c, just to 811) another post----it's *NOT* a cheat mod, but *IS* designed to cut down on a lot of the Grind (& Bal issues) ; Check it out or PM me & I'll send u a copy. [BTW it's easier/faster to corrup them *IF* u have the stats, *&* the right way, using my mod. (removed some of Dev "randomness" so stuff that "sometimes" work, is much more *Reliable*;)]

3) I've done the "tame Rebecca & make her love me" thing----here's some hints: (applies to *ANY* HI WP GIRL!) [have a run now---265 game days---Reb is: -7 WP, 87 happy, Loving (Affect)
A) *ONLY* punish them (yes BDSM/dungeon/etc) once they DEFIANT (Def) is 2+; NEVER below that!
B) ALWAYS use "PROCLAIM PUNISHMENT" (other piss her off more, but she "*KNOWS*" she's been a bad girl & deserves it!)
C) MAX your CHARM & MANIP scores (80+, higher is better!) before you buy them!)
D) Use CHARM "talk" 1st, until it fails several times. (explain chores, sex duties)
E) Talk about sex (ASK-> sex stuff) in a DOM tone; (lowers 1 WP/time, so up to 3 WP/day this way)
F) Bath/shower: CHARM, if works; (better) if not & she refuses, the DOM; Depending on her stats, can lower up to 4 WP *EACH TIME* [possible to do this more than 1x per day)
---->>> Using above, most days can LOWER WP 7-10/PER DAY; [until DEF gets too hi, *OR* too angry, too many failed "rolls", etc]
Aria (FEMINISTS! ugh! hate em!) will FAIL early on, must go back to option #1
G) LAST, but not LEAST: Avoid trying to do *ANYTHING "nice" (even nice talk!) if their *ANGER* goes up! [safest is ANGER=0]; If it's hi, give her a few days. [oh & *DUH*! don't rape her or do anything sexual until she'll respond (low WP) to CHARM attempts.]

Escape: (have mentioned b4, DEV needs "Lock in room" or some other option, (that doesn't hurt health or cause pain!) that's realistic. ]
Worst comes to worst:
1) MAX your defenses (yard) including, "check perimeter" (must do daily) [note her escape risk, if -0-, no worries]
2) I know some don't like this, but IRL, (& works here too!) ***FEAR***; HIGHER FEAR = DROP WP QUICKER! Also, higher fear [10+? don't rem exact #] will drop DEF #, which drops ESCAPE RISK. I've dropped escape risk to -0- many times this way.
--->>> if you want to decrease her WP ASAP (& actually, cause her least amt of PAIN) MAX FEAR, or at LEAST 50+!

Final tip: Have Advocates (more than 1 is better) w *NEGATIVE* - WP; they work independently & will drop her WP---but *ONLY* down to theirs, so keep theirs low too. (many things will cause WP to rise)


Aug 30, 2020
I hear you, I really do. This is not a game for 'instant gratification' nor an easy one either - I tend to think - and still the great lore and back-laying features seem to carry it far beyond what I'd have imagined only some half a year back.
A confession or two - just so that you know how and from where I watch the game:
I am not a good player, far from that. I compensate my lacking abilities by grinding and going where most sensible folks seldom bother to take another look. I might've been the first one hanging on the Arena long enough to get the team finally to the top there. Quite stupid, I am aware, but I had to see whether it was possible. Now I know it can be done w/o cheats or mods.

Another thing. I like my slave girls happy. (consider that a fetish or something. :rolleyes:)
[ya me too! ;-) ] --->>> Sucks w FEMINISTS! ;-)
I have full trust on GD-Studios with this game. They never betrayed me! Surprised and gave a scare every now and then, but that was how the game should go, I imagine. (y)
Not going 2 respond to most of that (mostly good & accurate) BUT...
How many have done a lot [810+] w wives?

So far, I haven't liked it, *WAY* too many bad traits (FEMINIST, etc) that make her a much worse wife;
Fewer actions (compared to slaves [maybe this is a WIP?] & this also again, affects her stats (harder to change her WP/affect/etc)
BIG ONE: Can't TRAIN! (Educate) w only 2/day, takes a very long time (part of that "grind" mentioned) to train, BUT, not possible once a wife. Her "special" stats (3 options) I really didn't like, only for the *VERY* RICH! [cheats or 3+ years?] AND, the "trainer" option, you can't control what stats or who shes trains! (you really don't want her turning your best WARRIOR into a total hooker slut! etc; )
Also MC (*MASTER*) needs more control over $$$ he gives her. [does she buy clothes? go on trips? not really clear if it's profitable, or just an "allowance" that goes down the tubes! (keep in mind this is several *THOUSAND* $...]
I do like that you can make her still work (most jobs) but you should be able to AT LEAST do as much w her as with a slave (talk/stars/going out/etc) & again, need to keep options to train (just like slaves).

Others thoughts? [810+, WIVES;]


Aug 30, 2020
You'll hit a soft cap around 130, but I've seen skills in the 150s. So technically infinite, yeah.
WOW! ok, (read a lot of the code) most things have limits, so how is it possible to get past 130? [assuming NO CHEATS here]
Maybe some specifics will help----what Hard caps @ 130, & what can go above? [& how!]
Even getting stuff past 100 seems slow going...

Anybody who's gotten skills (w/o CHEATS!) above 130? if so, HOW.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2018
Not going 2 respond to most of that (mostly good & accurate) BUT...
How many have done a lot [810+] w wives?

So far, I haven't liked it, *WAY* too many bad traits (FEMINIST, etc) that make her a much worse wife;
Fewer actions (compared to slaves [maybe this is a WIP?] & this also again, affects her stats (harder to change her WP/affect/etc)
BIG ONE: Can't TRAIN! (Educate) w only 2/day, takes a very long time (part of that "grind" mentioned) to train, BUT, not possible once a wife. Her "special" stats (3 options) I really didn't like, only for the *VERY* RICH! [cheats or 3+ years?] AND, the "trainer" option, you can't control what stats or who shes trains! (you really don't want her turning your best WARRIOR into a total hooker slut! etc; )
Also MC (*MASTER*) needs more control over $$$ he gives her. [does she buy clothes? go on trips? not really clear if it's profitable, or just an "allowance" that goes down the tubes! (keep in mind this is several *THOUSAND* $...]
I do like that you can make her still work (most jobs) but you should be able to AT LEAST do as much w her as with a slave (talk/stars/going out/etc) & again, need to keep options to train (just like slaves).

Others thoughts? [810+, WIVES;]
I believe the wife shenanigans are still in a very early development stage, at least it feels this way. ATM it's more a place to put a slave who you just can't find anything else to do, but don't want to get rid of.

Herald and stewardess are in practice superfluous, by the point you groom her enough to take the role of wife, you've already amassed enough $ and influence; and slave mistress has the one-size-fits-all issue you mentioned.

The one point I'll disagree is about having more control over her. I think the opposite route, giving her more autonomy and occasionally butting heads w/ the player, might add interesting challenges for the late game, tho I have no idea how/if this could be achieved within the game's current engine.

Mostly I'd like some tangible benefits to taking a wife early on. Right now you either grind her up before marrying or take her as a trophy wife, which is pretty boring.
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
WOW! ok, (read a lot of the code) most things have limits, so how is it possible to get past 130? [assuming NO CHEATS here]
Maybe some specifics will help----what Hard caps @ 130, & what can go above? [& how!]
Even getting stuff past 100 seems slow going...

Anybody who's gotten skills (w/o CHEATS!) above 130? if so, HOW.
My current character has a 203 stamina, 167 dex, ranged combat 187.

Training is how it's done for the first two, lotsa combat is how the latter is achieved. I have four girls with 150+ stamina and Rebecca has a dex of 150, Caitlin 120. I train stamina first so I can train and fuck them at the same time. Raanic foreplay is an arduous undertaking and I want high sex skills for both me and my girls. After 130 progress is slow, and after 180 it gets really slow, but if you're training stamina on all those girls ( I have others with 100, 82, 80 and 60) you'll eventually get a point here and there and that adds up over time.
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Apr 19, 2019
Not going 2 respond to most of that (mostly good & accurate) BUT...
How many have done a lot [810+] w wives?
Defining 'a lot' in my way, NOBODY has done a lot [810+] w wiwes.

I bet a good-sized handful of players have dabbled with them and realized - like you and me - that they didn't like the option (at it's current state). So I think most of them have momentarily dropped the effort and remain waiting for some later version(s). Only a pitiful few have even bothered to mention about their experience with 'wife-play' - for relatively well comprehensible reasons.


The Budman
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2021
I just had a bandits-increaase-the-price-of-food event, and food prices went down from 5 to 3!
Are you sure you got the right event? The one in Marston Avenue? Food prices are relatively "stable", decided by one single variable that executes each midnight (meaning you'll have to hit End Day/pass midnight before the new calculations turns up):

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Oct 16, 2017
Are you sure you got the right event?
This was the "overnight" event when you go to sleep. Fairly sure it was the right one - ended with "may the two moons save us!"

I've been selling some rations from hunting, so I'd expect that to be affecting prices, but I was hoping for a bump when the bandits came back.

Incidentally, is BDSM one of those things temporarily unavailable in the new build? I can't seem to find it in the menus.


Never mind - she was assigned to the party. Took her off that and the bondage option appeared.
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New Member
Dec 6, 2022
GD-Studio: Don't read this post,and if you do you cant change the variables. Its unsporting, unethical and immoral. :p ;)

Basic Starting Crafting Guide.

1. Buy Wood from Market, Buy Steel from Market.
2. Make Combat Knives (You can make 5 knives in 1 batch of steel and 50 from 1 batch of wood).
3. Daily Profit = 80(sale price of knive) * 5 = 400 - 195 (cost of steel) - 4 (cost of 1 wood, rounded) = 200 (around).

Daily cost of living =25 so with crafting 5 knives you make 200-25 around 175 daily. Enough for 1 paid round of training and 1 unpaid if you want leftover money. Everything over Combat Knife is not cost or stamina effective, only craft if you need the item.

My favourite way to make money is gambling though, with a 5d20 roll. Hunting is the most frustrating (keep running out of stamina and game) and teaching is the most boring, never done it after 0.8.0 hunting upgrade.

Criminal -> I revolted -> Blacksmithing, Gambler, Intelligent -> Abnormal -> Frightening, Dominant (Choose Word Pleaser and True Love if you want to start slaving right away). I plan on buying charm from crystal hills (meta gaming).

Upgrade Living room on day 1 to stop influence decay. Complete Nika and Kymato first quest. Sell all the items to create a gambling money stash.

Make 5 knives everyday, train stamina with 1 trainer, paid. Gamble every night but only socialize first 2 hands.

At 50 stamina, start reading academic books and then science. Then do the academy - you only care about gambling so do dara's course last. Then start training ranged everyday, paid and dex not paid. Keep gambling every-night. Get Loren, train her everyday. Start killing dudes.


The Budman
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2021
This was the "overnight" event when you go to sleep. Fairly sure it was the right one - ended with "may the two moons save us!"

I've been selling some rations from hunting, so I'd expect that to be affecting prices, but I was hoping for a bump when the bandits came back.

Incidentally, is BDSM one of those things temporarily unavailable in the new build? I can't seem to find it in the menus.


Never mind - she was assigned to the party. Took her off that and the bondage option appeared.
Maybe they'll kick in after another day has passed. If not, please send me your save!

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
what is the best way to raise discipline, any sugestion
The best stables, having a Workaholic Head Maid. Start training the workaholic first, once she's done the others should have a decent discipline.

Edit to add: also dancing class at the Academy, but you'll probably want to raise their stamina first, that program will suck the stamina out of your sluts.
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