
Aug 30, 2020
I believe the wife shenanigans are still in a very early development stage, at least it feels this way. ATM it's more a place to put a slave who you just can't find anything else to do, but don't want to get rid of.

Herald and stewardess are in practice superfluous, by the point you groom her enough to take the role of wife, you've already amassed enough $ and influence; and slave mistress has the one-size-fits-all issue you mentioned. [B/I mine]

The one point I'll disagree is about having more control over her. I think the opposite route, giving her more autonomy and occasionally butting heads w/ the player, might add interesting challenges for the late game, tho I have no idea how/if this could be achieved within the game's current engine. ----That kind of route could easily wind up w a "divorce or seperation" thing w MC loosing most if not *ALL* of everything, including the slaves.

Mostly I'd like some tangible benefits to taking a wife early on. Right now you either grind her up before marrying or take her as a trophy wife, which is pretty boring.
"Mostly I'd like some tangible benefits to taking a wife early on. Right now you either grind her up before marrying or take her as a trophy wife, which is pretty boring."-----Def agree here. Keep in mind, you can spend $25k (!!) on a marriage, so, pays 2 be RICH some the high end version.

Careful what you wish for! a FEMDOM wife might totally take over & kick you ass out on the street!
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Aug 30, 2020

Criminal -> I revolted -> Blacksmithing, Gambler, Intelligent -> Abnormal -> Frightening, Dominant (Choose Word Pleaser and True Love if you want to start slaving right away). I plan on buying charm from crystal hills (meta gaming).

Upgrade Living room on day 1 to stop influence decay. Complete Nika and Kymato first quest. Sell all the items to create a gambling money stash.

Make 5 knives everyday, train stamina with 1 trainer, paid. Gamble every night but only socialize first 2 hands.

At 50 stamina, start reading academic books and then science. Then do the academy - you only care about gambling so do dara's course last. Then start training ranged everyday, paid and dex not paid. Keep gambling every-night. Get Loren, train her everyday. Start killing dudes.
Sometimes bad luck (gambling,) otherwise, good advice! "CRIMINAL" (both versions) have been some of my best runs!
If using too much stamina early on, use 1 Train for books, other physical.


Aug 30, 2020
My current character has a 203 stamina, 167 dex, ranged combat 187.

Training is how it's done for the first two, lotsa combat is how the latter is achieved. I have four girls with 150+ stamina and Rebecca has a dex of 150, Caitlin 120. I train stamina first so I can train and fuck them at the same time. Raanic foreplay is an arduous undertaking and I want high sex skills for both me and my girls. After 130 progress is slow, and after 180 it gets really slow, but if you're training stamina on all those girls ( I have others with 100, 82, 80 and 60) you'll eventually get a point here and there and that adds up over time.
So next Q is, how many game days? May I'm just not sticking w a run long enough (?)
Did you get most of your gains w "TRAINER"?


Aug 30, 2020

Anybody had good luck w the DOCTOR route? Haven't tried it in a while, but last time was a disaster!
If so, Version, choices, & details please!


Aug 30, 2020
The grind is the game, you've assets (mostly time and money but also your slaves) and how you allocate them and capitalize on them is the game part of Masters of Raana. You get better at it as you learn the system, be nice to Rebecca and fuck the shit out of her and she'll soon be your little bitch. As for a Vanilla Lovisa, take her down to the dungeon and play with her with dildos and then bang her and you'll see that vanilla bar melt away. I had a Lovisa once who was Feminist, Pure, Vanilla and Delicate and boy was that a pain in the ass--her ass that is. Her poor little fuckholes were sore for at least an entire month as I removed those toxic traits.
"I had a Lovisa once who was Feminist, Pure, Vanilla and Delicate and boy was that a pain in the ass--her ass that is..."
ok gotta ask (cause FEMINISTS drive me nuts, & Fem-PURE are worse! etc)
Did you rape her? charm her? only for "Proclaim Punishment" [Justified]
also, stats? [cause worse if you FAIL, have 2 succeed @ BDSM to get corruption!]

Lovisa's not high WP, so maybe a bad example.
1 of my current runs has a Juno "Feminist", finally gave up & left her Affect @ Neutral. [takes a while to get high BDSM skills, *AND*, even then, often fail!]
IMHO often easier to handle high WP than Feminists + (Dom, etc) Even 2 bad traits R *ROYAL* PAIN!

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
So next Q is, how many game days? May I'm just not sticking w a run long enough (?)
Did you get most of your gains w "TRAINER"?
That's through about 590 game days. I'm currently at 601 but played a bit since I posted that.

I've always used a trainer since they started helping slave girl training too. Before that I think I figured that up until about 60 you didn't really need one, but once I started failing I used one every time afterward in that stat.

Edit to add: That's with no save-scumming either. I decided long ago that was a waste of time. There's not really a clock ticking and if you don't get it today you'll probably get it tomorrow and if it's too tough to get just move on to something else.
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
"I had a Lovisa once who was Feminist, Pure, Vanilla and Delicate and boy was that a pain in the ass--her ass that is..."
ok gotta ask (cause FEMINISTS drive me nuts, & Fem-PURE are worse! etc)
Did you rape her? charm her? only for "Proclaim Punishment" [Justified]
also, stats? [cause worse if you FAIL, have 2 succeed @ BDSM to get corruption!]

Lovisa's not high WP, so maybe a bad example.
1 of my current runs has a Juno "Feminist", finally gave up & left her Affect @ Neutral. [takes a while to get high BDSM skills, *AND*, even then, often fail!]
IMHO often easier to handle high WP than Feminists + (Dom, etc) Even 2 bad traits R *ROYAL* PAIN!
That run I charmed and broke their will slowly with sex they loved. They all ended up with -15 WP and knew they had to lick up everything all the time. I had a high enough charm I succeeded enough just asking her casually to the dungeon, though I think I got a couple chances to 'proclaim punishment' and took them. Not many, Lovisa is such a good girl.

I fucked her normally with a 'passionate' approach if the casual ask to the dungeon failed, and if I hadn't done it in a few times. You get corruption from that too, as well as sex skills and affection/happiness. I want happy little fucktoys and if that takes a little longer I'm fine with that.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2018
"Mostly I'd like some tangible benefits to taking a wife early on. Right now you either grind her up before marrying or take her as a trophy wife, which is pretty boring."-----Def agree here. Keep in mind, you can spend $25k (!!) on a marriage, so, pays 2 be RICH some the high end version.

Careful what you wish for! a FEMDOM wife might totally take over & kick you ass out on the street!
dats me 99 percent of the time.gif
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Aug 30, 2020
That's through about 590 game days. I'm currently at 601 but played a bit since I posted that.

I've always used a trainer since they started helping slave girl training too. Before that I think I figured that up until about 60 you didn't really need one, but once I started failing I used one every time afterward in that stat.

Edit to add: That's with no save-scumming either. I decided long ago that was a waste of time. There's not really a clock ticking and if you don't get it today you'll probably get it tomorrow and if it's too tough to get just move on to something else.
holy shit!~ 590!!!!! [I think longest run *EVER*, 300+ days, but less than 400.]
The new 811 version changed a *LOT*, so didn't think it fair for example, to keep going w Master's who had Mercs---either used, & dead, or still part of house, that's no longer avail. (isn't that basically an edit-cheat?!?)

BTW, I've found that w or w/o a Trainer, MC fails more than girls do. (is WP [MC] = Discipline? [girls]) Girl w great stats rarely fails, even w/o trainer.
Like w mos things (& even IRL!) $$$ changes EVERYTHING. Can't afford Trainer early on;

--->>>Toughest part of game (IMHO) is 1st ~100-150 days) "roll" ("dice") often fail, even if your stats R 55/60; (BTW dialog messed up 2 say master's fault, when you *TRIED* 2 be nice, but she [LOL OMG this is *SO* IRL!] "took it the wrong way!" (dice fail)
Sometimes I think you're better off not saying *ANYTHIG* early on (better 2 hold your tongue that try 2B nice, & PISS THEM OFF!)

There's (in general) lots of good advice on here, but alas, 99% of it doesn't apply in 1st ~100-150; day; Yes, space marine's great, but takes expensive $ trip just to get him, & *OH* wait, he's $1200 +$230/DAY! [most posts don't mention that part!]
Then there's the whole "bad luck" [ie, failed rolls] Again, 99% of the advice on here WON'T WORK (or will backfire!) if you fail even most (2/3?) dice rolls. It's easy to understand why some get frustrated, & resort to cheating stats.

My advice: Try a run or 2 from scratch, 811/811c; Then it's easier to see what some complaints are about.

In general: Most runs *HARD* early on (obviously, assumes no cheats! [my mod is ok not a cheat mod]) & as $ & skills go up, most things get easier. Which again bascially makes the 1st ~100 (?) days, CRITICAL.


Aug 30, 2020
That run I charmed and broke their will slowly with sex they loved. They all ended up with -15 WP and knew they had to lick up everything all the time. I had a high enough charm I succeeded enough just asking her casually to the dungeon, though I think I got a couple chances to 'proclaim punishment' and took them. Not many, Lovisa is such a good girl.

I fucked her normally with a 'passionate' approach if the casual ask to the dungeon failed, and if I hadn't done it in a few times. You get corruption from that too, as well as sex skills and affection/happiness. I want happy little fucktoys and if that takes a little longer I'm fine with that.
Ya I lke Lovisa, hard 2 pic her as "bad" girl----horny maybe, but not bad. :) :cool:

So I'm assuming here, you never worried about HAPPINESS/AFFECTION? Just keep WP <0 ?

I'm like you, like 2 keep them happy; But w some (FEMINISTs, etc) it's damn near impossible! [UGH! where's my WHIP...])

Sidenote: I've also learned if you plan to sell them, *OR*, most of the talk interactions, you need -0- or else + WP; (example, tell her you love her; No bonus if neg WP) So pays to get that WP back up when it's safe.


Aug 30, 2020
Morning everybody!
1st 100 DAYS
What I actually got on here for [sorry if been posting too much, guess goes w being sick & stuck here :-( ...]
was to get some feedback/survey/poll:
1st ~100-200 (? where's mid game?) days.

Most of my runs were either 1) Criminal [UGH & here I was trying 2B good!) or 2) Soldier. BUT, they also used mercs not avail in 811/811c.
So, looking to hear from you if did *NOT* start like that *OR*, new game since 811.
(Elsewhere I asked about Medic/Doctor route, but got no feedback)

1) As many posts have shown, even *HIGH* stats can fail dice rolls! (MUCH more likely early on) What do you do if MOST of your "rolls" fail? [ie, BAD LUCK]
1 post mentioned Crafting---& I like that idea, but as of 811, [w/o my mod] it was not a profitable endeavor.
Most of the posts I've read----& there's *MANY* w good advice----but they nearly *ALL* ASSUME either 1) GOOD LUCK (most rolls SUCCEED) or
2) $$$ Space Marine, [has anybody read the $1200+$230/day price tag?] CB or better armor 4 everybody, etc; Lots of ideas sound good, *UNTIL* you try them, & try to put the rubber on the road.
Most things require $$$$----[this includes buying slaves, & weapons/armor/house upgrades. ]
How did you make $$$ in 1st 100-150 GD's?
Crafting mentioned in 1; [maybe better in 811c?] Have tried Teaching/Professor, many don't like that, but it *IS* a good, reliable source of income [Science: $110+/day, same as girls] if you have the stats; **BAD LUCK*** [charm/Manip stats] here, can mean losses to stats! major drawback (or else ignore the kids & just eat the infl loss?]
If anyone tried Scientist/teaching route, 811/811c, love 2 hear details. Early stats? [Esp CHARM/WP] Did you FIGHT? good @ 1 thing means terrible @ another. + as mentioned another post, once you *START*, you're "locked in" to the teaching job! [even slaves have it better, they can quit @ any time]

ALSO: Any reliable hints ***INDEPENDENT*** of "luck" & *rolls* [even combat can vary a lot---way too much IMHO---same stats & weapon, can vary by over 10 Dam pts!]
Would say:
1) Crafting (again, failed $, profitable my mod, so *ONLY* if in 811c)
2) Teaching/SCIENCE/etc.

I have yet 2 meet anybody who takes the "day job" [besides low pay, they're RISKY! if you have low or - income, not worth the stat loss!] --"daily"----ie, as a source of everyday income;

Someone mentioned "gambling"---but I've yet to see that [PLEASE FOLKS, if you CLAIM SOMETHING WORKS, we need DETAILS if we're going to try to repeat it. (if it's not repeatable doesn't matter) Stats, game days, etc.
Early on, even loosing $20/night is a *LOT*, (depends on how much you do cards) & I know of no quick way to get gambling stat up to 60+ [but if CHARM can fail @ 60+, so can gambling!]

Oh, mentioned in another 1 of my posts, but will add it here:
Get *KIDS* (temple) ASAP; [my mod they work 4 room & board! (need "allowance" option DEV--just like for slaves)] They're not "free"----in normal Ver, cost $4/day, BUT avail early, can help salvage infl (Janitor) or, Scavenge (sell/craft)
They are much more efficient after trained;
No "charm" hi stats/good luck needed---but they *DO* need food, & small income. [unless my mod]


Oct 12, 2020
Is there anypoint to grind crafting skills or not. Seems like there is no speed boost or anything beneficial, havent tested out completly. But building weapons or ammo it dosent seem to make difference.

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
holy shit!~ 590!!!!! [I think longest run *EVER*, 300+ days, but less than 400.]
The new 811 version changed a *LOT*, so didn't think it fair for example, to keep going w Master's who had Mercs---either used, & dead, or still part of house, that's no longer avail. (isn't that basically an edit-cheat?!?)

BTW, I've found that w or w/o a Trainer, MC fails more than girls do. (is WP [MC] = Discipline? [girls]) Girl w great stats rarely fails, even w/o trainer.
Like w mos things (& even IRL!) $$$ changes EVERYTHING. Can't afford Trainer early on;

--->>>Toughest part of game (IMHO) is 1st ~100-150 days) "roll" ("dice") often fail, even if your stats R 55/60; (BTW dialog messed up 2 say master's fault, when you *TRIED* 2 be nice, but she [LOL OMG this is *SO* IRL!] "took it the wrong way!" (dice fail)
Sometimes I think you're better off not saying *ANYTHIG* early on (better 2 hold your tongue that try 2B nice, & PISS THEM OFF!)

There's (in general) lots of good advice on here, but alas, 99% of it doesn't apply in 1st ~100-150; day; Yes, space marine's great, but takes expensive $ trip just to get him, & *OH* wait, he's $1200 +$230/DAY! [most posts don't mention that part!]
Then there's the whole "bad luck" [ie, failed rolls] Again, 99% of the advice on here WON'T WORK (or will backfire!) if you fail even most (2/3?) dice rolls. It's easy to understand why some get frustrated, & resort to cheating stats.

My advice: Try a run or 2 from scratch, 811/811c; Then it's easier to see what some complaints are about.

In general: Most runs *HARD* early on (obviously, assumes no cheats! [my mod is ok not a cheat mod]) & as $ & skills go up, most things get easier. Which again bascially makes the 1st ~100 (?) days, CRITICAL.
I'm thinking about starting over soon as the 'Rise From the Ashes' character (who really sucks) and put my skills to the test. You gave me an idea in a previous reply where you said Charm can be bought; I didn't understand what you meant at the time as when I immersed myself in the mechanics that option didn't exist and since it has I'd prioritized Charm to the point I always had 85 Charm to begin with so that option was greyed out. You mean the Doctor's Clinic where you can get plastic surgery, right? I'm not sure it's going to work, as I recall that's kinda expensive and you can't really get much in the beginning when you need it the most, but I can understand why those using the regular character creation system might be tempted to forgo Charm in character creation as it can be bought later when you ought to have plenty of money. Maybe I can make it work for the pathetic 'Rise From the Ashes' character, we will see.

I've played the opening, that is the first few days or so--maybe a week--more than a hundred times trying to figure out the best strategies to start with. Thus I know the board like the back of my hand, I know exactly which targets are which and how much you can get from them. When I started I ran another copy if MoR simultaneously and used it to 'scout' the ones I couldn't remember so I could be sure which target was which and not lose time clicking around. Now I know the whole board by heart.

You can afford a trainer, you just make it a priority. I might not use it until I get past 60 if you're right and you don't need it for training slaves as much as I remember. Juno and Michelle generally start with about 15 discipline so back then they'd fail roughly every other time just trying to get their stamina up to 80, which was frustrating as hell.

I have suspected that character willpower works as discipline does for slaves in regards to training, but I don't know that for certain and have not seen Grimdark ever mention anything about it.

The Space Marine did go up in price, he used to be ~$100 to hire and ~$100 a day which made him amongst the best buys on the board--if you could find him. I still think at $1200 and $125/day he's a bargain as he allows you to take out tougher targets which reap greater rewards.

I don't recall failed charm attempts as penalizing you much, if at all, but my last two runs were with the 'Magnate' (75 charm & 110 manip) and the 'Silver Tongue' (135 Charm & Manip) so he might have added that in since I've been playing the Uber character starts. Now all my stats will start at 30-40 so perhaps I'll have to adapt and overcome. I might have to even romance (long walks, diner, theater etc) these little sluts, I've not done that much lately and then only to try to open up quests or get a focus.

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Ya I lke Lovisa, hard 2 pic her as "bad" girl----horny maybe, but not bad. :) :cool:

So I'm assuming here, you never worried about HAPPINESS/AFFECTION? Just keep WP <0 ?

I'm like you, like 2 keep them happy; But w some (FEMINISTs, etc) it's damn near impossible! [UGH! where's my WHIP...])

Sidenote: I've also learned if you plan to sell them, *OR*, most of the talk interactions, you need -0- or else + WP; (example, tell her you love her; No bonus if neg WP) So pays to get that WP back up when it's safe.
I always max happiness and affection for all my sluts. That's my fantasy, so that's the way I play. Feminists can really be a pain, but once you get past that 'hump' and get them to Loving and don't let it drop then half the battle is won. The rest of the battle is won in the dungeon and in bed.

This current run I tried to keep everyone's willpower up, in fact I got them all to 120 wp for a while, in an attempt to see if I could get any extra bonuses from that high willpower and not lose any opportunities. It turns out that my strategy to corrupt them instead (almost all of them have 96+ corruption) worked against me as Nicole hopes and dreams of only my hot beef injection and I lost the chance to get her media empire up and running. That's why I'm going to start over, all that grinding to get WPs up as high as 120 was a total waste and I still lost Nicole's income opportunity. Plus I didn't know better (it was my first time doing it) and I chose the 'chump' option (gave away the cure) when I did Caitlin's quest and lost a ~$170 income and only got a measly 4k influence instead.


Aug 30, 2020
100 days (PS)

If you buy any slaves, (1st 100 days) who do you get, & why. (Rebecca's decent fighter, but takes time to get her WP down, & her [OMG!] "MALEVOLENT" trait *REALLY* hurts any anther girls you have! [so if you fail rolls/have anything but VERY hi charm/Manip, she's often not worth it IMHO---at least early on. [FIGHTER Master MC, exception]
Pretty much everybody else (T1 slaves) costs more $/than worth; [we're assuming 1) bad luck & 2) $'s tight!] that guy was right, most slaves are not profitable. (at least early on, & until trained much better!)
Poll Q: is the T2 ("free" *CUSTOM*! :) :cool: ) slave cheating?
Runs w, & w/o, she makes a *HUGE* difference!

Stay warm everybody!

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Hey! The Rise From the Ashes character starts with 45 survival! That's something to work with, I can make a go of it hunting from the beginning. I also took a 'Stocky' build so my Strength is 60, that will get me a little bonus wooing my sluts. Stamina is 40 which isn't too bad.

Those are the best attributes though, all other stats/skills are 10-35. We'll see if I really know how to play.
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
100 days (PS)

If you buy any slaves, (1st 100 days) who do you get, & why. (Rebecca's decent fighter, but takes time to get her WP down, & her [OMG!] "MALEVOLENT" trait *REALLY* hurts any anther girls you have! [so if you fail rolls/have anything but VERY hi charm/Manip, she's often not worth it IMHO---at least early on. [FIGHTER Master MC, exception]
Pretty much everybody else (T1 slaves) costs more $/than worth; [we're assuming 1) bad luck & 2) $'s tight!] that guy was right, most slaves are not profitable. (at least early on, & until trained much better!)
Poll Q: is the T2 ("free" *CUSTOM*! :) :cool: ) slave cheating?
Runs w, & w/o, she makes a *HUGE* difference!

Stay warm everybody!
You don't need to get her WP down, eventually it will drop anyway if you fuck her the way I do.

Her 'Malevolent' trait also gives her a bonus to damage in combat and makes her eminently corruptible which turns her into your little bitch in short order. Ignore her rebelliousness ('Defiance') and get her respect up and charm her as best you can. I'm going to keep my other girls' WP up (but not 120!) so Rebecca's natural bitchiness doesn't bring them down. I've accepted that Rebecca is a bitch, but she's my bitch.

The tier two slave is very useful, I think this time I'm going to go for a 'Fatherly Combat' slave (usually I go for fatherly domestic as that skill is needed for two important positions and doesn't come as easily as combat skills). She ought to make a big difference and she's also hotter than hell.

You're playing against yourself, not anyone else, so the only one you can 'cheat' is yourself. Be kinda silly to pay the money and not enjoy that hot little slut.
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Aug 30, 2020
I'm thinking about starting over soon as the 'Rise From the Ashes' character (who really sucks) and put my skills to the test. You gave me an idea in a previous reply where you said Charm can be bought; I didn't understand what you meant at the time as when I immersed myself in the mechanics that option didn't exist and since it has I'd prioritized Charm to the point I always had 85 Charm to begin with so that option was greyed out. You mean the Doctor's Clinic where you can get plastic surgery, right? I'm not sure it's going to work, as I recall that's kinda expensive and you can't really get much in the beginning when you need it the most, but I can understand why those using the regular character creation system might be tempted to forgo Charm in character creation as it can be bought later when you ought to have plenty of money. Maybe I can make it work for the pathetic 'Rise From the Ashes' character, we will see.

I've played the opening, that is the first few days or so--maybe a week--more than a hundred times trying to figure out the best strategies to start with. Thus I know the board like the back of my hand, I know exactly which targets are which and how much you can get from them. When I started I ran another copy if MoR simultaneously and used it to 'scout' the ones I couldn't remember so I could be sure which target was which and not lose time clicking around. Now I know the whole board by heart.

You can afford a trainer, you just make it a priority. I might not use it until I get past 60 if you're right and you don't need it for training slaves as much as I remember. Juno and Michelle generally start with about 15 discipline so back then they'd fail roughly every other time just trying to get their stamina up to 80, which was frustrating as hell.

I have suspected that character willpower works as discipline does for slaves in regards to training, but I don't know that for certain and have not seen Grimdark ever mention anything about it.

The Space Marine did go up in price, he used to be ~$100 to hire and ~$100 a day which made him amongst the best buys on the board--if you could find him. I still think at $1200 and $125/day he's a bargain as he allows you to take out tougher targets which reap greater rewards.

I don't recall failed charm attempts as penalizing you much, if at all, but my last two runs were with the 'Magnate' (75 charm & 110 manip) and the 'Silver Tongue' (135 Charm & Manip) so he might have added that in since I've been playing the Uber character starts. Now all my stats will start at 30-40 so perhaps I'll have to adapt and overcome. I might have to even romance (long walks, diner, theater etc) these little sluts, I've not done that much lately and then only to try to open up quests or get a focus.
1--Yes, more why $'s important, buy CHARM (Doctor's office) later; Can't buy most other stats.
2--No offense, but "board" [lol remember *REAL* BOARD games?] seems to change a *LOT*, every version, so no, I disagree, [wait how many hairs on the back of your hand? no cheating, u can't look! lol] . ----See pic. Mercs R good example.
This is 1 example of mercs used in previous versions, being diff in newer ver.
Prices you quoted---$125/day [again, see pic, WAY more expensive!] which ver?
3--Put out a "Grimdark" challenge a while back, but never had any takers. But even that would change a *LOT* depending upon ver.
4--I've done enough runs, usually find Manip more valuable than CHARM. Again, yes, you can buy charm, *PLUS*, Bad luck/failed rolls/hi WP even *TEACHING*, you need hi Manip or things get worse! (& you can't buy it!)
5--Yes, *EVERYTHING important is EXPENSIVE (hence my other post---$) This includes courses/armor/weapons etc
6---"I have suspected that character willpower works as discipline does for slaves in regards to training, but I don't know that for certain and have not seen Grimdark ever mention anything about it."----Agreed. 1 more thing difficult to raise [good 2 get some @ start!] I think (?) affects many things & rolls, so lower = more fails, higher (in theory?) = more success, But there's exact #'s there too.
CHARM/MANIP #'s directely affect this, as I've seen "failed" rolls lower WP!!!
"UBER" start, "ME" runs, R basically "cheating" if you're honest. (can still B fun don't get me wrong!) -->> I have a "Silver Tongue" [wait isn't it RED?] run that is fun, but then if I step back, I have to say "WAIT, how did I ever *GET* there?!?
"Silver Tongue" or "Magnate" [haven't tried him, is that the rich guy?] ie, "(75 charm & 110 manip)" and "(135 Charm & Manip)" you'll get very few fails, maybe some w *VERY* hi WP/Feminist, but even them *MUCH* much MUCH easier! (as I say, cheating.)
This is just off top of head, but (?) 70+ & you start to get a *LOT* less fails. (again, hi WP/FEMINIST excepted)

8---"Now all my stats will start at 30-40 so perhaps I'll have to adapt and overcome. "-----LOL! welcome 2 something closer to IRL & "normal"! [note that you *CAN* get a few stats higher @ start, but u have to be picky---& it's a trade-off. ]
9--Interesting thing about "romance"-----more "LUCK" /success/good rolls you have [CHARM/MANIP!] the less important it is. (but it should be noted, too angry/depressed/DEFIANT/etc, those won't matter & her stats won't improve!) Also can increase $$ costs early on. W "Silver Tongue" it wasn't even needed.

Sidnote: "Criminal" gives highest Manip # @ start; (have worked it out---unless he changed #'s recently?)
4.50 star(s) 136 Votes