
Aug 30, 2020
WOW!!! 35 Intel *AND* 35 WP! [ugh!]
oh, & you got the same "old fogey" problem I do this run (this Master's 50!)

Would like to see this run *W/O* T2 slave advantage. [I assume you did "normal" not "Grimdark" mode?]
So how do you make $$$? [T2 girl?]


Aug 30, 2020
Maybe it is, I just saw the penalty to raising Ranged Combat at the Waltons and didn't think much about the melee advantage as that goes up quickly in combat and it doesn't need to start too high if you're just using it to take out heavily wounded/poorly armed and armored opponents anyway. Come to think of it most of my sluts get their Ranged Combat increases from crits in combat, so maybe that isn't much of a detriment. The only one I usually really rely upon training at the Walton's is Rebecca.

This one had 'Starlet' too so I just made her a dancer.

I tried a few 'perverted' backgrounds and I didn't notice that, just that her anecdotes seemed to indicate an unhappy person and my brother being a jerk. Anecdotes from 'fatherly' are quite pleasant and there's one perk where they'll be especially happy as long as they're a maid in your house. I think it's akin to the 'Starlet' bonus as I didn't notice a difference when she was dancing compared to her just being a maid in my house.
lol! Damn now I want to try another T2 run! lol!
PS this one ("Emily") 's *SMART*! so working @ Acad; (1 of best starting jobs); Every T2 run she's always been *HUGE* asset/help!
But speaking of "strategies" -------mostly a "cheat" so, anything you have her do (combat/make $ etc) can't really count as a good Strat 4 others.
REALLY like her story-line though. Fits in well.

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
WOW!!! 35 Intel *AND* 35 WP! [ugh!]
oh, & you got the same "old fogey" problem I do this run (this Master's 50!)

Would like to see this run *W/O* T2 slave advantage. [I assume you did "normal" not "Grimdark" mode?]
So how do you make $$$? [T2 girl?]
It says 'Rise From the Ashes' is automatically Grimdark mode and I selected that anyway when it came up so as not to bollux anything up.

I'll be fucking my cute little Tier 2 slave, you're welcome to try a RFtA run without one though.

This character is 46 at start.
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Aug 30, 2020
My family always played poker (and Sheepshead) at family gatherings like reunions and holidays so I started playing poker when I was like eight years old and they'd let me (we played for nickles and quarters).

In this game you need very high (100-130+) gambling to make playing at Furry's reliably profitable. You can break even some of the time with a 40 or so, but not much better than that.

This character has a 35 INT.

I was referring to something about the event engine where you play games on the Ensys or something and can get INT boosts. I've never managed to get one myself, but I've read of others doing so here and on the Discord. I was wondering if you knew how to do that.

You can get academic and science points at Furry's fairly regularly, but I don't remember ever getting an INT point. I don't want to spend the resources to do the classes or books until I can get more out of them than the minimum, which is what a 35 gets you as I recall.
Can we trade families? lol!

Not sure about the "Ensys-bonus-Intel" thing---usually by the time I got that far (um, BAD LUCK TV broke cost $300! etc) need 150+ days *AND*, very good income!
Gambling: WOW! no wonder very rarely won! 100-130+!!! [so I'm guessing--->>> GET RICH (some other way) -->> then *LOOSE* a TON while inc stats?] Obviously, *NOT* a workable early-game-strat.

I can look it up in code. Do you have good income *AND* LR upgrade *AND* Ensys? [everything costs $$$ again!]
Can't think of a (PUBLIC/NON-CHEATING [not ME either]) run where got that in <100 days!
fancy suppers/dinners, R fun, but again, 1 more thing $$$!

35 Int is----far as I know----beyond salvage. Most MAX gains are like 55-60+, & it could *EASILY* take you 200+ "days" to try to get that far!
[um, is that why Hunters R stupid & shoot like u know, PEOPLE & stuff?!? :) :eek: ]
Will also make it much harder to TRAIN girls!
(I'm betting your "T2" is your "ace in the hole" that pulls you through!) How make $? combat?

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Can we trade families? lol!

Not sure about the "Ensys-bonus-Intel" thing---usually by the time I got that far (um, BAD LUCK TV broke cost $300! etc) need 150+ days *AND*, very good income!
Gambling: WOW! no wonder very rarely won! 100-130+!!! [so I'm guessing--->>> GET RICH (some other way) -->> then *LOOSE* a TON while inc stats?] Obviously, *NOT* a workable early-game-strat.
No, but you can get there easily with the regular character creation system by taking 'Troublemaker' and 'Gambler' and then doing the books and courses while gambling regularly at Furry's to grind up your Gambling Stat. You'll lose (money) at first most of the time, but you'll break even sometimes and you'll get the extra benefits from hanging out at Furry's like Influence, Science, Academic and knowing that sometimes there's naked teen-aged sluts crawling around getting their tummies filled.

I can look it up in code. Do you have good income *AND* LR upgrade *AND* Ensys? [everything costs $$$ again!]
Can't think of a (PUBLIC/NON-CHEATING [not ME either]) run where got that in <100 days!
fancy suppers/dinners, R fun, but again, 1 more thing $$$!
I don't know, I've just seen references here and elsewhere to some people getting INT gains and I think they said something about Ensys and the event engine. More I do not know, I tried it a few times with no result so it might take more commitment than I gave it.

35 Int is----far as I know----beyond salvage. Most MAX gains are like 55-60+, & it could *EASILY* take you 200+ "days" to try to get that far!
[um, is that why Hunters R stupid & shoot like u know, PEOPLE & stuff?!? :) :eek: ]
Will also make it much harder to TRAIN girls!
(I'm betting your "T2" is your "ace in the hole" that pulls you through!) How make $? combat?
What makes you think the Tier 2 slave is that good? I wonder if you've just been fortunate in your games with the T2 slave. Mine are hardly remarkable, outside that the renders are especially hot in my opinion. She'll get a 40 or so in Domestic if you choose that, and something similar in Ranged and Melee if you go combat, but is otherwise nothing special and appears pretty random. What makes her all that much superior to the older fat one, whatshername...Amelia? I've never had her but I read some think her a good investment and she doesn't cost much, maybe the difference of a good day on drops versus a normal one. That's not that big a deal.

We'll see if 35 INT is beyond salvage, I also tended to max INT during character creation too as it's so valuable and hard to get.

Edit to add: I forgot to answer your last question. Yes I plan to make most of my money from combat, though once I've cleared the board I'll probably start hunting and hope for an early famine.
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Aug 30, 2020
Ok Intel: [from code] [NOT counting START] 811c
-Below 39, MAX penalties (includes books) [but will *ALWAYS* quality for "chance" + intel ]
-65 or above: MAX bonus [some stuff is 60+]

-Fancy wedding
-RE Brother (random)
-random, dinner w Juno

*YES*, there is a (ugh like so much else in here!) * RANDOM* chance to gain Intel playing games/dinner; (but you can also LOOSE stats!)
[looks like more likely to go bad w alcohol (no surprise!)
Given that you can also LOOSE $/stats/influ, not a reliable way to gain Intel.
- (new) wife interaction. Note that like most, depends on stats/luck;
-some involve "*EXTRA*" good luck (ie, mult "rolls")

PS most of these "gains" R based on existing Intel----so <39, likely *ONLY* +1; (& except courses/books, RANDOM)
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Aug 30, 2020
"No, but you can get there easily with the regular character creation system by taking 'Troublemaker' and 'Gambler' and then doing the books and courses while gambling regularly at Furry's to grind up your Gambling Stat. You'll lose (money) at first most of the time, but you'll break even sometimes and you'll get the extra benefits from hanging out at Furry's like Influence, Science, Academic and knowing that sometimes there's naked teen-aged sluts crawling around getting their tummies filled."

--Sounds like again, NOT a reliable way to make $; [maybe LOOSE $! (assume lots bad luck) ] just like IRL----game 4 the RICH! (or lucky?)

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Ok I give up. So what is your T2 girl? a "Fucktoy"? [custom option]
I haven't gotten her yet, I've been chatting with you and considering my strategy. My first inclination is as a fatherly combat slave, but I am considering fucktoy too. I usually take domestic but want to try something else again.

"No, but you can get there easily with the regular character creation system by taking 'Troublemaker' and 'Gambler' and then doing the books and courses while gambling regularly at Furry's to grind up your Gambling Stat. You'll lose (money) at first most of the time, but you'll break even sometimes and you'll get the extra benefits from hanging out at Furry's like Influence, Science, Academic and knowing that sometimes there's naked teen-aged sluts crawling around getting their tummies filled."

--Sounds like again, NOT a reliable way to make $; [maybe LOOSE $! (assume lots bad luck) ] just like IRL----game 4 the RICH! (or lucky?)
It's not reliable in the beginning, but once you get to that 100-130 skill you can expect to make 300-500 a night playing poker there.
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Ok Intel: [from code] [NOT counting START] 811c
-Below 39, MAX penalties (includes books) [but will *ALWAYS* quality for "chance" + intel ]
-65 or above: MAX bonus [some stuff is 60+]

-Fancy wedding
-RE Brother (random)
-random, dinner w Juno

*YES*, there is a (ugh like so much else in here!) * RANDOM* chance to gain Intel playing games/dinner; (but you can also LOOSE stats!)
[looks like more likely to go bad w alcohol (no surprise!)
Given that you can also LOOSE $/stats/influ, not a reliable way to gain Intel.
- (new) wife interaction. Note that like most, depends on stats/luck;
-some involve "*EXTRA*" good luck (ie, mult "rolls")

PS most of these "gains" R based on existing Intel----so <39, likely *ONLY* +1; (& except courses/books, RANDOM)
I am willing to trade "$/stats/influ" for Int points, the latter are more valuable in my view. Do you know what the percent chance is to get an INT point? I'm not going to save-scum it, I need it to be high enough to bother with, at least a 10% chance per go.


New Member
Mar 9, 2022
First sorry for my bad english.
this is in my Opinion not only a gem
its a diamond, and he gets polished day for day.

yes i know it's hard to believe, but GrimDark is chasing improvements at a rate that is unbelievable. Not even the big game studios patch that fast. And not only that. when users ask in Discord they usually get a solution presented on the same day. and at the latest with the next update that rarely takes longer than 2 weeks. this is already implemented. the bugfixes happen on a partly hourly basis. User XY: hey i think there is a bug... 15 min later Master Grimdark: fixed!

so to say this game is half finished is an cheeky understatement, it already offers more hours of gameplay and more story, background, quests, than many *finished* games.
And beside that you have dozens and dozens of ways how to start it, so your MC always changes, have different strength power and intellegence. so no playthrough is like the other.

Bute mostly when you are in your playthrough master GrimDark fire out the next update, the next Quests the next goals to reach.

i really have no clue HOW he make that.. maybee a digital viking berserker?

im really gratefull for his work and im really happy that some weeks ago i found that diamond . this masterpiece.

and so i played first the free version.. then tier 1 .. tier 2 and now thier 4 .. and i must say i have really not much money. but every little singel cent .. is totally worth it.
and how can you show someone that you really like his stuff better then support it every month with your own hard earned money.

His girls and Planet give me often a space to dream and live and feel angry and good . and next day i can stand up happy again and do my job which isnt well paied and hard and stressfull.

thank you Master GrimDark.


Jul 3, 2022
No, but it looks like a simple substitution cipher. Just like the cryptoquotes in the daily paper; figure out what two letter word "XO" stands for and you'll be on your way.
There was first what I think about and it isn't. Second though was about anagram and seems it isn't too.
Maybe "xo"/"x=" separate groups?

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Rumor "Echoes from the past" @ Divine Juices tavern.
Oh, that's right. I figured that was a WIP and forgot about it. It still looks like a substitution cipher to me, that "XO" as one word and also as a part of words suggests that's all it is.


Oct 16, 2017
I've read about a way to increase INT playing games or somesuch but I never managed to find it for myself, do you know how to do it?
Yeah. Host an evening playing tabletop role playing games. There's a couple of points of INT to be had there.

Sadly, the events are unique, so you can't repeat it to train INT beyond the few points available, but every little helps, I guess.
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