
Active Member
Apr 9, 2020
What it´s the point of buying The Retreat? It´s bloody expensive, have a lot of maintenance and you can not interact at all with the slaves you put on it. They stop also working and earning money or giving you influence. It´s just an expensive parking lot?

I´m missing something obvious?. Seems quite useless to me..

and also,

is there a level of standing in which the houses begin to pay tribute to you?
Basically, the Retreat was a quick fix for all the people complaining about not have enough space for all the girls they wanted to keep. Grim has stated that the Retreat will be expanded in the future, but for now it is just a storage space for people who have a lot of girls and money.
Jun 10, 2022
Basically, the Retreat was a quick fix for all the people complaining about not have enough space for all the girls they wanted to keep. Grim has stated that the Retreat will be expanded in the future, but for now it is just a storage space for people who have a lot of girls and money.
I'd add, sounds like Housing is getting some affection in 8.3.


Active Member
Oct 12, 2018
Basically, the Retreat was a quick fix for all the people complaining about not have enough space for all the girls they wanted to keep. Grim has stated that the Retreat will be expanded in the future, but for now it is just a storage space for people who have a lot of girls and money.
OOOK!. Then I have read it well. Better the put this 290K$ in somethin useful. Like the mafia or the church.


Apr 30, 2017
How's the power (x/20) determined for The Orphanage? It seems to go down even when I have more money, more slaves, more army units and more weapons? Make it make sense. What is being measured here?


Jul 6, 2019

That almost sounds like the current LOG we have in the Domestic Engine (0.8.2). It's still pretty rough around the edges but tracks all the top slaves' most important attributes. Having further information about what is actually causing the changes is currently in an experimental phase. That would be extremely time-consuming to fully implement, however, as there are thousands of unique situations that could potentially affect skills/attributes.
Well, I could probably live with just knowing that the stats (and traits) of all my girls have changed. I would really like to see the stat changes for all my girls, not just the two main salves. Most of the stats only increase or don't vary significantly. I would, however, love to see how willpower of my girls is influenced. It seems to be the deciding factor if I get seven individuals with personality and history which i haven't seen in other games to this extend or seven faceless sex dolls that only say yes master. I prefer to interact with people so keeping willpower at a certain lvl seems to be important.

I have seven slaves, four of them with an advocate trait -.-". They currently have around 31 willpower - tendency falling and I can't figure out why. I removed their collars and put some clothes back on them. Do butt plugs lead to willpower drops? Couldn't find anything about that in the wiki. I like my girls running around naked with collars, nipple chains and piercings - where are the chastity belts with integrated butt plugs and (egg) vibrators?^^

In the meantime I played version 8.2 and it was great - love what you did there with the Log! Definitely a step into the right direction. Btw the end of day sceen events seem to happen way more often when you end the day early or skip it in comparison to ending late at night?

Some other stuff that I noticed and you might want to consider in the future:

1. The whole game persists of mircomanagement actions. You basically have to manually execute an action to trigger a stat in-/decrease for yourself or a girl. That's ok as long as you have a managable number of things you have to take care of. After you get 2-3 girls and increase your household things get...difficult. Except for sending the girls to university and the stables there is no way of increasing the girls stats passively. To increase a specific stat purposefully you have to personally educate or train the girl manually, you can't even train multiple girls at the same time.

It would be great to have something like 1-2 events in the week where you come together as a household and have an event (players choice) to provide a chance to increase a specific stat (or multiple with a lower chance) for everyone. Would also be great if you didn't have to trigger these events actively. You could implement a 'normal' event on sunday, like the pen and paper event with Ayden to increase their intelligence, organize a dance party to increase happiness, dexterity and stamina and so on. Friday evening is orgy day - increase vaginal, anal, oral, kissing and lesbian skill to a certain degree!

Or you could hire different trainers you have to unlock first that train a specific stat for your household. After gaining a certain amount of influence you should be able to hire people that can train your girls instead of doing it all yourself as you are now a respectable member of society and no longer an impoverished nobleman that has to do everything himself.

Or you could train a specific stat of a girl to 80+/100 and the girls have a chance to learn from her. Girls with the right stat can teach at the university, why not also at home?

2. You already have the event tab but it's pretty underwhelming. You can gain some influence with people I don't really care about and in other cases it increases happiness and affection with a limited number of girls which I can get easier by just talking to them. I only use this feature to trigger quests. With all the things you can do in the game it seems to be a bad activity to spent time on.

3. Most of the jobs for the girls have almost no impact on the game. Four of my seven girls are permanently at the university, one is gardening, Nicole is in her news office and one is a maid to gain the workaholic trait.

Sending them to work at any job just gets me a little bit of money I don't really need. If I sent them anywhere, it's because the job influences a specific trait like Nikas clothing store. Until now, I only ever used Nikas store for some charm gain, the Gardener job because it is convinient, the House maid for the workaholic trait and Academy assignment to gain stats (which is technically not a job as I sent them there to increase their stats and the most efficient way is as students). I like to max out stats and get the most out of the girls - sending them to any job pretty much lets them stagnate. If the girl is dancing like a godess on a good day at the golden dragon that should lead to some stat increases in the respective areas, shouldn't it? Higher intelligence and charisma should influence when working in sales.

It would be great if all the girls had a specific goal in mind like Nicole (I think I read somewhere something about a clinic for Caitlin?). In addition, there should be something like a minimum stat requirement like with the golden dragon. That way, you have to work with the girl to get her to the starting line. Except for some money and amible affection, Nicole can just start her carreer as a journalist without further delay.

E. g. for Nicole there could be minimum stat requirement of 60 intelligence and 70 academics and science for working as a journalist. While working she can increase these stats further and increase the reward/money you can get. You get better at your job while doing it, don't you? In additon to money it should provide the player with a unique perk - else why not educate her in dancing and just sent her to the golden dragon? Currently I get get 134 $ from Nicole (with really high int, discipline, academics and science stats) while the golden dragon would provide me with 180 $. The news office could warn you about an impending famine (not really useful but I couldn't think of something better) and Caitlins clinic could increase overall stamina generation for your household and reduce recovery time when a girl gets exhausted.

4. You should think about the discrepancy between Nicole being permanently stuck in the news office with a job and Rebecca with her Skulduggerist title. From a logical point of view, both should be categorized as assignments that block their timetable. I don't get why you can't remove Nicole from her job. If the money is linked to her intelligence you have no way of increasing it after assigning her.

5. How about some items you can give girls with specific effects? Every Girls gets 3-5 slots. Something that increases/decreases/freezes willpower or corruption. Some, that give a chance to influence a specific stat/trait like the chance to reduce the malevolent trait or grants a 10 % chance to increase strength by 1 point per day. This would also be an excellent way to change traits you can currently not or hardly influence at all. You could make the items expensive and only available after a hard and lenghtly quest so you can't use them from the get go. The collar is basically already such an item, although I like my girls walking around with them naked and the nipple chains I had to take them off to not further decrease their willpower :(

6. In the examination tab you have pierced tongue/lips under oral status and anal piercing (what's that?) and back tattoo under anal status. Are they just place holders? I have never seen anything other than 'no' behind these stats and they don't seem to influence anything.

7. Fort Sera and its questline. I don't know what you have planned, but to me it seems like you're underselling the whole thing quite a bit. Building your own military force should be a HUGE step to becoming a major player in Masters of Raana considering that this puts you on par with all the other factions ingame. The quest doesn't do that justice. You're normally quite meticulous with your descriptions when you explore the world or interact with people so I'm a bit disappointed.
You start out with 10 veterans and a deplorable point of operation. Getting a few new slaves to increase manpower is nice, how about adding some combat knives as a first measure to defend themselfes, textiles, wood, metal, rations, stone... to performe some basic repairs?
2nd step are just some weapons...did that already with Belial Guns, how about some gun powder to make your own ammunition, hiring a cook?
3rd step is just trowing some money their way *duh*. It would be much more immersive if you could invest the money in a way that the player sees what is done with it. During the dialog with Valkess you describe what the money is used for. Turn it into an upgrade system so that you can see step by step how your force is growing: New uniforms, building training grounds, buying some form of transport, increasing living standards...
I'm currently at the 3rd step so I don't know what happens afterwards but let me just fantasize a bit: Afterwards you have a basic base with a core of veteran soldiers and some recruits with basic training. You can buy upgrades for the base to make it better so that you can develop them to a highly trained and deadly force with state of the art equipment just as good as the skyguard. You get offered different assignments from different people like escort and guard a celebrety, help out the skyguard with their bandit problem, can explore the jungle with some scientits etc. Your success rate is dependant on the size of the enemy, the amount of people you send, their equipment and their education (e.g. before you can accept bodyguard assignments you will have to buy a course that teaches how to do exactly that or training in urban warfare increases your successrates when fighting raiders in the city). Just for compairison: The Retreat costs you 290k and you still have to pay rent - seems a bit off to me (although I was always a fan of the old version where you had the chance to extend your household - I want to keep all my cuddly girls close to me and for myself).

I hope this provides you with a few ideas. Keep it up and I'm looking forward on how things develop.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2018
A little strange slaves give paid more then some NPC's salaries.
How's the power (x/20) determined for The Orphanage? It seems to go down even when I have more money, more slaves, more army units and more weapons? Make it make sense. What is being measured here?

the Influence and cash based is cumulative I think

I'm unsure if slaves stashed in 'the retreat' count towards the total, if it does, reaching 20 power will be pretty easy via capturing slaves.
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Sep 2, 2023
Excellent game, one of my favourites!

Hopefully in the future we get some more story based slaves. Also what I am looking for is something more doing the the wild. Hunting, camping, capturing slaves, etc.

Is there any plans to include more sound effects or few more pictures of your house? Also it would be great to add some random visitors to your home.

Thank you developer. Keep up the good work.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
How's the power (x/20) determined for The Orphanage? It seems to go down even when I have more money, more slaves, more army units and more weapons? Make it make sense. What is being measured here?
I think it's mostly the strength of your mercs. If you hire all 4 of the top tiers for instance you're already above that threshold even if you have nobody else.
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Aug 18, 2017
Short question, is converting the or a slave to the mc's religion already in the game? And if it is, how does it work?


Jul 4, 2019
Please make rifle savant 50 HP. He is useless atm after day 3.
he is great the way he is, a light hit takes him out and when you have enough doctor bags he is an automatic chance at another medical point every combat, and before you have doctor bags I have heard you can talk him into getting up and still have a chance to get another medical point but with talking he losses stats (I have not tested the talking method yet) if the talking works he is one of the few that I dont care if he loses stats because he will not be in combat once the mains medical skill is up high enough
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Jul 4, 2019
Short question, is converting the or a slave to the mc's religion already in the game? And if it is, how does it work?
I have read in discord that if you get the main up to 100 devotion he can try to convert slaves individualy to his religion but the chance to convert depends on there devotion to there current religion, there willpower and there affection to you and your willpower might have some effect also. At 100 devotion on main the convert botton should show up somewhere in there slave menu when up examine that girl. I will be testing this soon but I am not at 100 devotion yet on current play thru.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
he is great the way he is, a light hit takes him out and when you have enough doctor bags he is an automatic chance at another medical point every combat, and before you have doctor bags I have heard you can talk him into getting up and still have a chance to get another medical point but with talking he losses stats (I have not tested the talking method yet) if the talking works he is one of the few that I dont care if he loses stats because he will not be in combat once the mains medical skill is up high enough
I can confirm you can get medical skill without doctors kits, but you do take stat losses. Theoretically you could boost your medical up to 40 that way without reading any books but I'm not willing to let my mercs take that many stat losses. With doctors kits though yeah Rifle Savant is a little more viable. The problem is unless you're specifically just trying to grind up medical skill, those doctors kits are expensive so you don't really want to use them all the time unless you have to on a fight that pays a lot.

Also as far as I know there is zero benefit to raising medical past 40. IMO it should increase healing from stims but as far as I know it doesn't. You get an increase from 20 to 30 at 35 and you get the ability to use doctors kits at 40. Then nothing (other than your ability to train slaves in medical if you're trying to train up a quartermaster who doesn't already have high medical).


Active Member
Jul 4, 2018
Well, I could probably live with just knowing that the stats (and traits) of all my girls have changed. I would really like to see the stat changes for all my girls, not just the two main salves. Most of the stats only increase or don't vary significantly. I would, however, love to see how willpower of my girls is influenced. It seems to be the deciding factor if I get seven individuals with personality and history which i haven't seen in other games to this extend or seven faceless sex dolls that only say yes master. I prefer to interact with people so keeping willpower at a certain lvl seems to be important.

I have seven slaves, four of them with an advocate trait -.-". They currently have around 31 willpower - tendency falling and I can't figure out why. I removed their collars and put some clothes back on them. Do butt plugs lead to willpower drops? Couldn't find anything about that in the wiki. I like my girls running around naked with collars, nipple chains and piercings - where are the chastity belts with integrated butt plugs and (egg) vibrators?^^

In the meantime I played version 8.2 and it was great - love what you did there with the Log! Definitely a step into the right direction. Btw the end of day sceen events seem to happen way more often when you end the day early or skip it in comparison to ending late at night?

Some other stuff that I noticed and you might want to consider in the future:

1. The whole game persists of mircomanagement actions. You basically have to manually execute an action to trigger a stat in-/decrease for yourself or a girl. That's ok as long as you have a managable number of things you have to take care of. After you get 2-3 girls and increase your household things get...difficult. Except for sending the girls to university and the stables there is no way of increasing the girls stats passively. To increase a specific stat purposefully you have to personally educate or train the girl manually, you can't even train multiple girls at the same time.

It would be great to have something like 1-2 events in the week where you come together as a household and have an event (players choice) to provide a chance to increase a specific stat (or multiple with a lower chance) for everyone. Would also be great if you didn't have to trigger these events actively. You could implement a 'normal' event on sunday, like the pen and paper event with Ayden to increase their intelligence, organize a dance party to increase happiness, dexterity and stamina and so on. Friday evening is orgy day - increase vaginal, anal, oral, kissing and lesbian skill to a certain degree!

Or you could hire different trainers you have to unlock first that train a specific stat for your household. After gaining a certain amount of influence you should be able to hire people that can train your girls instead of doing it all yourself as you are now a respectable member of society and no longer an impoverished nobleman that has to do everything himself.

Or you could train a specific stat of a girl to 80+/100 and the girls have a chance to learn from her. Girls with the right stat can teach at the university, why not also at home?

2. You already have the event tab but it's pretty underwhelming. You can gain some influence with people I don't really care about and in other cases it increases happiness and affection with a limited number of girls which I can get easier by just talking to them. I only use this feature to trigger quests. With all the things you can do in the game it seems to be a bad activity to spent time on.

3. Most of the jobs for the girls have almost no impact on the game. Four of my seven girls are permanently at the university, one is gardening, Nicole is in her news office and one is a maid to gain the workaholic trait.

Sending them to work at any job just gets me a little bit of money I don't really need. If I sent them anywhere, it's because the job influences a specific trait like Nikas clothing store. Until now, I only ever used Nikas store for some charm gain, the Gardener job because it is convinient, the House maid for the workaholic trait and Academy assignment to gain stats (which is technically not a job as I sent them there to increase their stats and the most efficient way is as students). I like to max out stats and get the most out of the girls - sending them to any job pretty much lets them stagnate. If the girl is dancing like a godess on a good day at the golden dragon that should lead to some stat increases in the respective areas, shouldn't it? Higher intelligence and charisma should influence when working in sales.

It would be great if all the girls had a specific goal in mind like Nicole (I think I read somewhere something about a clinic for Caitlin?). In addition, there should be something like a minimum stat requirement like with the golden dragon. That way, you have to work with the girl to get her to the starting line. Except for some money and amible affection, Nicole can just start her carreer as a journalist without further delay.

E. g. for Nicole there could be minimum stat requirement of 60 intelligence and 70 academics and science for working as a journalist. While working she can increase these stats further and increase the reward/money you can get. You get better at your job while doing it, don't you? In additon to money it should provide the player with a unique perk - else why not educate her in dancing and just sent her to the golden dragon? Currently I get get 134 $ from Nicole (with really high int, discipline, academics and science stats) while the golden dragon would provide me with 180 $. The news office could warn you about an impending famine (not really useful but I couldn't think of something better) and Caitlins clinic could increase overall stamina generation for your household and reduce recovery time when a girl gets exhausted.

4. You should think about the discrepancy between Nicole being permanently stuck in the news office with a job and Rebecca with her Skulduggerist title. From a logical point of view, both should be categorized as assignments that block their timetable. I don't get why you can't remove Nicole from her job. If the money is linked to her intelligence you have no way of increasing it after assigning her.

5. How about some items you can give girls with specific effects? Every Girls gets 3-5 slots. Something that increases/decreases/freezes willpower or corruption. Some, that give a chance to influence a specific stat/trait like the chance to reduce the malevolent trait or grants a 10 % chance to increase strength by 1 point per day. This would also be an excellent way to change traits you can currently not or hardly influence at all. You could make the items expensive and only available after a hard and lenghtly quest so you can't use them from the get go. The collar is basically already such an item, although I like my girls walking around with them naked and the nipple chains I had to take them off to not further decrease their willpower :(

6. In the examination tab you have pierced tongue/lips under oral status and anal piercing (what's that?) and back tattoo under anal status. Are they just place holders? I have never seen anything other than 'no' behind these stats and they don't seem to influence anything.

7. Fort Sera and its questline. I don't know what you have planned, but to me it seems like you're underselling the whole thing quite a bit. Building your own military force should be a HUGE step to becoming a major player in Masters of Raana considering that this puts you on par with all the other factions ingame. The quest doesn't do that justice. You're normally quite meticulous with your descriptions when you explore the world or interact with people so I'm a bit disappointed.
You start out with 10 veterans and a deplorable point of operation. Getting a few new slaves to increase manpower is nice, how about adding some combat knives as a first measure to defend themselfes, textiles, wood, metal, rations, stone... to performe some basic repairs?
2nd step are just some weapons...did that already with Belial Guns, how about some gun powder to make your own ammunition, hiring a cook?
3rd step is just trowing some money their way *duh*. It would be much more immersive if you could invest the money in a way that the player sees what is done with it. During the dialog with Valkess you describe what the money is used for. Turn it into an upgrade system so that you can see step by step how your force is growing: New uniforms, building training grounds, buying some form of transport, increasing living standards...
I'm currently at the 3rd step so I don't know what happens afterwards but let me just fantasize a bit: Afterwards you have a basic base with a core of veteran soldiers and some recruits with basic training. You can buy upgrades for the base to make it better so that you can develop them to a highly trained and deadly force with state of the art equipment just as good as the skyguard. You get offered different assignments from different people like escort and guard a celebrety, help out the skyguard with their bandit problem, can explore the jungle with some scientits etc. Your success rate is dependant on the size of the enemy, the amount of people you send, their equipment and their education (e.g. before you can accept bodyguard assignments you will have to buy a course that teaches how to do exactly that or training in urban warfare increases your successrates when fighting raiders in the city). Just for compairison: The Retreat costs you 290k and you still have to pay rent - seems a bit off to me (although I was always a fan of the old version where you had the chance to extend your household - I want to keep all my cuddly girls close to me and for myself).

I hope this provides you with a few ideas. Keep it up and I'm looking forward on how things develop.
I don't particularly disagree w/ anything you said and kinda wanna break into Grimm's house and superglue his ass to the computer's chair till he implements the suggested stuff w/ the Fort, but may I suggest an alternative approach?

Instead of grinding your MC into the Mastergigauberchaddest of the universe w/ a harem of Olympians, try multiple playtroughs w/ varied approaches. In one you play as a cruel master, breaking body and spirit of unfortunate girls; another a suggardaddy working hard to provide food 'n' bling for your pets; another a respected scholar, who instill academics excellence w/ harsh but fair discipline.

If you do so you may find, like I did, that most of the limitations imposed by the game are part of what makes it so unique, so fun.


Nov 13, 2019
Was hoping to have some informed feedback by now, but a drug-dealing neighbor threatening to kill your family and pulling a knife on them kind of puts a damper on the enjoyment of finer things.

Anyway, does anyone know what setup was used for generation of the "AI" images? Hoping it's something Discord folks have info on, among the best aesthetics I've seen.

Hope it's something Grim wants and/or can disclose, and turns out to be publicly available. Wouldn't mind messing with that one.
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The Budman
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2021
Was hoping to have some informed feedback by now, but a drug-dealing neighbor threatening to kill your family and pulling a knife on them kind of puts a damper on the enjoyment of finer things.

Anyway, does anyone know what setup was used for generation of the "AI" images? Hoping it's something Discord folks have info on, among the best aesthetics I've seen.

Hope it's something Grim wants and/or can disclose, and turns out to be publicly available. Wouldn't mind messing with that one.
Sorry to hear that! Hope everyone's okay.

We happen to have a great crew of AI artists on our Discord. What images are you talking about? Maybe I could post the prompts here if anyone's interested.
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Active Member
Jun 2, 2019
Are there any special slaves in Watery Eyes market? Some of them have scenes but most of them doesn't have. I wish that 49 years old slave had scenes. The one with maid costume.


The Budman
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2021
Excellent game, one of my favourites!

Hopefully in the future we get some more story based slaves. Also what I am looking for is something more doing the the wild. Hunting, camping, capturing slaves, etc.

Is there any plans to include more sound effects or few more pictures of your house? Also it would be great to add some random visitors to your home.

Thank you developer. Keep up the good work.

Both additional domestic events and story slaves are planned. Next up is Aisha, a (somewhat) spoiled middle-eastern girl that's forced to face reality after being raised in a protected Em-city home by one of Ikaanos' most prominent scientists.


The Budman
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2021
Are there any special slaves in Watery Eyes market? Some of them have scenes but most of them doesn't have. I wish that 49 years old slave had scenes. The one with maid costume.
There are roughly eight unique slave sets that you can only get from Watery Eyes. Most are of a skinny-tattooed-tribalistic nature.
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4.50 star(s) 136 Votes