
Active Member
Sep 12, 2020
Yeah, it always nice to have such a savegame and nice to see that it worked out this good for you, but then it seems as if your mc/pc did some fighting after all or did he only train some mercs in melee combat?
He has only trained at home with high-end mercs: Juno, Loren, the tier 2 NPC and a random slave with high gardening skill bought at auction.

They actually have quite good stats now as a result of it :)


Active Member
Sep 12, 2020
No books? Congrats on the future 101 charm. It is the highest value for that stat I naturally, I think, unless you picked Brainy which grants bonus point gains from certain books.

Speaking of stats that can exceed caps, if you did not demolish the scrap heap yet, you can exceed the possible 150(?) cap for melee combat since the one time +1 melee combat stat gain from searching the heap guarantees an increase.
No books, but still not completely natural charm though. He spent 28k at the doctor to increase his charm from 69 to 89. And yes, he is brainy and was born with 90 INT (his creator got a little carried away and spent 55 creation points on that).


Active Member
Oct 12, 2018
Dealing now with the intricacies of raising your kids (5 with only a couple of days of difference). And the info we have at had from start it´s sketchy at best.
Your actions are pretty clear: Per wiki

Nursery actions[ | ]
  • Play: Adds Happiness, Kindness and Affection (toward you) bonuses.
  • Educate: Adds Intelligence points.
  • Combat training: Adds DEX, STR and Melee points.
But what about the Nurses???. The wiki it silent. And the pop-up under the title only tell that they will teach things to the kid (unspecified and with no details ) and that better if they have Int +40. Well, it´s just a tittle and didn´t seem to be a big deal, so I proceed to assign Nannies to the nursery. 8 it´s the maximum. Everything seems fine and ok. The smartest of my girls are going to take care of my kids. What can go wrong!!!

And then I go to the nursery menu and Surprise!!!!, a note!!!

Focus Penalty : one or several of your appointed nannies are assigned to other jobs. And a Focus -80

Well, that´s a surprise. to my knowledge Nanny it´s a tittle, not a job. but seems that there are some kind of interference. The -80 seems to be a -10 per each girl who it´s in the nursery and working otherwise.

Any one have a clue of how this works?. Would be a pain on the but to make my girls leave her jobs, mostly because girls with high Int are doing important things in my household..
Answering to myself....

I have made 3 different runs using the skip day feature. One with 8 nurses, working. Other with 8 nurses, not working. And a last one, with one nurse, working.

The differences in results, if any, are really small. So I believe that this can be played "by ear", so in the run for real I have two nurses, Caithlin and the Arena-ex champ, and I have kept them working. And I made three visits each and every day, Play, Educate and Combat Training, expecting big differences...

But no.

May be the stats are slightly better, but not better enough to be 100% sure, and they have more traits (in the skip runs the number of traits went from 5 to 7), 8 in total. So I would call it inconclusive. Not sure how it works, or if works at all because the results are close enough to be caused by dice rolls....

Edit: Also, for logistic reasons, try to plan your offspring in batches of 4 or multiples of 4.

Room capacity it´s 4
You can lecture them in groups of 4,.
You can train with them them in groups of 4.
You can bring them to chase lvl1/lvl2 bounties in groups of 4.
You can put 4 of them as guards to be trained by your Captain.

Multiples of four it´s definitively the kind of number you want ...
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Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
Yeah, the nanny results were not really that impressive on my end. My kids started with ~10 Melee and ~10 Ranged combat stats despite me repeatedly pressing Train in the nursery and assigning some heavy hitting nannies (Valkyria, ex arena champ, Aria). I saw several +1 Physique pop up, but they did not affect Melee and Range stats significantly, if at all. They probably had some small effect on my daughter. Her strength and dex stats had some single digit increase. My sons all came from Aria and they inherited her strength and dex stats so they all came out hitting the strength and dex cap when they were processed (50 and 90 respectively). Any strength or dex increase from nannies were going to go nowhere and I expected it would go to melee combat stats but it did not. My daughter's mother was Leia Winton (chosen because she's from a "noble" family like Aria) so her starting stats were not high. She had room to grow unlike my sons.

However, the Intelligence stat was positively affected by my nannies set; it was the highest average stat in the Atmosphere stat readouts). Leia is not exactly a genius and Aria is smart but not that high. But thanks to how high the intelligence of a couple of my nannies like my stormborn (110+), my Averil (90+), my Laika (92 from training her back in, and my Luckie (105), my kids came out with higher intelligence stats than I expected. I checked back my screenshots and my daughter went from 40 intelligence when she was born to 50 intelligence when she was processed.

Trait inheritance was wack though. I thought the mother's traits would have some precedence but that does not seem to be the case. Weirdly enough, my two kids from an abandoned save with the ex arena champ both had Brawler like their mother.

edit: some corrections

How to unlock tier 2 quests?
If you had paid to unlock it and got whatever it is that the dev sends you to unlock it in your account, there should be a red book in your office. Click around. The journal has the instructions.
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Active Member
Oct 12, 2018
When I do so, I get the generic "I want to stay your slave, master" line. Is her corruption too high at 20?

EDIT: no, that's not it. I use saveeditor to adjust her corruption to 5, and she says the same line. Maybe the willpower is too-low at -11?

EDIT2: Yeah, that was it. adjusting her willpower to 5 changed her response. Apparently negative value willpower is bad, who would have thought?
Make sense. Being a brainless zombie don´t fit well with having dreams and hopes.
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May 23, 2020
Let´s talk about...

Slavemasters and the Guard Captain
This are jobs that train passively your slaves. You can have 3 slavemasters, each of them train up to 4 slaves and One Guard captain, that trains the servants appointed as guards. Well, I have taken some numbers and made a 10 days run. No treats influence in the slaves I have selected for the run and no head maid appointed, but may be my household will have some passive effects I´m not aware off. Let´s see if we can get interesting data

Slave Master Enya: Skill 36 (Not great), 4 slaves:

Increase corruption (Max 60) : +3+3+4+4. Starting point 23,13,38,14
Increase Sexual Skills: +12,+12,+12,12 (spreaded between the 3).Starting point, all below 70

Increase Phisical skills: Dex:4,4,4,4: Starting point 30,30,31,31
Increase Phisical skills: Str: 4,4,4,4: Starting point 30,30,30,30

Slave Master Aiko: Skill 80, 4 slaves
Increase Discipline: +8,0,0,0. Starting point 25,70,70,70
Increase Kindness: +8,+7,0,0 Starting point 31,72,80,80
Increase Phisical skills: Dex:7,1,0,0,: Starting point 32,54,54,70
Increase Phisical skills: Str: 0,0,0,0: Starting point 60,60,60,60

Slavemaster Jordan. Skill 89, 4 slaves

Increase Discipline: +10,10,10,0. Starting point 40,41,47, 70
Increase Physical Skill Dex. 7,7,7,+2:Starting point 32,32,32,57
Increase Pysical Skill Str. 0,0,0,0. starting point 60,60,60,60
Increase Willpower: +10,10,0,0. Starting point 47,60,80,106

Well, I believe that we can draw some conclusions. The skill of the Slave Master it´s the chance of increasing each skill by one point, per day, and there are some kind of hard cap that put a max the increase of the slave Stats. Seems that Aiko have a cap on 55 Dex and Jordan on 60 Dex. Why the difference? I have no clue at all. But the cap exist, and seem to be 55-60 in Dx, 60 in St, 70 in Disc and 80 on Will. It´s curious that the game tell you the cap in Corruption, but not in other stats.

Captain Ltn Einar Corso. Skill 75 (+20 for being pretty famous)

Ranged Skill: +4,2,1,0,0,0: Starting point 10,59,5,80,82,92
Melee SKlli: +4,4,2,0,0,0: Starting point 10,76,5,82,97,98
Discipline: +6,4,4,4,0,0,0. Starting point: 25,25,32,57,80,80

That´s surprising. I was expecting at this point more or less the same that with the Slave Masters. And yes, we have a cap tht seems to be 80 on melee and ranged combat and unknow (but above 60) for Discipline. But I have no clue of why the yield it´s so low, or why Farah, with his 5 in combat (and no traits) yields so poorly, or why Aisha gets +6 in discipline, with a starting point of 25, the same of Farah. May be he is overloaded with 6 guards and can only attend properly
4, the same number as a Slave Master????

Edit. Yes. If you put more that 4 guards under the guard captain you are overloading him. With 4 guards the Guard Captain works as an Slave Mmaster (with the difference that you can put non slaves under his wing).
i noticed this with stormchild as slave mistress

stat training cap

strength = 60
dexterity = 60
melee = 70
ranged = 70
willpower = 80
discipline = maybe 80

this is with months of training
and stormchild stat is far superior than others
stormchild traits.jpg stormchild template.jpg stormchild stat.jpg

student 1.jpg student 2.jpg student 3.jpg student 4.jpg


New Member
Jan 2, 2019
Hmm I think I have found an annoying bug
I captured both a female & male in one fight, when I clicked on the female first the male disapeared (so only 1 slave)
Now I can't capture anymore , even if there are incapacited ennemies , at the end of the fight in the loot UI I don't find them



Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
does anybody let Amir live ? in the name of God quest
Yes, always. I don't want to kill the father of one of my slavegirls, that's a fucking awful thing to pretend to make her comfortable with. Even Ivar Forkbeard in "Marauders of Gor" let the father of one his slavegirls live when that man was a bitter enemy of his who'd done him wrong. Even if you hate Amir for whatever reason I'd think fucking his daughter and passing her around at parties while making her love and enjoy it would be punishment enough.


Active Member
Sep 12, 2020
Yes, always. I don't want to kill the father of one of my slavegirls, that's a fucking awful thing to pretend to make her comfortable with. Even Ivar Forkbeard in "Marauders of Gor" let the father of one his slavegirls live when that man was a bitter enemy of his who'd done him wrong. Even if you hate Amir for whatever reason I'd think fucking his daughter and passing her around at parties while making her love and enjoy it would be punishment enough.
Unless he is very cuck and would actually enjoy that :)


Jul 1, 2019
Anyone know how to fix a 'ghost' captured slave? Was the 6th one and should have occupied the 6th capture slot, but still shows as unoccupied. But won't let me capture an actual 6th slave b/c it says 6/6..

Fuck nevermind, forgot there was a debug menu thing.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
I will just leave these two screenshots here, without further comments, as a picture sometimes speaks more than a thousand words as some saying says:
View attachment 3433427 View attachment 3433431
WELL ... i am pretty sure that they can use something to sharpen their teeth and do the fights without weapons
although that might bring forth a zombie apocalypse i mean... making them fight without weapons?
how good are they at throwing stones and use random branches and twigs to fight off worlcats?

Oh, look closely, they do have weapons, swords to be exact. And after each soldier did get a sword, they would still have over 38900 swords left, to ie. build a fence (with a 10 cm spacing that should be enough to cover about 3890 meter of compound/fort border) to protect against worlcats or enough swords to throw at worlcats ;-) or to have still a few spare swords in case each recruit/soldier somehow misplaces a sword or two (or 35). Eventhough they might really have to build a fence with that amount of swords, as I do not know if the armory of Fort Sera is big enough to store the remaining swords there, but that is Major Valkess problem and not the mc/pcs problem.

Fort Sera did - as I did manually keep track of it - get exactly 40k swords, which would be enough swords to outfit 8 roman legions (at times during the ancient roman empire, where the mansize of a legion was not over 5k)¹.

And just dumping the male captives there and donating 40k swords (eventhough I never knew that Imperial Arms had enough swords stockpiled to cover my demands ;-) ) did boost the power value to 2760 (which incidently is higher than the power rating of the Confederacy on its formation, which would be 2500). And the without power increase from filling up the standing meter, the donation of swords did boost the power value by 2000 points.

And then to boost the power value from 1000 to 2760 alone with money donations would have cost a few hundred million RD (raanic dollar). As 0+1+...+ 1759 = 1759*(1759+1)/2 = 1759*880 = 1547920 and each 100 RD giving a standfill increase (increase of the standing meter) of 1, a better lower bound for the amount of money would be 154,792,000+175,900,000 = 330,0692,000 RD.

ps. There is a litte disparity between donating money and weapons to a faction (which are best shown through the donation of swords). The same disparity exists for "merchs" and money (for the two factions to which merchs can be donated to), but at least the availability of the merchs is lower than the availability of swords. But it is GD-Studios decision, if the disparity is a problem or not and should be addressed at one point or not. And it also might display, that some players will not flood any market in Redhaven or Hamah Bay with weapons from workshops as they might flood different factions with them instead (provided they are clever enough to manufacture weapons that can be donated to a faction), so that market saturation will not solve some problems, eventhough the limiting the stockpile at the weapon stores (like Waltons and Imperial Arms) might solve somethings to a degree or also keeping track of how many weapons of a kind a faction has and only increasing the power value, if the amount of weapons is lower then the soldier count (in case of a weapon donation), but then in the case of manpower increase (and enough weapons are available at the faction) some additional power increases happens (but that are just random ideas). I will just use the available game mechanics - eventhough some might call it abuse of game mechanics (but that is a matter of perspective) - and if the behaviour is changed, it does get changed, if not, then I will continue to use these mechanics. And I do not see any reason to mention these mechanics again.

pps. I did reduce the buying delay at Imperial Arms as I did not want to spent about 11.11 hours of my life purchasing swords.

¹) mansize did vary, during Ceasars times the size of a legion was ie. 4800 men.
i had assumed that power and your respect was just due to donating soldiers
i had 126 for donating around 100 slaves and captives so assumed the gain was from that!
thus my attempt at a lame joke!
also the legions changed greatly, the foederati and byzantine had several changes to make them more versatile!
but the roman problem was not the legions, it was the leadership!

last podcast i heard that is tangential to the story and at the same time reflects the issues with the Romans!
when they stopped being conservative, they became decadent fools!

thats the problem with inherited wealth,
the monkey´s with money take over the circus
and then wonder why the tickets are no longer being sold...
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