
Jul 26, 2019
For what need a Guard an Weapon or an Armour?After you assign them you can forgot about them as for the rest of the game they do absolute nothing.At least in my Game there is nothing that have to do with guards.

Generally i miss in this game a lot. 1 Time you assign someone to a Work or something other you can full forget about them as nothing happen anymore. No Events no Message if happen something to them and so on. Im not sure but i have the feeling that my Game is not working right. I can Fight around the Map i can Build things to make Money so i can buy things to Fight better i can talk to Npcs but near all interaction are near identical.I can do Quest that are relative easy and the rewards are to be true not very interesting.Thats was it.
Where are all the Events i mean if you have a Great House something must happen around and not only xy get or loose 1 point in affection click next Day.
I read in the Forum about Bastard Children from other Man in my Household but in my game no one apart me is Touching the Girls and the Floor Crawlers get never Pregnant from them if they use them even Lube is off.
I read about Events that happen but the only Event in my game is as i write +-1 Point in something at the start of a new Day in my Report.
I read Floor Crawlers have new stuff in the changelog but in my game after i assign them nothing happen im not even know if someone Fuck them apart from the Window where you can see there Body things when you see that they have something sore so you can only imagine what they have done.
I can walk/change in my House Rooms or make Partys Pool or Normal but not real something happen i get a Picture at the Partys that is near always the same and a little bit of text all find its nice +- Happiness/Affection.No Orgies no Drunk things or take a Girl to your Bed or you find someone Fucking one of the Girls absolute nothing.
I can invest in other house/Shops/Church and so on but even there nothing come after apart i get a little bit more Money that at some Point i real dont need anymore as i have so much from it that i can buy the entire World
Ok so i dont need Guards at all? I maybee use them as Gladiators then?
My Floorcralers only do Oral and some of them start hating me(a lot). Not sure why the Willpower was low but the Corruption was not very high. Thats why i want to increase it. Ive try it rough Petting, Sex and Butt plugs, but it increasis very slowly.
In my Game also not much happens. Partys are always the same.
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Sep 29, 2019
What is the point of massacring Carozza Hall? Seems to me they're more useful as a source of income.
Nothing apart some Money and Fame.
The NPCs inside can not be Capture.Have done it yesterday and was hoping for some Daughter of the Carozas or at least his Wife an nice hot Italian lady.But nothing it end with only Money and Standing with the Country.
Sep 29, 2019
Ok so i dont need Guards at all? I maybee use them as Gladiators then?
My Floorcralers only do Oral and some of them start hating me(a lot). Not sure why the Willpower was low but the Corruption was not very high. Thats why i want to increase it. Ive try it rough Petting, Sex and Butt plugs, but it increasis very slowly.
In my Game also not much happens. Partys are always the samme.
Guards only lower the Risk that someone escape but not sure if this real help have 1 guard no one escape have 10 guards no one escape.And the Escape chance even dont change with 1 Guard or 10 Guards a new Capture Npc normal start with 12% Escape chance if he dont like you but take him out to dinner and give him after the day free is more then enough so he calm down.

corruption is very easy build the temple to Maximum in your Garden then make every day Lecture with your entire Household about decadence it will give your Npcs 1 Point and your Household 5 Points of Corruption every time you make it and you can repeat it 3 times.

To the Floor Crawlers you must first make them love you then rise there corruption to 40 after they do all what you want and will still love you for that if you let them do that under 40 Corruption they will always hate you and if they dont love you they will Fear you.But even here is absolute useless to invest time as even they hate you absolute nothing change for you they will do the Job and never complain about it or try to run away
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Jul 26, 2019
Guards only lower the Risk that someone escape but not sure if this real help have 1 guard no one escape have 10 guards no one escape.And the Escape chance even dont change with 1 Guard or 10 Guards a new Capture Npc normal start with 12% Escape chance if he dont like you but take him out to dinner and give him after the day free is more then enough so he calm down.

corruption is very easy build the temple to Maximum in your Garden then make every day Lecture with your entire Household about decadence it will give your Npcs 1 Point and your Household 5 Points of Corruption every time you make it and you can repeat it 3 times.

To the Floor Crawlers you must first make them love you then rise there corruption to 40 after they do all what you want and will still love you for that if you let them do that under 40 Corruption they will always hate you and if they dont love you they will Fear you.But even here is absolute useless to invest time as even they hate you absolute nothing change for you they will do the Job and never complain about it or try to run away
Thanks for the Tip with the temple. Help me a lot.


Feb 5, 2020
Has Aiko gotten any new content since 8.18? I kinda like her character. Wouldn't mind marrying her lol


Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
i have some Question. Hope someone can help.
1.Do the Guards need Weapons and Armor?
2. Best way to increased Corruption?
3.How importend is the Grove. Have you demolish it?
4. Same about the Shrine. Do i need it or can i demolish it? I want to build a Statur.
1.) Not really, no. Guard power according to the wiki does not include weapon and armor effects. You could keep your guards weaponless. It is fine. The guard role is mostly used to train your NPC's melee and ranged combat stats up to 80 and discipline up to 60. You give them the guard role, you put a good skilled soldier as captain of the guard, and the stats slowly go up. Guards also reduce slave escape chance, reduce chaos points in your tavern, and a mercenary guard is instrumental in triggering the very RNG conclude-day event where you capture Kelly McTierney.

2.) Bondage. Get her arousal up to 9 before you choose the fuck girl option. The safest way is to use Stimulate -> caress pussy. Once her arousal is up to 9, initiate oral sex then click the deepthroat option once. It should read "Affection +1, Corruption +2" in there. Pull out, raise her arousal back to 9 again, initiate oral sex, deepthroat, repeat. You should be able to gain 3 affection and 6 corruption in that session. Do not cum in throat or face yet. I am not sure but I think it triggers anger if she does not like you enough yet or corrupted enough yet. Keep an eye out for her stamina too. Again, if her arousal goes in the negative when in the middle of sex there, abort. Go back to stimulate, see if you can get it up. At some point, when my stats were high enough and the girl's corruption was 20+, just clicking around in the bondage room's options passively raise arousal to 8. What I usually do then is click the stimulate button to open up its options, click cancel, repeat until arousal is 7 or 8, click stimulate one more time, and click stimulate pussy to get her to 9.

3. I demolished it for a big garden.

4.) I kept my shrine. I need it to hold lectures lowering corruption or willpower. You can raise corruption here too at a rate of +1 per session for all your NPCs. Each session takes 1 hour and can be done 3 times per day.

Do Guards and Arenafighters need Weapons and Armor?
Last I heard ( era), not having a weapon increases your arena fighter's reward. Of course it comes with the risk that she is about to fight bare handed. Not sure if it is still the same now.

Does anyone have a comprehensive list of all the ways to increase the MC's stats? A list for npcs would be great as well. I really don't want to spend hours learning and scouring the game's code if someone has already done the due diligence, and is willing to share.

It would be much appreciated.
There's always the wiki ( ) but some of the methods there do not work. I have not once raised my stamina through sex.

There's also this post but it does not mention caps or mentions some incorrectly: https://f95zone.to/threads/masters-of-raana-v0-8-3-1-grimdark.100207/post-13052068

Methods not on the wiki:

Intelligence: once you have constructed a library on your own house and buy books in that library's menu, you can increase your Intelligence and acad/science stats.

Having Dexter Colt hired has a chance to execute an end-day event called The Case Files of Dexter Colt which can increase int/acad/science by +1 but it is rng heavy.

Stealth: hunting, caps at 40. Stealing from the Westside Assembly Plant has a higher cap. I recommend doing hunting until cap and then stealing from the assembly plant because at low stealth you will fail a lot.

Strength and dexterity have soft caps in that raising them past a certain point for you will fail the rolls a lot. As for NPCs, right now, I have several NPCs stuck at 120 strength. Ayden, the ex-arena champ, some others. They keep failing their rolls in the dojo/training hall. I do have NPCs with strength past 120 but those are the ones that comes with high strength by default like Truls Baardson with 121 or Cassius who arrived at 178 strength. The undead Prowler came at 168 strength. The Cultist Monk capture has very high dexterity too iirc.

Academics and Science can also be raised by drinking and socializing at Furry's Tavern, when an old eccentric man comes around to talk esoteric stuff. Hitting socialize will net you +1 acad or science up to a cap. I do not know the cap. If you want to max your acad and science stats, best do this until its cap and historical society library/cigar room use first before attending academy lectures and reading books. The later two has no caps so you can raise your stats higher. But if you are in a hurry and do not care much for having max stats, just having enough stats, books and lectures are very fast.

Melee combat has a cap for you at 150. You can get it to 151 via some guaranteed melee skill raising event like removing the rubble in your yard but that's a lot of grinding/work and opportunity cost leaving the rubble in your yard until you hit your meel cap for a measly 1 more point.

Ranged combat probably has the same cap.

Willpower, aside from from Atheist faith, you can raise them via morning blowjobs. Let her begin blowjob, suck once, then end session. The time will be 7:18 am. Chance based and capped. I forgot the cap. 70-80.

Killing charucks from Hamah Bay or Corazon Gorge can net random stat gains.

Stamina I heard is capped at 120 now. Used to be 130.
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Jul 26, 2019
1.) Not really, no. Guard power according to the wiki does not include weapon and armor effects. You could keep your guards weaponless. It is fine. The guard role is mostly used to train your NPC's melee and ranged combat stats up to 80 and discipline up to 60. You give them the guard role, you put a good skilled soldier as captain of the guard, and the stats slowly go up. Guards also reduce slave escape chance, reduce chaos points in your tavern, and a mercenary guard is instrumental in triggering the very RNG conclude-day event where you capture Kelly McTierney.

2.) Bondage. Get her arousal up to 9 before you choose the fuck girl option. The safest way is to use Stimulate -> caress pussy. Once her arousal is up to 9, initiate oral sex then click the deepthroat option once. It should read "Affection +1, Corruption +2" in there. Pull out, raise her arousal back to 9 again, initiate oral sex, deepthroat, repeat. You should be able to gain 3 affection and 6 corruption in that session. Do not cum in throat or face yet. I am not sure but I think it triggers anger if she does not like you enough yet or corrupted enough yet. Keep an eye out for her stamina too. Again, if her arousal goes in the negative when in the middle of sex there, abort. Go back to stimulate, see if you can get it up. At some point, when my stats were high enough and the girl's corruption was 20+, just clicking around in the bondage room's options passively raise arousal to 8. What I usually do then is click the stimulate button to open up its options, click cancel, repeat until arousal is 7 or 8, click stimulate one more time, and click stimulate pussy to get her to 9.

3. I demolished it for a big garden.

4.) I kept my shrine. I need it to hold lectures lowering corruption or willpower. You can raise corruption here too at a rate of +1 per session for all your NPCs. Each session takes 1 hour and can be done 3 times per day.

Last I heard ( era), not having a weapon increases your arena fighter's reward. Of course it comes with the risk that she is about to fight bare handed. Not sure if it is still the same now.

There's always the wiki ( ) but some of the methods there do not work. I have not once raised my stamina through sex.

There's also this post but it does not mention caps or mentions some incorrectly: https://f95zone.to/threads/masters-of-raana-v0-8-3-1-grimdark.100207/post-13052068

Methods not on the wiki:

Intelligence: once you have constructed a library on your own house and buy books in that library's menu, you can increase your Intelligence and acad/science stats.

Having Dexter Colt hired has a chance to execute an end-day event called The Case Files of Dexter Colt which can increase int/acad/science by +1 but it is rng heavy.

Stealth: hunting, caps at 40. Stealing from the Westside Assembly Plant has a higher cap. I recommend doing hunting until cap and then stealing from the assembly plant because at low stealth you will fail a lot.

Strength and dexterity have soft caps in that raising them past a certain point for you will fail the rolls a lot. As for NPCs, right now, I have several NPCs stuck at 120 strength. Ayden, the ex-arena champ, some others. They keep failing their rolls in the dojo/training hall. I do have NPCs with strength past 120 but those are the ones that comes with high strength by default like Truls Baardson with 121 or Cassius who arrived at 178 strength. The undead Prowler came at 168 strength. The Cultist Monk capture has very high dexterity too iirc.

Academics and Science can also be raised by drinking and socializing at Furry's Tavern, when an old eccentric man comes around to talk esoteric stuff. Hitting socialize will net you +1 acad or science up to a cap. I do not know the cap. If you want to max your acad and science stats, best do this until its cap and historical society library/cigar room use first before attending academy lectures and reading books. The later two has no caps so you can raise your stats higher. But if you are in a hurry and do not care much for having max stats, just having enough stats, books and lectures are very fast.

Melee combat has a cap for you at 150. You can get it to 151 via some guaranteed melee skill raising event like removing the rubble in your yard but that's a lot of grinding/work and opportunity cost leaving the rubble in your yard until you hit your meel cap for a measly 1 more point.

Ranged combat probably has the same cap.

Willpower, aside from from Atheist faith, you can raise them via morning blowjobs. Let her begin blowjob, suck once, then end session. The time will be 7:18 am. Chance based and capped. I forgot the cap. 70-80.

Killing charucks from Hamah Bay or Corazon Gorge can net random stat gains.

Stamina I heard is capped at 120 now. Used to be 130.
Why are you lowering Corruption? Is there a Problem when it is high?


Aug 11, 2023
is there a way to hire a crew for your workshop. I mean actual employees like the factory workers at the plant.
Presumably, you could put the npcs you hire for money to work in one.

Or you could hire uncompensated workers by beating them with canes. Give them an allowance to roleplay having salaried employees if you wish.
Sep 29, 2019
Why are you lowering Corruption? Is there a Problem when it is high?
i think why some Quest seams to be hide behind stats of some Girl.If Corruption is to high or Willpower to low the Quest dont trigger as the girl dont say his line for the Quest but always her slave line like yes master i do all what you want and not there is something i want to talk to you that lead to a Quest. If i have understand it right is the best to have all on a Willpower around 30 and a Corruption between 40-60 to get all Quests


Active Member
Oct 12, 2018
Guards only lower the Risk that someone escape but not sure if this real help have 1 guard no one escape have 10 guards no one escape.And the Escape chance even dont change with 1 Guard or 10 Guards a new Capture Npc normal start with 12% Escape chance if he dont like you but take him out to dinner and give him after the day free is more then enough so he calm down.
The guard level you have affect two ways the escape chance. First, they reduce the chance of the slaves to try to escape. And then, case they try to escape, reduce the chance of success of the attempt.

Use guards. they are useful. And also, if you have a decent Captain of the Guard they increase their stats, a bit like having an extra Slave master. And being asigned as guard it´s the only passive way you can increase the Disc and combat skills of non-slave NPCs.
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Active Member
Oct 12, 2018
Presumably, you could put the npcs you hire for money to work in one.
At some point, early in the game, I had Ayden and Armand working in my first workshop. Yes, you can. And Ansel had his fair share of Foreman work (till I get something better), and Jack Peasant and Rifle Savant also are familiar with the wrench and the hammers at the start of the game...
Sep 29, 2019
The guard level you have affect two ways the escape chance. First, they reduce the chance of the slaves to try to escape. And then, case they try to escape, reduce the chance of success of the attempt.

Use guards. thy are useful. And also, if you have a decent Captain of the Guard they increase their stats, a bit like an extra Slave master. And it´s the only passive way you can increase the Disc and combat skills of non-slave NPCs.
my Guard level is Fortress with 40 Points my Captain is Helo from the Titans and if i get a New NPC from battles his/her Escape chance is still 12%-14% that is exact the same from playing without Guards.So that dont get change.Maybe they try lesser to escape then but that i can not test as even without Guards in my complete run before not 1 try to run away.And to the decent Captain you get a Bonus from him only if he is a well know Fighter and that kind of NPC you get only near endgame or if you Train one of your NPC to be a Captain as he need for that a lot of Fights.With a lot i mean a Lot have clear the entire Map from all Enemys with the same Npcs in my Team and not one have enough Fights to active the Bonus from the Captain


Active Member
Oct 27, 2018
Per wiki:

Have anyone be able to activate this quest, or it´s not implemented in the new version? I should have status ¿20 may be? with both Walton and Roo, have invited them alone to diner and I get nothing---
I think, for them control may need to be low so lots of Bandits appear, but I don't know for sure. I haven't been able to trigger any of the party quest's.
Sorry I'm no help...... Just letting you know your not alone. ;)
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Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
Why are you lowering Corruption? Is there a Problem when it is high?
They stop having hopes and dreams, which can complicate quests. Also, flavor reasons. I like my girls kinky but not overly perverted/corrupted.

is there a way to hire a crew for your workshop. I mean actual employees like the factory workers at the plant.
You can free your slaves, elevating them to servant status, and give them allowances.

Whats the point of Fort Sera? I finish the Missions, but i cant recruit the Soldiers?
They increase your MC/House's power value. Institutions you can take control of like Fort Sera, The Catholic Church, and Odensport/Warrior's Hall add a portion of their power values to yours. There's influence gain and even money though that is on the lower end in income flow.

As for what power value does, not much for now. It adds to intimidation checks and others like it.

Where can i find the Savefiles?
If you have pressed the saved to disk option, it is in wherever your download is set to.

For example, I have mine set to the default Downloads folder so they are saved here.
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Jun 30, 2023
my Guard level is Fortress with 40 Points my Captain is Helo from the Titans and if i get a New NPC from battles his/her Escape chance is still 12%-14% that is exact the same from playing without Guards.So that dont get change.Maybe they try lesser to escape then but that i can not test as even without Guards in my complete run before not 1 try to run away.And to the decent Captain you get a Bonus from him only if he is a well know Fighter and that kind of NPC you get only near endgame or if you Train one of your NPC to be a Captain as he need for that a lot of Fights.With a lot i mean a Lot have clear the entire Map from all Enemys with the same Npcs in my Team and not one have enough Fights to active the Bonus from the Captain
Check Aria. She has it from start. or any other with a Fame above 200
like my Loren whos my Captain atm
4.50 star(s) 136 Votes