
Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
So what's the best way to make money in this game. I just kind of have a cycle of doing the two arena matches and doing the daily bounty but it's not really much
The Workshop. You build it and you can just upgrade the top upgrade option if you are pressed for cash and assign NPCs to work in the workshop in Jobs & Titles page 3 or 4. You can set the Workshop to Processing, Manufacture, or Sweatshop. Processing converts merchandise into raw materials. Sweatshop gives you passive income per day and it gives more when you add merchandise into it. Manufacture is the one you want for active money generation. If you put it on Manufacture, they will do nothing for the day and then by the next day they will have generated production points. You spend production points and materials like steel or wood or fasteners to craft items. It is best to buy materials from Aimee's Shop in Stokke Hills if you have interacted with her. She offers discounted prices. I am not sure if you have to finish her quest first (A Sister's Dilemma where you acquire Dakota) to get discounts. You can calculate how much profit you gain from producing a weapon. For example, buying materials at Aimee, crafting auto rifles and selling them to Hamah Bay in batches (because the trip is long and you do not want to run to Hamah Bay to sell 20 rifles every day) nets you a profit of $797 per rifle. If you have a late game party, going there every 7 days also allows you to kill the two charucks that live in the woods above for 60 meat each. They hit hard, have at least 800(?) hp and respawns every 5-7 days. Knives cost so little production points you can produce 200 knives for the same production points cost as 10 auto rifles. You can sell knives in the market near your house for $45 profit per knife. Calculate the other items.
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Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
Why there is no convert option under affect? Do you only have one chance to convert a given NPC and if you fail, you can't never convert that NPC again?
First check if you have the same religion. Maybe one of your conversions went through without you noticing.

If not, two possible reasons: You might be able to try again tomorrow or your devotion points went below the value necessary to convert anyone and you need to gain those devotion points again. Conversion, even if they failed, cost devotion points.
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Active Member
Apr 9, 2020
Why there is no convert option under affect? Do you only have one chance to convert a given NPC and if you fail, you can't never convert that NPC again?
You can try multiple times. You need the 100+ devotion to try and you lose 10 points no matter if successful or failed. Also, there are penalties to your chance, one of which is the difference in religions between MC and convert. Some have as high as -25. So, if you failed, look to increase you chances with rising you charm or manipulation skill (not sure which one), increase affection, use incense, etc. to mitigate any negatives.


Feb 5, 2021
Well, if you want them and you are willing to use console commands, press Control + Shift + J and copy-paste: = undefined = undefined

Just be sure you have only one of each or it might brick something. Save to disk beforehand.
and how exactly that console looks like ? i use firefox and when i press ctrl + shift + J i get some type of console, but it only show problems and writing there have no effect on anything (only at filter part is posible to write, with no effects).
Mar 5, 2024
easiest way how to prevent these hacks to get acces to tier2 benefits, is very easy. lets make all tier2 in another file, and this content will be present only if this extra file is present - similiar to tier4 bonus which needs extra file to be present.
I really like it, when some people say something is the "easiest way" to do something (and your comment suggests, that you do not know much about both computer science and programming).

Anyway, as this game is written in sugarcube and has images and audio files as resources (and also fonts), the game does not consist of just one file, but encompasses multiple files.

Images and audio files, which are for non-public versions only, could be put into other folders (ie. using pics_tier2, pics_tier4, sounds_tier2, sounds_tier4 instead of pics and sounds folder).
That way it would be easier,, when making the zip-file for the game, to not have pics (and sounds) for a non-public version appear in the public version (ie. as it was forgotten, to remove an image or audio-file from the folder to be zipped). Of course one could automate the process, ie. having a script (or small programm) do the packaging (see ie. "ant" or "antlr") and having a metadata file (or property file), which has for each and every image, audio (and font) file stored in which package the image, audio and font file is to be included.

Now to the html-file (or html-files) with the game itself:
Neither html or sugarcube are programming languages like "brainfuck" or "whitespace", which are hard to read, also neither html or sugarcube yield programms, which do need compilation into machine code (bytecode) or something like that for the programm to be runnable. Which means that people with some background in computer science (or some expertise in programming) can easily read and understand what the program does (especially since a few things, which some websites do to make it harder to download video files from their site, are not done) - otherwise it would need "reverse-engineering" (and some guess-work as what a variable and function are used for...). So if somehow some tier-only game data (like quests etc.) end up in a public version, even if it does not function (out-of-the-box) without some editing of the game files, people with some knowledge in programming can modify the game file(s), so that it does function (ie. a quest or some parts of a quest become(s) available) - people without such knowledge might screw-up their gamefiles instead.

Now you can think of the gamefile(s) (without the resource files) as one "master copy", which contains all the code for all different game versions (where game version refers to the public version and the different tiered versions). And removing the code for all tiered versions from the "master copy" yields the public version and removing the code for higher tiered versions from the "master copy" would give a tiered-version (ie. tier2 version instead of tier4 version).

The "problem" is how to make sure, that by removing code (from "higher" versions, where higher version means higher tiered-version or all-tiered versions, in case of "public version") you do not miss to remove code that does not belong to that version, while also making sure, that the code is still working (after code removal).

If the "master copy" does contain the code in explicit form (ie. during the execution of the code no new game code is generated, ie. via DOM-scrips (Document Object Model scripts) or javascript) and the "master copy" is also one file (or multiple files) - eg. one does not manage separate (stand-alone) copies for the public and tiered versions - then you would need to remove the code either manually or in an automated way.

As the game is written in "sugarcube" (or twine script) this would mean that ie. "complete game passages" are to be removed and also from some game passages code might need to be removed (at least if no separate stand-alone copies for the different versions are maintained, but bugfixing and changing game mechanics might be a little bit more difficult if standalone copies are used, ie. as a bugfix would need to be made to multiple versions - so maintaining the code does require more work from the developer).

Of course it is easier to remove complete game passages from the game (in comparison to removing only some code blocks from a passage), without "breaking" something or missing some code which does not belong into the public (or low tiered) version. But it is more complicated to structure the game code in such a way, that all tiered-only game code is only in separate game passages. For quest texts and quest rewards (etc.) this is relatively easy doable (ie. via using "include passagename" or link statements etc.) and having ie. definitions for "pois" in the public version (which are not used in the public version) are also no problem (it only becomes a problem, if the quest data itself including quest rewards are also somehow in the public version). For some other "features", like tier-only traits, which give boosts to some "chances" (ie. change some game mechanics slightly), it is a little bit more complicated, eventhough also "include passagename" can be used here, but then the code for the game mechanics themself are a little less readable (for the developer himself) - and there are also a few more complications (in contrast to additional quests, renders or tasks for tiered-versions), when it is desired that a one-time supporter also has some benefits with newer versions (ie. still being able to do tier-gated quests, enjoying tier-only mc-traits, with a game started with a tiered-version but then patched to a newer version). (Ie. making it possible that old tiered-version game passages are included into a newer public version instead of new tiered-version game passages (with the same name)).

And as this game is still in development, when code is marked in a "master copy" (ie. via comments or otherwise) as tiered-only content, the code might get moved around during "tech revamps" etc. and it might happen that the code markers (for tiered-only content) are not moved, when some tiered-only code is moved from one location (in the game file) to another as it is overlooked that the code is between such code markers (ie. the code blocks being too large to fit on the screen and not paying enough attention when moving the code around, that it was tiered-only content, which ends up outside of codemarkers for tiered-only content). In case of code, which is in tier-only passages, the chance of such things happening is much lower (especially if it is moved from one tier-only passage to another tier-only passage).

and honestly i think that anyone who is paying for game deserves some extra bonuses, even small ones. modifing file to get something you are not suped to have, is simply pissing on people who pays (or payed) for game so it is actively developed, so others can have it for free.
i think that hacks like that to get tier2 for free is most safe way to get game stoped developed since developer will lack income.
Single player games, which run on ones own laptop (or personal computer) and do not need any form of internet-connection (to function), will always be modifiable (or modable) by people with enough knowledge in some things (at least as long as there are still free operating systems and big tech companies and the content industry have not made their dream come true, that they have complete control over all computers of would-be customers).

And then, as this game is a single-player game (and thus the term "pay to win" for "free to play" games is not really applicable), there is nothing wrong with giving game supporters additional benefits (out-of-the-box)¹, but what needs to be kept in mind is, that there are one-time supporters and long-term supporters and thus there are arguments for letting one-time supporters still have some benefits with newer versions. This needs to be kept in mind, when deciding on a solution (or lobbying for some solution) - and the developer might have also considered this, when he did chose how to handle content for the different tiers in the first place.

¹) Non-supporters can always write code (without knowledge of the tiered-content) which might give similiar advantages (or benefits) as tiered-content (only in case of quests, tasks and additional "lore texts", this is unlikely).


Oct 6, 2020
Anyone know how to trigger the Urban Titans quest? I'm pretty sure I've fully invested with both Walton and Roo, but they don't talk about it when I have them over for dinner


New Member
Feb 24, 2020
Could someone please tell me where I can purchase the dildo chair and standing cage, as well as the obscene art? Wiki says the chair can be purchased at devious tools, but it doesn't show up.


Oct 6, 2020
Could someone please tell me where I can purchase the dildo chair and standing cage, as well as the obscene art? Wiki says the chair can be purchased at devious tools, but it doesn't show up.
I think it has been removed from the game because it was too much work to create additional furniture scenes for all possible characters.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
It seems the selling price of knives decrease from $80 to $56 at 15,000 market supply (aka the newly introduced market saturation mechanic). Can anyone corroborate if this is the same market supply "cap" in playthroughs without A Dying World on?

masters of raana knives hitting saturation 0001.png


Active Member
Oct 12, 2018
The riding stuff it´s bugged.

The first girl that you sign in the White stables receive the full influence if you max her (+6).

But he second (and following ones) don´t get the things right. For the 2nd and following girls, you get the bonus for buying a horse, for upgrading him to a purebred and for upgrading him to a champion, but not the bonus for signing in White stables (+1) or for upgrading your gear (+1). This two bonus, while they are shown in the riding screen, they are not present in the Influence report.

Also things don´t work fine with the Miller´s Barn. The first girl you assign, maxed, should receive a +3, and that´s shown in the Riding screen. But the Influence Report shows a +4 instead. And the next ones receive only a +2 in the Riding Screen instead of a +3, missing the bonus of upgraded gear.

The save correspond to my game before starting to play with horses.
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Active Member
Sep 12, 2020
It seems the selling price of knives decrease from $80 to $56 at 15,000 market supply (aka the newly introduced market saturation mechanic). Can anyone corroborate if this is the same market supply "cap" in playthroughs without A Dying World on?

View attachment 3558331
Yes, and it gets much lower:

15000+ = 70% price
25000+ = 60% price
50000+ = 45% price

Might still be somewhat profitable to sell rifles at Hamah bay at 45% price.


Sep 4, 2018
I really like it, when some people say something is the "easiest way" to do something (and your comment suggests, that you do not know much about both computer science and programming).

Anyway, as this game is written in sugarcube and has images and audio files as resources (and also fonts), the game does not consist of just one file, but encompasses multiple files.

Images and audio files, which are for non-public versions only, could be put into other folders (ie. using pics_tier2, pics_tier4, sounds_tier2, sounds_tier4 instead of pics and sounds folder).
That way it would be easier,, when making the zip-file for the game, to not have pics (and sounds) for a non-public version appear in the public version (ie. as it was forgotten, to remove an image or audio-file from the folder to be zipped). Of course one could automate the process, ie. having a script (or small programm) do the packaging (see ie. "ant" or "antlr") and having a metadata file (or property file), which has for each and every image, audio (and font) file stored in which package the image, audio and font file is to be included.

Now to the html-file (or html-files) with the game itself:
Neither html or sugarcube are programming languages like "brainfuck" or "whitespace", which are hard to read, also neither html or sugarcube yield programms, which do need compilation into machine code (bytecode) or something like that for the programm to be runnable. Which means that people with some background in computer science (or some expertise in programming) can easily read and understand what the program does (especially since a few things, which some websites do to make it harder to download video files from their site, are not done) - otherwise it would need "reverse-engineering" (and some guess-work as what a variable and function are used for...). So if somehow some tier-only game data (like quests etc.) end up in a public version, even if it does not function (out-of-the-box) without some editing of the game files, people with some knowledge in programming can modify the game file(s), so that it does function (ie. a quest or some parts of a quest become(s) available) - people without such knowledge might screw-up their gamefiles instead.

Now you can think of the gamefile(s) (without the resource files) as one "master copy", which contains all the code for all different game versions (where game version refers to the public version and the different tiered versions). And removing the code for all tiered versions from the "master copy" yields the public version and removing the code for higher tiered versions from the "master copy" would give a tiered-version (ie. tier2 version instead of tier4 version).

The "problem" is how to make sure, that by removing code (from "higher" versions, where higher version means higher tiered-version or all-tiered versions, in case of "public version") you do not miss to remove code that does not belong to that version, while also making sure, that the code is still working (after code removal).

If the "master copy" does contain the code in explicit form (ie. during the execution of the code no new game code is generated, ie. via DOM-scrips (Document Object Model scripts) or javascript) and the "master copy" is also one file (or multiple files) - eg. one does not manage separate (stand-alone) copies for the public and tiered versions - then you would need to remove the code either manually or in an automated way.

As the game is written in "sugarcube" (or twine script) this would mean that ie. "complete game passages" are to be removed and also from some game passages code might need to be removed (at least if no separate stand-alone copies for the different versions are maintained, but bugfixing and changing game mechanics might be a little bit more difficult if standalone copies are used, ie. as a bugfix would need to be made to multiple versions - so maintaining the code does require more work from the developer).

Of course it is easier to remove complete game passages from the game (in comparison to removing only some code blocks from a passage), without "breaking" something or missing some code which does not belong into the public (or low tiered) version. But it is more complicated to structure the game code in such a way, that all tiered-only game code is only in separate game passages. For quest texts and quest rewards (etc.) this is relatively easy doable (ie. via using "include passagename" or link statements etc.) and having ie. definitions for "pois" in the public version (which are not used in the public version) are also no problem (it only becomes a problem, if the quest data itself including quest rewards are also somehow in the public version). For some other "features", like tier-only traits, which give boosts to some "chances" (ie. change some game mechanics slightly), it is a little bit more complicated, eventhough also "include passagename" can be used here, but then the code for the game mechanics themself are a little less readable (for the developer himself) - and there are also a few more complications (in contrast to additional quests, renders or tasks for tiered-versions), when it is desired that a one-time supporter also has some benefits with newer versions (ie. still being able to do tier-gated quests, enjoying tier-only mc-traits, with a game started with a tiered-version but then patched to a newer version). (Ie. making it possible that old tiered-version game passages are included into a newer public version instead of new tiered-version game passages (with the same name)).

And as this game is still in development, when code is marked in a "master copy" (ie. via comments or otherwise) as tiered-only content, the code might get moved around during "tech revamps" etc. and it might happen that the code markers (for tiered-only content) are not moved, when some tiered-only code is moved from one location (in the game file) to another as it is overlooked that the code is between such code markers (ie. the code blocks being too large to fit on the screen and not paying enough attention when moving the code around, that it was tiered-only content, which ends up outside of codemarkers for tiered-only content). In case of code, which is in tier-only passages, the chance of such things happening is much lower (especially if it is moved from one tier-only passage to another tier-only passage).

Single player games, which run on ones own laptop (or personal computer) and do not need any form of internet-connection (to function), will always be modifiable (or modable) by people with enough knowledge in some things (at least as long as there are still free operating systems and big tech companies and the content industry have not made their dream come true, that they have complete control over all computers of would-be customers).

And then, as this game is a single-player game (and thus the term "pay to win" for "free to play" games is not really applicable), there is nothing wrong with giving game supporters additional benefits (out-of-the-box)¹, but what needs to be kept in mind is, that there are one-time supporters and long-term supporters and thus there are arguments for letting one-time supporters still have some benefits with newer versions. This needs to be kept in mind, when deciding on a solution (or lobbying for some solution) - and the developer might have also considered this, when he did chose how to handle content for the different tiers in the first place.

¹) Non-supporters can always write code (without knowledge of the tiered-content) which might give similiar advantages (or benefits) as tiered-content (only in case of quests, tasks and additional "lore texts", this is unlikely).
i agree grimdark doesnt care about going backward(spending time) to remove tier 2 content and was going to enable(free) it a year ago. who i spoke with. when he makes more with tier 4, and i will not release that. but the public tier 2 really has not been work on for almost 1 year
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Could someone please tell me where I can purchase the dildo chair and standing cage, as well as the obscene art? Wiki says the chair can be purchased at devious tools, but it doesn't show up.
The chair was eliminated in a vote, it didn't appeal to enough people to justify the render investment. That was done however to make room for things like the cage which are still a work in progress.

The obscene art is the first 'Decor' upgrade for the training room, it's currently just a text description and a bonus.
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Jul 28, 2021
I can not get the game ro stop cropping any ideas on what to do (and yes I tried everything I saw that could fix the issue it didn't work)
Sep 29, 2019
As im starting new i want to change a little bit and play with Grimdark and dying World.From the description it say the city start with 5 control what happen if the City Control is low?will be there more enemy's and more events?Will be on maximal Level change in my Household and people do more shit?


Aug 11, 2023
As im starting new i want to change a little bit and play with Grimdark and dying World.From the description it say the city start with 5 control what happen if the City Control is low?will be there more enemy's and more events?Will be on maximal Level change in my Household and people do more shit?
There are at least some more enemies, most notably you might have to murder (or bribe) a group if you want to move to Marston Avenue. It seemed fairly manageable still. However, a single point of control would make things even worse, though I have not seen that happen yet.
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Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
I can not get the game ro stop cropping any ideas on what to do (and yes I tried everything I saw that could fix the issue it didn't work)
Cropping? Cropping what? What does it look like? What device do you use?

From the description it say the city start with 5 control what happen if the City Control is low?
More enemies spawn and respawn. Some shops close down and will not reopen until control goes up or you eliminate those red enemy icons near them. The problem though is killing all the added spawns increase control by +1 each time (up to a certain control value I think) so over the next few days you will see control go up fast enough to 20 and higher which means less spawn. You can reduce city control once you have access to Fenrik's Tavern in the underworld by donating at 25 auto rifles or 10 coilguns. You probably cannot do that willy nilly early on. The main effect of a dying world seems to be the supply of items and their cost.
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Active Member
Feb 27, 2019
It is possible to hack access into tier 2? How so?

Does somebody know the console command for changing the hour of the day?

Btw maybe some mod can add the cheats (console commands) in a spoiler to the first page? Right now they are hidden in this thread and hard to find for newcomers to this game. It would be a lot more convenient to have the cheats listed on the first page within another spoiler.
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Active Member
Sep 12, 2020
It is possible to hack access into tier 2? How so?
No, it is not possible to hack into the warm and fuzzy feeling of contributing to the game developement.

But yes, it is technically possible to unlock the other tier 2 benefits. But I'm not going to help with that because I would prefer that people subscribe and get those very small benefits as a bonus if they do so.

Does somebody know the console command for changing the hour of the day?
Yes, here are a few examples which should help you figure out how to do that.

07:00 aka 7 am = 70

13:30 aka 1:30 pm = 135

22:48 aka 10:48 pm = 228

Daycount is the real game time. setHours and setMinutes is just to make the game time clock show the correct time. If you don't care what time is being shown then you can skip those.

Btw maybe some mod can add the cheats (console commands) in a spoiler to the first page? Right now they are hidden in this thread and hard to find for newcomers to this game. It would be a lot more convenient to have the cheats listed on the first page within another spoiler.
OP is developer. Even though he sometimes help people when they are trying to figure out how things works, he apparently isn't big enough fan of cheating, to do that. (It has been requested before)
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