
Jun 6, 2024
hi, fans. who like novel type game/and almost no grind
here are a few edits to the game for your enjoyment

if you want more save slots find
_savesSlots=8 change to any number. i like 50. scroll bar for high number save slots already in.

<<set $performance to 100>>
<<set $masterstealth to 50>>

add if you want brother quest with slave
under lines above
<<set $quest_bro to 1>>
<<set $quest_bro to 2>>
<<set $quest_bro to 3>>
<<set $ownbrobook2 to 2>>

find and change to
set $invhold to 50



find and change to 1,2,5,10,20 50,100 to give a more irl setting in-game for a boost in stats long-term


if _npc.allow gte 5(org) change this to the above numbers _npc.allow gte ("1,2,5,10,etc")
etc for each allowance

general replace "all" for the following
if you like to grind do not change

$likesadist+=1 change to $likesadist+=10
$likesadist+=2 change to $likesadist+=20
$masterlove+=1 change to $masterlove+=10
$masterlove+=2 change to $masterlove+=20
$happiness+=1 change to $happiness+=10
$happiness+=2 change to $happiness+=20
$willpower-=1 change to $willpower-=10
$willpower-=2 change to $willpower-=20
$kind+=1 change to $kind+=10
$kind+=2 change to $kind+=20

changes new creation points
find and change 280 to 1000

<<hovertip "<center>280<br>Creation points</center>">>
[[Normal|Ntrait][$crepoints to 280, $crepage to 4, $noclick to true, $changename to true]]

<<if $crepoints is undefined and $postcre is undefined>><<set $crepoints to 280>><</if>>

<<set $cash to 1000000000>>
<<set $credit to 100000>>

adds all expert tags to gain special traits and new slave
add this to the lines above
<<set $back_doc to 3>>
<<set $back_aca to 3>>
<<set $back_hunt to 3>>
<<set $back_sold to 3>>
<<set $back_jack to 3>>
<<set $back_slave to 3>>
<<set $back_bus to 3>&gt

<<set $cash to 1000000000>>
<<set $credit to 100000>>

both needed for cash and Influence

oh, also i like the house ui grimdark. i am glad. i gave you the idea for it. even thou i was kicked from discord
hey do I post these into the console or else where, in order to get the benefits?
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Oct 4, 2018

I'm mostly done with the new helper functions. So, I will likely edit the previous post with an updated version tonight or tomorrow.

With the new functions, it should be much simpler and straight forward to use the sugarcube game functions.

It is now for example very simple to get the GirlId of any follower and to identify on which page and exact slot she is located and to interact with her.

But more importantly it also makes it possible to check stats of an NPC, before interacting, to avoid unnecessary interactions.

Simple example of that would be that I can set an arousal limit at which sex actions will be aborted... And if the girl is already below that limit then she can be skipped and mc can move on directly to next girl without even looking at the cranky one.

But here comes the tricky part. There are countless of variables for most interactions, so it is very difficult to account for all of them... and in reality no player would be able to do so, since they are mostly hidden in the game code. And on top of that players could have different ideas of what a proper grinding routine looks like.

Worst example of that is likely the eduction... Where the code just goes on and on adding and subtracting values that will ultimately affect the chance of successful training and other things.

In the end I decided that it is not really relevant to check all of it and could basically be boiled down to below relevant parameters:
var maxEducationAttempts = 3  //Set to 1 to disable repeated education attempts
var onlyEducateBeforeThisTime = 165  //Education attempts are only started before this time (199 = 19:54, 155 = 15:30, 190 is max)
var alwaysNakedEducation = false  //If true then npc is always naked during education. If false then only submissive npc is naked during education
var affectionLimitEducation = 75  //MC will not use discipline for npc with less than this affection during education. Set to -1000 to always use discipline
And this is of course also how I want to approach talking and sex interactions... I need to figure out what the relevant grinding actions are and then set some relevant critieras for when to do or not do them.

So, if you want to help, giving some thought on that subject, would be very helpful.

Like for example:
Auto foreplay
Scope: Single girl when interacting with someone, otherwise all followers, otherwise if no followers then all possible npcs on current page.
Alteranate between caressing and kissing.
Automatically stop when arousal reaches 30 (configurable)
Automatically stop at 23:30 (configurable)
Abort if arousal below -1 (configurable)
Abort if girl stamina below 3 (configurable)
Should include dominating girl when arousal >= 7 (configurable)

Or like this:
Talk positive
Automatically stop at 23:30 (configurable)
Encourage if bla bla bla
Compliment intelligence twice if bla bla bla
Otherwise compliment beauty twice if bla bla bla
Talk normally about sex type x if bla bla bla
Talk dominantly about sex if bla bla bla

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Not sure if this is where to ask, but is it possible to add an optional button to disable aging for everyone?
It used to be in the options but when I checked for v0.8.3.2 it was only the MC.
(Also need to know how to age-up the orphan kids (Laika&Loden) without screwing their stats)

And, finally, has the editing changed seeing as mercs/slaves/etc were merged?
And where might I find any posts mentioning the newer coding?


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2017
Not sure if this is where to ask, but is it possible to add an optional button to disable aging for everyone?
It used to be in the options but when I checked for v0.8.3.2 it was only the MC.
(Also need to know how to age-up the orphan kids (Laika&Loden) without screwing their stats)

And, finally, has the editing changed seeing as mercs/slaves/etc were merged?
And where might I find any posts mentioning the newer coding?
You cant stop everyone ageing except with potions you buy in Crystal hills
Laika and Loden can be aged up in game through the options when you check stats in house.
It is in the "actions" menu
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Active Member
Sep 12, 2020
Not sure if this is where to ask, but is it possible to add an optional button to disable aging for everyone?
It used to be in the options but when I checked for v0.8.3.2 it was only the MC.
(Also need to know how to age-up the orphan kids (Laika&Loden) without screwing their stats)

And, finally, has the editing changed seeing as mercs/slaves/etc were merged?
And where might I find any posts mentioning the newer coding?
As mentioned by caju, I think that the aging option was replaced by Revital:

It would probably be very easy to add cheat command in the console to give everyone that, if you want?

There is pretty much no explanations to any of the code other than the in-code comments right now. I intend to do some cleaning and more consistent function names eventually.

As for the types of npcs, they all have their girlid in a big slots array, in the game, so it is relatively simple to pinpoint them via that array and once you have the id you can access all of them and do anything you want like this:
"" + girlid + ".someParameter"
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Mar 24, 2018
Yes, the page name where npc is located can be easily be included as critera in different functions. Both for selections and specific actions.

Something like this:
if (getPageNameForSlaveId(currentSlaveId).includes("no anal")) { //Go to dungen and focus only on anal

I intentionally did not include automatic adding of followers for the autoHunt.

Reason is that I suspect that having followers with high survival skill somehow significantly decreases mc chance to increase survival skill. So, it makes sense to manually add them during early game when desperate for cash (if non-violent start) and then later hunt alone to gain stats rather than food.

But, yes, it is very possible to do things like that and to even to go further like automatically picking up the strongest melee followers with good health (or automatically give them tendstims) and then go to the docks and capture a dock punk and kill the rest and return home.

But I'm trying to avoid making it too fully automated. First obvious reason is that it would be very time consuming to make big and complicated scenarios like that, but also the risk at some point becomming pointless to even play the game, when all you have to do is click a button.

Talk positive, is very straightforward. So I will start with that one as it is also a good interaction example to experiment with the scope logic (interaction screen, vs followers, vs entire current page).

Once that is sorted it should be trivial to also add talking version of the decrease will power.

If I read it correctly you simply want to do this with no exceptions?
1. talkpos()
2. Explain chores + sexual chores, (edit) in dominant tone, and answer carefully
3. Ask about sex, oral and anal, in normal tone.
The hunt mechanics makes sense but if you are purely after increased yield then it is better to add them rather than going alone unless you have high survival. Which is unlikely on grimdark and rise to ashes difficulty especially at the start. For normal difficulties and start, food is not a huge concern at least not for me.

I agree with too much automation leading to ruining the game. Grind is good but macros should limit the number of clicks especially in training slaves and that is what I am most interested in. This makes it so much easier for me to actually play as Slaver and not some dating simulator or JRPG battler. I do enjoy those aspects as bonus tho.

If I read it correctly you simply want to do this with no exceptions?
1. talkpos()
That is correct. I made 2 separate ones as that was most easier for me.

2. Explain chores + sexual chores, (edit) in dominant tone, and answer carefully
Ask in normal tone, it gives better yield for new girls imo. Also it is generally better to use that one useless you have loving status with them otherwise, it can backfire badly and leads to more training days due to mood penalty.

3. Ask about sex, oral and anal, in normal tone.
Only dominant tone lowers WP without any hit to penalty but it works till 0 WP and may not work properly with virgins or high WP npcs especially above 50+. Can you add option to stop asking about sex talk once npc hit 0 WP.

Edit: I tried the new version and it fire the WP talk options on big talk. Imo, it will be better if positive talk = increase WP by choosing intelligence as affect option.
Negative talk= Decrease WP.
That way it would be less confusing but that would require separating talkNicely() and adding another one talkNegatively()
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Active Member
Sep 12, 2020
The hunt mechanics makes sense but if you are purely after increased yield then it is better to add them rather than going alone unless you have high survival. Which is unlikely on grimdark and rise to ashes difficulty especially at the start. For normal difficulties and start, food is not a huge concern at least not for me.

I agree with too much automation leading to ruining the game. Grind is good but macros should limit the number of clicks especially in training slaves and that is what I am most interested in. This makes it so much easier for me to actually play as Slaver and not some dating simulator or JRPG battler. I do enjoy those aspects as bonus tho.

If I read it correctly you simply want to do this with no exceptions?
1. talkpos()
That is correct. I made 2 separate ones as that was most easier for me.

2. Explain chores + sexual chores, (edit) in dominant tone, and answer carefully
Ask in normal tone, it gives better yield for new girls imo. Also it is generally better to use that one useless you have loving status with them otherwise, it can backfire badly and leads to more training days due to mood penalty.

3. Ask about sex, oral and anal, in normal tone.
Only dominant tone lowers WP without any hit to penalty but it works till 0 WP and may not work properly with virgins or high WP npcs especially above 50+. Can you add option to stop asking about sex talk once npc hit 0 WP.

Edit: I tried the new version and it fire the WP talk options on big talk. Imo, it will be better if positive talk = increase WP by choosing intelligence as affect option.
Negative talk= Decrease WP.
That way it would be less confusing but that would require separating talkNicely() and adding another one talkNegatively()
I have just confirmed a little theory, that it is possible to add custom properties to npcs.

Like this:

So, now we know that Loren is a bigpooper and Juno is not, whatever that means.

This could be used to allow the player to mark certain npcs as "to-be slut" or whatever, which can then be considered by the mod in different types of automated interactions, avoiding the need for positive and negative buttons.

But before going down that path, there really needs to be a more flexible gui for the mod and even before that there are lots of other things to do, like code cleaning and re-adding currently removed stuff.

Auto hunt is also quite literally the first function that I added, and back then the choice was limited to auto add follower 1-4 or to auto add no one. Here in the future it would be relatively easy to just add an option: autoAddBestHuntersBeforeHunt = true/false.


Mar 24, 2018
I have just confirmed a little theory, that it is possible to add custom properties to npcs.

Like this:
View attachment 3723922

So, now we know that Loren is a bigpooper and Juno is not, whatever that means.

This could be used to allow the player to mark certain npcs as "to-be slut" or whatever, which can then be considered by the mod in different types of automated interactions, avoiding the need for positive and negative buttons.

But before going down that path, there really needs to be a more flexible gui for the mod and even before that there are lots of other things to do, like code cleaning and re-adding currently removed stuff.

Auto hunt is also quite literally the first function that I added, and back then the choice was limited to auto add follower 1-4 or to auto add no one. Here in the future it would be relatively easy to just add an option: autoAddBestHuntersBeforeHunt = true/false.
That is interesting. If I am not mistaken, the name is changed in variables and not through any menu rename option. If so, then it would require a far better interactive gui for it to function. Not sure, but that sounds like a lot of work.

Can you add "if" and "then" conditional codes to make certain actions happen based on stats?


Active Member
Sep 12, 2020
That is interesting. If I am not mistaken, the name is changed in variables and not through any menu rename option. If so, then it would require a far better interactive gui for it to function. Not sure, but that sounds like a lot of work.

Can you add "if" and "then" conditional codes to make certain actions happen based on stats?
Not looking to change names of the npcs. Only to give them special properties. Which then, yes, can be checked by different functions, same as any other npc stat.

On a completely unrelated note, I have now also figured out how to differentiate between single clicks, double clicks and even tripple clicks, which opens up the possibilty for some buttons to have multiple functions, like for example: Add / Remove followers or even oral / vaginal / anal in a single button.

Not sure that I will use it, but it seems like a nice option to have and most likely hated by anyone playing on a touchpad.
Mar 5, 2024
I have just confirmed a little theory, that it is possible to add custom properties to npcs.

Like this:
View attachment 3723922

So, now we know that Loren is a bigpooper and Juno is not, whatever that means.

This could be used to allow the player to mark certain npcs as "to-be slut" or whatever, which can then be considered by the mod in different types of automated interactions, avoiding the need for positive and negative buttons.

But before going down that path, there really needs to be a more flexible gui for the mod and even before that there are lots of other things to do, like code cleaning and re-adding currently removed stuff.

Auto hunt is also quite literally the first function that I added, and back then the choice was limited to auto add follower 1-4 or to auto add no one. Here in the future it would be relatively easy to just add an option: autoAddBestHuntersBeforeHunt = true/false.
Of course it works after all $npc is a generic object, but then
are you sure that giving an npc a custom property, will never have sideeffects, if the npc is sold/released/dies (slot is cleared via ClearSlot passage) and was an entry of the form $npc.avXYZ (with XYZ being above 100) and the slot (entry of $npc) gets reused? - There will not be sideeffects for "story-npcs" (as these entries are never reused for other npcs).


Active Member
Sep 12, 2020
Of course it works after all $npc is a generic object, but then
are you sure that giving an npc a custom property, will never have sideeffects, if the npc is sold/released/dies (slot is cleared via ClearSlot passage) and was an entry of the form $npc.avXYZ (with XYZ being above 100) and the slot (entry of $npc) gets reused? - There will not be sideeffects for "story-npcs" (as these entries are never reused for other npcs).
I think you are correct that a second random slave, who is reusing same number as a previous slave, would likely end up with the custom attribute which was originally assigned to the previous npc.

For a simple indicator, if mc should prefer to treat the girl good or bad, it is probably insignificant... But for other things in the future it could cause bigger head-aches.

I guess, best solution would be to add a sanity check attribute. If (orggirlname != girlname) {reset all custom attributes}
It could then routinely be checked in some often used function like gotoPage.


New Member
Feb 14, 2018
Good day. I have a question, is there a mod for this game that adds the more of unique pictutes? I see that to replace the picture, you just need to replace the jpg file.


Active Member
Sep 12, 2020
I finally got around to fight with div and css to see how hard it would be to replace follower interaction buttons with avatars in the automation mod.

It turned out that I still suck at anything related to web design, but I eventually got the follower buttons interactive and working the way I wanted (implemented below the save buttons in the screenshot).

But then I also got curious... What about avatars small enough to fit inside the goto npc page buttons?

After a quick concept test in ms paint, think the answer is yes.

So, next up is to make the goto page buttons contain both a link to full size version of the npc page, and also clickable avatars to interact directly with any individual npc, same as favorites.

And the of course I copy pasted those buttons to the favorite npc area of the game gui, just to satisfy my curiosity on how many tiny avatars it would be possible to put there. And the answer is that you could probably fit about 200 in there :D


Edit: Now implemented with group selection buttons:
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Jun 6, 2024
What is the max NPC slots? I see on file edit you can have up to 17 pages but I can only get the game up to 10? Also how do you access the retreat? I have a stable but nothing has happened? I'm also having a hard time getting any of the dinner quest to trigger is there something I'm doing wrong?


Active Member
Sep 12, 2020
What is the max NPC slots? I see on file edit you can have up to 17 pages but I can only get the game up to 10? Also how do you access the retreat? I have a stable but nothing has happened? I'm also having a hard time getting any of the dinner quest to trigger is there something I'm doing wrong?
The game limits you to max 80 npcs after you have installed bunk beds in the dorm. So, that is effectively the current limit.
4.50 star(s) 136 Votes