1. I've not bothered with classes or books yet. I might have to eventually to get the 35 science needed to smelt steel and such. I'm not really looking forward to getting the minimum for all my classes and books.
2. I did very little hunting. I cleared the board but left the Walkers, Cult Monks and Headkiller's Crew unscathed. I also let the Pai's live and one bounty who emptied his pockets and who I would have had to kill in front of his wife and children. I may be a little grim, but I'm not that dark! I made my money off the Arena every day and all the bounties I could.
3. Whichever one we were on the day I talked to you about it before, I think there's been maybe one update since.
4. Most were essentially executions, five of us and one or two enemies who seldom got more than one shot off, if that. As for how I got there, I cleared the board and kept it clear and bounties now give steady influence too.
5. I upgraded the home completely, as soon as I could, starting with the bedroom as stamina is so tight in the beginning. The bathroom is next, then the living room. I then get the garden started and get the kitchen and tech stuff.
6. I did no crafting. I think the only thing this idiot can make is a combat knife, and I took so many of those off the dead I didn't need to make any for Ansel's quest.
7. I built up respect to the soft cap (20) with all of them and I got started building Charm as soon as I could. Juno was fairly receptive, but I did fail a fair amount with her but kept plugging at it. I then started fondling her frequently (Caress during seduction) which raised my Charm slowly but surely. The others I tried from time to time, but if I didn't have at least a 25% chance I didn't bother with them until I did. You should fail often with a 50 Charm, and often enough with 60, I don't see why that would come as a surprise.
Rebecca still has plenty of WP, but it's been falling as I fuck her brains out more frequently.
I left them alone until I could seduce them, for the most part. Olivia earned herself a Punishment (she was at Arrogant for a while) and I tried to give her a whipping and that went...poorly...so I let her go before I dug myself into a hole I couldn't get out of. There was no non-con action.
8. If you rely on Rebecca like I do it's good to get her Respect as high as possible. At game day 136 Rebecca's Respect is at 47.
I've not been able to keep them all at Undying/Ecstatic like I usually do, but currently Rebecca and Michelle are Undying, Juno's at Soulmate and Olivia is at Loving. I have discovered there's a new happiness level called 'Godly' and right now they're all at 'Ecstatic.'
Books---Not even the BDSM (Ropes/Flag) ones? Isn't it nearly impossible to raise corruption w/o them?
I usually try to do at least some books early, but putting them off (as you've shown) has an advantage too. [can use those T points 4 Books/Train--but not BOTH]
Speaking of books, did you Train (Educate) your slaves? [I assume not;] Skill lvl, Intel, # books owned, all factor into success there. [vital 4 dancing/academy/good sale $, etc. Basically, anything except fighting & the most basic jobs.
"..... I made my money off the Arena every day and all the bounties I could."----
So, basically in ways that even 2 versions ago (lol) would've been much more difficult or impossible. (see other post---combat changes)
(Arena Req 1500 Infl, & "Ashes" starts @ 100, so even that would take a while)
PS If you kill/murder somebody, they're DEAD whether it's in front of their wife or not. [Is there no option to bring Bounties back *ALIVE?* In old West (USA----IRL!) the *BEST* US Marshals brought back over 1,000+ wanted criminals, [some over 2k+!] & *MOST*----over 90%----were brought back ALIVE. (some w a "posse", some alone; but most eventually gave up---very few people IRL *REALLY* want 2 die!)
IF/W Bounties becoming more common, *PLEASE* (for the sake of those of us who value human life!) give us the option to bring them back ALIVE.
Versions: (lol! again the details!) Newest is 812; Most of my recent runs (&XP) were on 810/811/811c; Still learning about 812, (code compare takes a long time!) Seen bounties talked about but didn't know how to activate them. (being sick *WAY TOO MUCH OMG! in winter doesn't help, get what some call "brain fog"-----so if i seem like a total idiot some days, well, a little grace please....)
Hey do you----or anybody---have a link to the *CHANGELOG* for ver 812? [wiki is behind, can't keep up lol!]
Seeing how tight $ is most early runs, very interested in the "Bounty Hunter" business. (is there a bail bondsman? or is this supposed to be a "WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE" thing?) [or is there even an option?]
Ugh. Sounds like we're assassins now. [aka, vs "Dock Punks" or other street gang]
but if I didn't have at least a 25% chance I didn't bother with them until I did. You should fail often with a 50 Charm, and often enough with 60, I don't see why that would come as a surprise."----still learning, but from what I know there's built-in factors that can make odds go beyond 100; Sounds like you gave them a "cooling off" period [didn't try everyday?] if it wasn't in your favor? [hard to do, but maybe something some of us should try some. With many "fails", & so many bad factors, often it's far from ideal. ]
Crafting: What I've seen so far (different in 812?)
is CRAFTING takes a great deal of TIME, STAMINA, & fair amt of start up $ [even if you had the stats] Really not compatible w other strats, unless/*RICH*/(&) extra Stamina; You need that time/stamina, to do fights/sex stuff/etc;
" If you rely on Rebecca like I do it's good to get her Respect as high as possible. At game day 136 Rebecca's Respect is at 47."----
wow! Never had her Respect so high! Maybe that's part of what helped you out?
The Rebecca's I've known had to have WP near -0- [assuming CHARM fails, which yours did most of the time right?] b4 she'd consent, *OR*, if she did, she'd get turn'd *OFF* & pissed. (some specifics would help here) When you got her to agree (& it worked!) What was her: Respect? Affection? WP?
-->>> (Since Reb's such a pain!) If I'm reading you right, you: 1) NEVER punished Rebecca, & 2) NEVER used FEAR on her? & 3) [I assume, since your stats were low] you never tried to talk "Dom" to her?
Your run makes me want to try "Soldier" again! lol
Thanks for the info!