Might be worth looking very carefully at the potential for legal issues. I'm not familiar with the details of IP copyrights, but the original ended with a lot of bad blood due to ownership technicalities, and I wouldn't be surprised if whoever owns the title (assuming they actually did the stuff for that) goes after you out of spite. Would likely be due to name copyrights, intellectual theft, etc. There are ways to get around that though. Laws vary from place to place, but homage and parody usage are the typical routes. Those generally require being free though. Your patreon specifies being for the game and offers reward tiers. Early access, additional content, additional functionality, etc is not free. If you wanted to play it safer, you'd likely want to do a generic tip jar for 'supporting your amateur coding projects' or something along those lines. Multiple tiers can still work, but actually having them provide rewards (even discord/post viewing) is risky.
That being said, I wish you the best with this. I was one of the many who supported them for a while, and would love to see a new version created. I would not love to see a new version started then shut down after it gets some momentum due to legal BS though.