Mathematics time. You work for $20 a day. Rent is $400 per month and you lose $3.00 for food daily. College costs $3000.00. You work 7 days a week and gross $140.00 per week. Your net per week after partial rent savings and food is $19.00. Progressing the love interest with sis past a certain point is $50.00 each time and you have to do it 10 times. And then progressing love side with Rita past the first point is $20.00 per gift (x5 to complete that section) and then $50.00 per date which even though it happens in the evening, you don't get credit for your work day. Of course, if you decide to skip work and read a library book instead of, I don't know checking the book out and reading it at home in the evenings while tacitly ignoring the broken sister in the shower when sister isn't supposed to be there yet. And the whole premise of the game was to move to the big city to go to college. This game is absolute trash. 2/10 on the scoreboard for me.