Odd, you can't rate this thread at all... Just gives an unforeseen error... Maybe the rating system is having problems...
Ok, apparently for some reason, this thread would not allow a rating/review to be posted until a reply was made to the thread first... Not sure if that is an error or a change in how F9Zone is managing their review system...
In any case, I tried this VN/Game out, and I was fairly disappointed... It is yet another female protagonist based VN/Game where she is the target of every pervert and screwed up situation that falls into her orbit... It has a very tiny plot, with a cliché and fast paced introduction... In essence, it's a porn fest corruption grinder, based in a college that looks and feels more like a high school, that goes over the top with pretty much everything... It has lots of repetition, and an annoying (and basic) navigation system... I find it sad, that so many of this style of VN/Games are starting to be made... Probably because they require hardly any creativity of thought, and lesser effort to develop... I don't know, but seeing these kinds of female protagonist VN/Games becoming more prevalent, is not a good sign for VN/Games in general... Especially with so few VN/Games using female protagonists in the first place... In any case, I went ahead and posted my review...