Well people, lucky for you, I, an American, am here to set everything straight. The only correct language to use on the internet is American English. I say this for many reasons. Firstly, we created the internet and therefore we own the internet. All settings in games are America unless specifically stated otherwise. Secondly, we've won all the important wars. I don't think I need to go into detail. I'm sure you have all been taught how awesome we are at killing people. So as the best nation in the world we make all the rules and everyone else gets the benefit of living with them. If anyone is interested. We also own space, the moon and the rest of the solar system all thanks to Nasa for finding them first. Of course all of this is made possible by God, an American as well. Thankfully everyone has Heaven to look forward to since American as well. As long as we have room for you when the time comes. You are welcome. Murica!!
P.S. This is a joke. Please don't get triggered or hate me. I apologize if any americans actually think this way.