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1 - Happens on wednesday when Kenza and Fatiha go to the beach with the boys, meanwhile at Radia's house something is about to happen. First time you get to the scene, nothing happens, but the second time when you play it is when you Radia gets the option to choose, that's when you unlock the new scene.
2 and 3 - happens Saturday night when Radia is in her room and has to choose between going outside the room or wait. If you choose to go outside you get a quick scene with Kanza and Yazid in the bathroom (2), if you choose to wait, you'll then unlock the scene in the living room (3)
4 - Happens when Radia and Nabile are at Nabile's house. Radia needs to choose to go to the kitchen where Yazid is, after the usual scene between her and Yazid in the kitchen, a new scene happens right after.
5 - Scene happens when Nabile and Radia are in the bus and pick where they're gonna go, usually it's between the parc and the restaurant, this time you've the new option of choosing the clothing store, that's where the scene happens.
6 - Scene happens on sunday after the usual scene in the kitchen between Radia and Nabile, blowjob scene.