I have no patreon (haven't had one in a year), so really no holding back here.
This game is currently being re-made. I've been working on it for the past few months. This game is where my heart is, I can't leave it like this. I was always planning on coming back eventually, but I kept going back and forth on to go male MC or not since male MC seems to be the most popular. But I really don't care, I like this genre the most so this is what I'm doing. Idc what anyone else is doing anymore.
It'll be re-uploaded, most likely under a slightly different name. My skills in 3D (Blender) have greatly improved, looking at these old character textures and bad shading really pains my eyes. It's fascinating looking at what you used to do vs what you do now.
It'll be a v.1 not 0.1. 0.1's never seem to work for anyone. There will be hours of content and insane animations.
Release date will be sometime in December 2023, that gives me slightly over a year. When it releases I'll re-activate my patreon. I want this game to be successful, but I'm only targeting the people who love this genre.
Anyway, see you guys then. You got my word. If December 2023 comes and you don't hear anything from me, it's not because I disappeared again, it's because I'm dead.