
Active Member
Sep 17, 2017
Jack-ish I disagree with you:

1- the real action with the character still can not be given joey (main character) needs to convince and win even more confidence with Mrs linda.

2- Mrs linda is terrified and confused for 3 reasons:

A- the strong attraction that begins to feel for his own son (joey).

B- is almost 100% sure that her husband cheats on her work trips with the young secretary.

C- the constant sexual acts and games with joey have caused Mrs linda to feel more attracted towards young men.

3-the idea of Mrs linda (house milf) leaving for a few months seems to me the best idea.

she discovers the possible infidelity of her husband with the young secretary, relaxes a little of the constant seductions of her son (joey) etc.
I don't think sex with Linda is that far she will probally regret after having sex joey the first time and will take much more time to become a "friends with benefits"
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Jun 6, 2019
Pool + house walkthrough for ver.18 part 2
by me, venom69


1.At the pool talk with all characters.
2.Go to building by using door behind Gina back, talk with Gloria. (I'll call that hallway)
3.Use phone at the wall, behind Gloria, then talk with her again.
4.Go to pool, use wallet at Gina. She'll gave you swimsuit.
5.Back to Gloria, give her swimsuit.
6.Take Cock-Tail (behind Linda back, on the table next to champagne).
7.Go to bouncy castle, use battery on generator. You will find smoothy drink.
8.Mix Cock-Tail with smoothy by grabbing one to another.
9.Go to room inside, where Gloria was, click on vase to take Ice (table at the middle of screen).
10.Grab ice and put it into drink, next take leaf (little green plant second in inventory, between wallet and corn seed)
11.Give Drink to Linda.
12.Give Mrs.Jackson's Swimsuit to Mrs.Laticia .
13.Go inside Bouncy Castle, split oil on the floor.
14.Back to pool, and then back inside castle for scene.
15.Talk with mother in hall, then back and talk with Gloria.
16.Select "Changing Room" that Gloria gave to you.(Without selected, hammer will not appear)
17.Then you need to click at "Empty space" between Bounty Castle and Slide to display Hammer and Scissors in the hallway. by venom69 user
18.Go to hallway take Hammer (under High&Fi) and scissors behind Linda.
19.Back to pool and use changing room on empty space.
20.Talk with Gloria, she will give you swimsuit.
21.Back to mother, give her swimsuit.
22.Back to pool and use scissors on changing room.
23.Talk with Gloria, then step back.
24.Use "Overhear her talking to herself"
25.Use "Overhear" option on Gina and Laticia, then talk with them.
26.Talk to Mrs Jackson about "being a virgin"
27.Back to Gina and Laticia, tell them about "Jackson's abortion"
28.Back to mother and Gloria, use dialogue "erection problems"
29.Back to Mrs. Jackson and "Tell her that..."
30.Click on Gloria, enjoy.

Home after pool party

For study click on the screen next to bed.

0.Click on home door, then back to your room (hallroom, stairs on the right and first room at the right)
1.Take you dirty clothes, bring them to milf at kitchen.
2.At the 18 when she will watch tv, give her Handband.
3.At 19, enter shower at bathroom.
4.After you wake up,go to the kitchen, read note on the fridge.
5.Talk with mother, she is in bathroom.
6.Check on her at same place 19 o clock,then she will appear downstairs.
7.Talk with granny at garden (right site when you go out your home), she is beside bushes near to tree. Plant corn.
8. Got to sleep. At the morning talk with Mrs. Jackson at the hallway (if she not appear go to sleep).
9.Study, then go to the garden you should find guy in the corn bushes click on him.
(guy spawn is randomly by chance, you need to study)
10.Then check garden every day for stranger, study before you go to check it.
11.Skip days, you need talk with him 3 times to get 295 $. (Creator said you can farm money by F12 but idk)
12.Give money to Mrs.Jackson, then go sleep. You will be wake up, and get scene in bathroom
13.You need to do with detective one more time... After you get 295$ you need to max study
14.At the 18 go to hallway. Enjoy last scene.

I need to say that game at this stage is hard to understand, where you should find stuff etc. I used some gameplay's when i stuck, even that im not new to adult games, and i played 12 version of milftoon.
It really should be one game, you propably testing new stuff so that it's easier to make only part's but for newbies that's look's like demo. Wish you will update full product soon.

After that i just could say that is short update, but graphic is beautiful, like it always was, i really enjoy Gloria and Milf "event", and ill wait for more ;)
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