So I'll try a reply to this FAQ (on different F95zone threads), with its variations:
What is the appeal/obsession of *impregnating girls* in sex-content games?; or
Why do people like *seeing girls heavily pregnant* in sex-content games?; or
Why do people love the MC (and/or maybe others) *having sex with heavily pregnant girls* in these games?
The first thing to say, though, is that we are talking FANTASY here, okay? Fantasy is relief, release, often a lot brighter, riskier, more colorful than mundane or difficult real life, but also burning off frustrated energies, indulging in excitements that people might not find anything like as enjoyable, or easy, or practically desirable in real life. The vast majority of people would probably even recoil from such stuff, if it's real people involved, and especially if it's real people suffering. Like pregnant girls with enough "on their plates" already, and don't want hassle. (Or girls who really don't want to get pregnant!!)
So when a perplexed "hopeless" asks below, why would you ever want girls to become like fat, lazy cows etc., using up their man's money, he (probably he!) is either having a cheeky laugh, or else being a bit too *literal* - missing the point (of fantasy).
(In the same way, if (for example) a woman has dreams/nightmares, daydreams - or fantasies - of getting sexually totally dominated and/or raped and/or gangbanged, it would be a MASSIVE mistake to interpret that as being proof of what she actually wants in real life.)
Fantasy is fantasy, and very much at one or two removes from physically real life as we live it.
To each their own, but I straight up do not get the pregnancy fetish.
because its part of the story already with the cow outfit and its dialogues, only makes it more exciting to keep it more realistic
pregnancy fetish is a mystery to me.
fertilized women are annoying, become fat and lazy and costs a lot of money
Pregnancy and making a women pregnant in game is a strange fetish for me.... I see many ppl love it.
i don't hope so, why is so important pregnant sex?
its a fetisch bro 1 i like and the game tags say pregnancy so im hoping its gonna happen

we already have impreg scenes with the little sis so
So, what's the appeal? ...
1) The urge to procreate, plant your seeds and have them grow, propagate your species. "Darwinism", that is often called.
2) - where 1) is sometimes used as a pseudo-scientific excuse! -
"Blue balls". The sex mania of wanting to empty your constantly-refilled sex organs of too much pressure.
And what more thrilling destination for that relief - what more satisfying destination home - than a desired girl's vulva, vagina, womb, if you are male & straight? ... (or maybe female & butch-lesbian ... or gender-neutral but highly sexed!)
3) - as with 2), "darwinism" can be a pseudo-scientific excuse -
A desire to have, do, totally inseminate (& maybe have the attention/affection/desire of) the girl currently in focus.
If of course, that drive is via an MC - or a gang - in a sex-content game, then that drive is vicarious- satisfaction by extension!
4) - masked as 1) 2) or 3) -
Other dissatisfactions, frustrations, jealousies, hardships or problems in real life can add a lot to the drives mentioned in 1) 2) 3). Especially 2) - that excuse "blue balls" is usually a psychological-emotional urge as much as a purely physical bursting of semen!
5) again, esp. if you are a hetero male - or a "bull" lesbian - :
Gender poles accentuated! Rounded, very generously curvy female forms are often very desirable - just as for hetero (or maybe "femme" gay man), powerfully bulging hard biceps and thighs, "six-packs", small packed tight buttocks may seem mega sexy.
A pregnant belly with engorged breasts - a very feminine image, even an obsession.
(Some would unkindly say that guys (or sometimes girls) who adore huge breasts have a "mother complex" - want to be back to a warm place where their mom had - for the baby's small size - large nourishing tits ... but let's not go TOO far here! 8- o )
6) "baroque", richly rounded forms can be aesthetically pleasing too. Flat surfaces or straight lines, not so much. Heavily pregnant is definitely in the first category ...
7) Reinforcing the old sex roles! When women are heavily pregnant, they are more tired, slower, heavier, usually clumsier, more vulnerable, more dependent (so "hopeless" has a bit of a point, to that extent).
For people - guys mainly, no doubt - who love (or love to imagine in fantasy!) a dominant role over the female in sex &d life, there in an adult game is the chance to be the lord & master of fantasy!
8) okay, there may also be an edge of *malice*, impregnating a girl simply to make her life more difficult - physically, economically, socially, psychologically, emotionally, even to "teach her a lesson" she hasn't deserved, or "put her in her place" when she's not the trash you make her (in fantasy). ... Even in fantasy, I'd say it's ad if destruction is the main driving force.
So - all sorts of possible driving forces there, most of which (5 & 6 not so bad) are "not nice" in real life.
But in fantasy, (almost) anything goes! People don't play games to make them like their real lives.
And you'd hope, *games* can take a bit of the pressure off the bad stuff burbling away inside real people!