
New Member
May 2, 2017
Who said i think he is "FAULTLESS hero/saint". Be that as it may i also am tired of people without knowledge about what is going on with the creator or the game that bitch about it all the time. You can judge his past as much as you want but it won't change the fact that as of right now the game is not abandoned he continues it and you basically call him out about past things. If he abandones this one we can talk again until then you speak about the past.


Active Member
Sep 4, 2017
I've been away since around mid-late April, and came back in here about a week ago.
(I was in to Hospital for some much needed surgery and am now undergoing rehab for at least the next 3-4 months)

And I see the same type of "snarkey and snidey(?)" Q&A's are still going back and forth, along with some normal Q&A's too,over this game. So it would seem that nothing's changed, apart from a few legit update comments taken from Discord, and Patreon too, with regards to this game.

I'm not getting into the why's and wherefore's of who's right and who's wrong, suffice to say that I'm jut going to sit back and wait. After all I've got time aplenty for now on my hands.

So trolls and keyboard warriors beware.


New Member
May 2, 2017
What's the fucking meaning of this argument? A fact is a fact. Fact is: most of Patreon games are abandoned. Period.
The argument is that if there was another site for devs it would be that site the reason a lot of games where abandoned. Devs will abandon games whether you like it or not wether they are on patreon or not. It's the way indie development works.


New Member
Nov 13, 2017
guys can you give me the lastest saves from the game? i lost mine cause my hard disk broken and i dont want to start from the begining... someone please


Aug 24, 2018
There obviously gonna be a lot of abandoned games from patreon since patreon is the main platform that all these developers can get known and make a living out of creating games. And because of that reason the competition rises and a lot of those devs stop because they don't make enough money (usually) to make it their work or for some other reason. So saying that most patreon based games are abandoned is wrong because you don't factor the fact that most devs are starting from patreon. Also specifically about icstor even though a lot of people say he rushed his last games and finished them quickly you have to factor in other things like the decrease of his patreon the last months those games where developed. If as a dev you see that a big chunk of your followers stop supporting you understand something is wrong. So judging the fact that his next game is on ren'py and that most big games are also on ren'py he rushed the games so that he can change platform and make his next game more accessible. Last year when those games where developed he had about 1000 patreons while developing two games. This year he has almost 6000 patreons and one of the reasons is the change to ren'py. So you can understand why he would want to rush the other games.
The possible causes of the possible abandonment of the game milfy city are very clear.
But I think there is also another possible reason: currently the number of visitors to the game are about 12 million and considering that of 50 visits 1 single person can download, after those who download there is a 1/100 rat to make contributions (US $5, on average), because they were at ease and hoping for updates 12 000 000*(1/50*1/100)*($5)= $12 000 dollars.
Which I think is quite a gain for a SINGLE for a few months of dedication.

tall tale

Dec 27, 2017
The possible causes of the possible abandonment of the game milfy city are very clear.
But I think there is also another possible reason: currently the number of visitors to the game are about 12 million and considering that of 50 visits 1 single person can download, after those who download there is a 1/100 rat to make contributions (US $5, on average), because they were at ease and hoping for updates 12 000 000*(1/50*1/100)*($5)= $12 000 dollars.
Which I think is quite a gain for a SINGLE for a few months of dedication.
How do you know its an one man OP ? considering how big the updates were ,generaly 3-4 times that of most other developers + much higher level , and we know many developers utilise team work.Its quite likely guy had hired hands at work especialy considering how much the quality and quantity increased over his previous games , does he need to advertise that ? No.

Honestly , i hope game continues to be updated but also have no illusions it might not . In any case non Patrons realy have no reason to bitch around as many do on this thread.

Jaun Karr

Mar 2, 2019
This made me have a funny thought. Obviously these developers spend so much time on these games and make so much money that you can safely assume that it's their main source of income and probably their only job (it's a pretty awsome job let's be fair)

How do you explain what you do for a living to people? like friends, parents, romantic partners?

Say your mum asks you "hows work?", or you're on a date and the girl says "So what do you do for work?" "Oh I make porn games about a kid fucking his mother and sisters" can't imagine that goes down too well! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

It's not like you can lie either, you couldn't keep up the fasade forever.
Personally, I'd be telling half truths, such "yeah I develop visual novels/indie games" and avoid having to answer anything more specific about the games you work on. So I think it all depends on how long you can go without explain the details to the people that ask.


New Member
May 2, 2017
The possible causes of the possible abandonment of the game milfy city are very clear.
But I think there is also another possible reason: currently the number of visitors to the game are about 12 million and considering that of 50 visits 1 single person can download, after those who download there is a 1/100 rat to make contributions (US $5, on average), because they were at ease and hoping for updates 12 000 000*(1/50*1/100)*($5)= $12 000 dollars.
Which I think is quite a gain for a SINGLE for a few months of dedication
To me at this point it would be completely stupid and suicidal decision from a business stand point to abandon or rush a game that has alowed your patreons to multiply by almost 6 times in a year and a half.
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Apr 3, 2017
As much as I love Caroline and Linda way more than any of the other ladies, Sara really needs a lot more content, poor girl has been forgotten for a ton of updates in a row. I kind of wish she was the core of the next update, even if that meant not seeing the amazing Caroline.
Sara was the girl he used to hamfist sexual content into the game early on. If there isn't sex early on, everyone starts griping about it. People here are not respectful of story/character development in lieu of sex. Dating My Daughter is a great example (anyone that followed that over the first 2 years knows exactly what I'm talking about).

There is only 1 thing left to 'do' with Sara, and pretty much no content possible for her other than that. Which is why she's been strangely absent since her anal escapade. Speaking of, he really needs to write her in to the last 3 or 4 updates. Just her sitting in class or in the kitchen would be fine. It's confusing when she just vanishes during the day for months on end because it feels like a bug.

Anyway, he would have to bring in a few side characters and build their stories on top of Sara instead of making them about Sara alone. Which he may have already planned for given how many girls are unavailable in the school but obviously have future plans.
Last edited:


Aug 24, 2018
How do you know its an one man OP ? considering how big the updates were ,generaly 3-4 times that of most other developers + much higher level , and we know many developers utilise team work.Its quite likely guy had hired hands at work especialy considering how much the quality and quantity increased over his previous games , does he need to advertise that ? No.
My calculations of possible monetary gains were far below what I think taxpayers really should have contributed.
but the developer, should at least mention that update options (or not), so that its users definitely continue looking for this game.
Maybe the expectation will generate profits with new users who are excited about a future contribution.
The quality of the game is unquestionable and that is why we welcome: 12 million VISITORS!
I also expect new versions...
I use an English translator.
Good luck and end of discussion on my part!


New Member
Mar 14, 2018
I haven't been around lately. I like this game a lot so I wanted to come back when it had the "on hold" banner gone. Now I see comments sort of justifying the game being abandoned, what the hell happened?
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