the walkthrough says
- Night > Charles Home > Window (crowbar - Home>Garage)
i keep going and i cant enter :/
1. Visit his home, during the day, try the door and the window
2. Repeat at night
(these first 2 steps may be unnecessary but just to be sure)
3. Go to the garage at home and pick up the blue crowbar which you can find on the table. Makes sure you picked it up and it shows in your inventory.
4. Go to Charles' place again, at night.
5. Open the inventory, select the crowbar by clicking on it, then click on the window situated next to the door (the one you tried to open at step 1.) This will "match", if you will, the crowbar and the window.
6. Click on the window once again top open it. At this point you should get a couple of images of MC using the crowbar to get inside.