You're arguing a programmer making the game have a specific plot line you have to follow to progress, with 0 alternatives, and actual choice. There is no freewill, it's just what the Gamedev makes happen to progress. Now, if they made it so there were ways around it, and still achieve an end goal, I'd be all good, but there isn't.
The better example would be you're reading a book, and anything that happens in the book just happens and there is no deviation. You can't read it, then press 5 and suddenly the kids aren't having an orgy in the sewers. No, the orgy in the sewers has to happen as symbolism of a transition into adult hood. They killed pennywise, and they have lost that innocence of childhood. But you can't change that. The story is written they way it is written. To ignore that part, or not play it, would be an incomplete view of the work.