Yes, a bike or bicycle ...same shit(no scooter) and ofc is way better than a car because is cheaper and 0 pollution...duuh

In my world umbrella is invented so i use it when is raining

Shopping? i walk to a store, i don't need to go to another city/country to buy food

I work so i have money ...duh
I make my own food and once a month or twice i eat a pizza
Having a college degree or not proves nothing, you can buy that shit. Bragging about it makes you look stupid, at least

Me 18

? Wish i would be that young once more but now i am over 30

The AVERAGE household has 2 cars? dafuk...maybe on Hollywood boulevard or in Dubai
I can call myself average because around a quarter of people where i work own ONE car each. I've seen people who own 2 cars but they are very rich like a mayor, doctors, lawyers.
No house? Actually i live in a house but i don't own it and i don't type from under the bridge if that's is what you expected
So enough with this shit because you proved nothing with this fancy talk just to make yourself superior. Trust me, you are not above anyone around here, you just look more like a douche.