Carpe Stultus

Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2018
Did you play through Caroline's content, Q Who? I think you mentioned before that you didn't play her content. I posted this before, but 3/5 scenes with penetration have zero animations. Doesn't matter if it's anal or vaginal. If you have the choice between it, there are no animations.

Lake missionary - has lots of animations.
Hotel doggy - limited (4) animations. In comparison, the clothed bj at the lake got 9.
Hotel sideways - zero animations.
Nightscene doggy - zero animations.
Nightscene cowgirl -zero animations.

I don't think anyone can honestly say that they believe Icstor never intended for these scenes to have animations and simply decided to instead focus on morning and night bjs. Caroline's animations are not done and I doubt he'll release another 50 animations today because he simply forgot to implement them. I thought he had a coder?? Did they both miss half of the scenes? No one noticed or at least skipped through the content before uploading it? I don't think so.
Come on don't be so harsh on the poor and overworked ICSTOR. He just doesn't earn enough money to buy good enough hardware to manage regular updates with full animated scenes. ;)


Jan 3, 2018
How about 12 months then, are you also fine with that? Because that is how long the complete 0.6 update took. And if you know ICSTORs games you would know he has released several games with a rushed ending, once he lost interest in them.
He is actually known for exactly that practice.

Seriously guys (not just miked91, but all who spent the last few pages bitching and moaning ), complaining about people ranting about ICSTOR? It's your right and privilege to do so, but I for one could think of about 5-8 other devs who also get hit with lots of complaints over late updates and for far less time than ICSTOR AND we are even talking devs who pause payments or charge per release.
If you want to defend a dev, why not defend one of those guys?

Instead you dismiss valid criticism with bullshit like "y'all aren't probably patrons anyway." or "you are all pirates you don't have a right to complain."

Well, that's not how it works. You don't have to pay for something or be involved with something to have an opinion about it.
What you don't have a right is to DEMAND something from a guy if you're not paying for it, but saying it sucks that he gets money month after month while delaying updates? Or that this update was again delayed and is again not complete?
Everyone who notices that has a right to mention it.
Woot, dude calm down, just read again what I said and try to understand it.

When a product is bad, you don't pay anymore for it, it's the best way to show that don't admit the way of things turned.
And yes, it's bad but life is like this: you don't pay for my product? Then I don't care about your point of view.
It's shitty, but it's like this on every product, even a porn game on Patreon.

His players are not little kids, if they are not happy, they stop to pay. Best way to change the point of view about respect on customers and players.
Why do you think big games from EA, Activision, etc. have so many haters but don't go in the direction they want in term of respect? Because people continue to spend a lot of money on it. A producer on these games won't change his direction.
And they don't care about the opinion of people who don't spend money on it, until they reach a point of losing money.

It's sad, but it's life.
People have the right to explain their point of view like you and you do it in a good way, but I don't get people who start to insult, show a lot of hate and just rage. Some of people are like this on this topic. They should have a break and just take some fresh air. It's just a game...


Engaged Member
Oct 30, 2019
It's like a soap opera without the bad acting. It's great ! :p

Seriously though, I don't know if the hate is deserved or not ; I just hope the next update will come soon and that the patreon's money is put to good use (the game duh). Also hoping the dev is just late on schedule.
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God of Time (and Pants)
Game Developer
May 12, 2017
I forgot how much of a creepy little shitbag the main character is.

Dan Flashes

Mar 15, 2018
Some even took sometime to do statistical analytics and shit. Some doing even Psychological shit. Man! That is some serious dedication. More like freaking obsessed. Wish these guys could have used their brilliant minds into something productive instead on wasting these gifts bitching on some porn game.
And here you are using your gifts to complain about people complaining. It's a forum, when in your life have you experienced a forum that isn't mostly venting anger? They don't exist
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Apr 23, 2017
Come on don't be so harsh on the poor and overworked ICSTOR. He just doesn't earn enough money to buy good enough hardware to manage regular updates with full animated scenes. ;)
I don't even mean to sound harsh, I actually do symphatize with Icstor. I don't doubt him when he says he has mental health issues, but if they have influenced him in such a way where he keeps setting goals and fails them over and over again for an entire year, I wish he had the courage to walk away from the game and stop working on it, at least for 6-12 months. Or entirely if it helps his mental health.


Sep 29, 2017
could someone share the location of the key for the sexroom at the nightclub please?

missed the come back next night then try the sexroom..sorry
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Q Who

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2017
Then you don't get really get what I said. I like his work, if think it's art, it's my own point of view. I don't ask people to think like me. But some haters don't like when someone don't think like them.
People can be pissed, ok. But why some of them just pass their time on this topic to just reply to everybody and say : blablabla no respect, blabla he's a liar, etc.
If you don't like a game or a dev because he has disappointed you then just pass to something else (when I say you, I don't say you Sheperdxgn, just to be clear).

As someone said, it's just a porn game, but some of people just rage like it was a big disaster in their life. If they react like this for a game they don't even pay (yes some of people on this topic never spent money on this game but complain).
I can't imagine how they are reacting in real life when something bad happen to them.

Just to repeat my point of view : if people are pissed, they just have to pass to something else. If they pay for it, they post something on the patreon page to complain directly to the dev in comments and stop to pay for it, it's the best way to have an impact on the developer.

And about the point :
"People who have followed ICSTOR for years are probably suffering from PTSD right now since this is following past game's cycles where a game starts off hot then ICSTOR gets bored halfway through then you notice a quality drop then the ending gets rushed."

I follow ICSTOR for years too, and when he starts a game, I know about this possiblity. The these people should have this point in their mind when they start to follow his new game no?

Anyway, I'm not here to have a fight with people. It's just game.

I hope for people he will come back with great and faster updates, especially for the one who pay.
If not... then life will continue, no need to make dramas (and I'm not speaking about your reply :p)

Love and good fapping to you. There is no reason to fight for things like this.
Your post kind of personifies why his supporters get crap. They argue as a girl does. You are say late to pick her up. But, she will then list everything that she is pissed off at you about. Instead of just confining her displeasure at you being late. "And another thing.."

I don't know what post snap responded to but look at your post here. "I like his work, if think it's art, it's my own point of view" end of the story, right?

Nope. "if people are pissed, they just have to pass to something else." This is the when did you stop beating your wife argument. You are assuming a complaint = being pissed off.

"complain directly to the dev in comments and stop to pay for it, it's the best way to have an impact on the developer." A) this is Icstor you are talking about, right? When has he exhibited that he cares about what they think? Citation need, please. B) who said anyone here was trying to make an impact on Icstor?

"As someone said, it's just a porn game, but some of people just rage like it was a big disaster in their life." This is just you Strawmaning the other side to bolster your argument. If the other side is in a "rage" you position must be reasonable. right? Then you drag out another Strawman from the cornfield. "big disaster in their life" again making detractors out to be no life losers. You, on the other hand, just love his "art". Are you seeing the pattern here?

"I can't imagine how they are reacting in real life when something bad happen to them." Your cornfield is just chock full of Strawmen isn't. This is you, "I'm better than you." Just like a good little minion.

"I follow ICSTOR for years too, and when he starts a game, I know about this possiblity. The these people should have this point in their mind when they start to follow his new game no?" So, people should just expect Icstor to be a slacker, is that it? But, when they do call him a slacker, that bothers you. For reasons.

" especially for the one who pay." one last dig at pirates on a piracy site.

And then you wonder why these types get crap and Icstor supporters are generally disliked. Oh yeah, let's not forget, " I don't ask people to think like me." remember you are the victim. Even though you discuss like a girl as I stated before...."... and another thing, you..."

Why is it that Icstor's supporters are almost universally this way?

The Ravens vs 49ers game was epic today. Easily the game of the year. Let's hope that the Patriots lose tonight so the Ravens get home-field advantage throughout the playoffs. Lamar Jackson is incredible to watch.
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Q Who

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2017
ne and I doubt he'll release another 50 animations today because he simply forgot to implement them. I thought he had a coder?? Did they both miss half of the scenes? No one noticed or at least skipped through the content before uploading it? I don't think so.
No, I didn't. I looked through the animations and saw penetration scenes(scene?) with Caroline. So, Icstor just totally slacked off with the animations? Shocking :ROFLMAO::p:PogChamp::WutFace::rolleyes:


Jul 7, 2017
Damn, just completed all extra hour that was added, not only can he not develop in a timely period, he also cant write
I mean, he literally just stole a scene from Pulp Fiction, and put a shitty copypasta in his game
And btw, newsflash, acknowledgment of your failure to deliver your shit game in a reasonable time period does not excuse the failure, make all the sarcastic comments you want in game, its still bullshit


Apr 14, 2019
I was about to post about an error I had with the game.. But, reading through the pages, it seems this thread became a war zone. Oh boy, better leave before I get involved.
He said, purposefully getting himself involved.

Come on, dude.

To anyone tired of all the complaining... why are you here? You all understand why there's so much complaining, you all seem to acknowledge ICSTOR has been fucking up lately, yet you roll in here looking for a fight anyway for.... what? Shits and gigs? And you do realize you're complaining about complaining, right? You're part of what you consider a "problem"! Not to mention whining about trash talk and jokes not even directed at you is obnoxious white-knighting for a guy who will never see or hear it anyway. Take off the fedoras, fellas! ICSTOR ain't interested!

You're all like this guy DeisEsMachine, stroking your "maturity" ego by condescending about people with - by your own admissions - legitimate complaints. The real mature thing to do, and I think most of the actually mature people who aren't inclined to voice their concerns do this, is to shake your head and roll out without commenting at all. Now, I say the ICSTOR hate is not only worthwhile venting, but also extremely fun and funny to read, which is why I'm here. But if you don't enjoy it, why are you still here? Nobody's forcing you to stick around! Grab the game and shoo!
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