Jesus H. Christ. What a bunch of autistic whiny cunts.
To y'all (and i assume that is a very high %) who aren't giving him money -
Please just stop. How can anyone be so butt hurt over something they got for free. It never cost most of you one damn cent.
"Oh but I invested time" Really ? Oh my 'lanta plz stfu. If any one of you skipped anything even remotely important in life to play a fn porn game then you have some serious self reflection to do. If you are not a professional gamer and don't make a living/get earnings from playing vidya then, to you, games (especially these games) should (better) be a hobby/pastime/time filler/something to do when bored and/or need jack off material. So really, how much quality time have you lost. Hmmmmm?
"but muh immersion"
Man gtfo here wit your retarded incel self. Andrew Dice Clay put more thought/story telling into his dirty nursery rhymes then the majority of porn games. You aren't Link, nor Chris Renfield or that really hot bi from Silent Hill. You are playing a MC who's goal is to fuck his mom and sisters. How deeply embedded in your psyche does a blowjob from an animated cum dumpster get?
" Fuck Icstor" " Icstor is a fat, greedy, lazy thief" "He's a con artist" "Icstor is a liar" "He's milking his Patrons"
Bahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahaha......bahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahah. You whiny, jelly, what has he done for me now, privileged phaggots. Those crying the most, hardest and loudest are always the most butthurt. Feel so ripped off they will judge a man's true worth or speak on a person's core values ONLY after they've been deemed to have no more use or new content (fap material). Any of you talking about or feeling slighted personally by a dev of an porn game really need to get a real life gf. Icstor getting bored and taking away your precious fap material will seem silly and pale in comparison to when your irl gf gets bored of being your fapper.
Don't get me wrong I think how this is playing out it sucks ass. It doesn't look good and the majority of you are probably right. Feels I get it. BUT there is a reason so many of you are upset. There is a reason he has so many patrons. There is a reason there are over 2000 pages in this thread. There is a reason tissue and baby wipes were getting harder to find ...long before Covid 19......bc the coplilous amount of jizz shot by the dudes playing this game. If this game dies, gets abandoned or gets a rushed ending oh fucking well. IT'S NOT REAL but holy fuck was it a good fappening time. Be grateful for what it was and stop expecting more from something that cost no money, loss of quality time or no more effort then your right hand index finger going click, click and your left hand going fap-fap-fap-fap...................
To his Patrons - I would seriously re-evaluate if you want to support this dev until at least a channel of communication is opened.
To Icstor -
I hope you are well and idk what is going on but you obviously need time to take care of what ever it is. You do that BUT while that takes place, and you really don't owe us fuck all...but it would be positive step in mending a lot of distrust and sour feelings if you could let us know a real timeline or true projection of where this project goes next. Kind Regards Lucas
To all who read through that autistic sperg - My apologies
TL;DR Enough already. It's just a game.