CAPTAIN'S LOG, Day, 234575
*Paces around Captain's Quarters, coffee in hand...*
"Hmm? Looks like something's going on in the ICSTOR thread? But why? He's only going to rush out the last two updates before starting his new game..."
*Heads over to stare at the Monitor.*
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"...My god..."
*drops the coffee mug, shattering it on the ground.*
here we are again.
Crew were left in hysterics today, so much so many of them died from laughter. Had to boot their bodies out of the pod bay doors into dark space, (A special thanks to our new AI HAL for being so keen to open them).
And boy, *Whistles* look at those numbers, if that isn't indicative of just how divided his own fan base is I don't know what is. You'd think they (much like the great cult of Gumdrops) would be keen to blindly follow ICSTOR's obvious plan of letting him 'work' on both games at once. But the sheer divide for such a once beloved game is staggering, and with the production problems so painfully bare for all to see it's no surprise it just
barely passed through.
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Live footage of ICSTOR watching the polls, realizing the fans aren't blind to the production problems.
I jest, I jest, but this does raise a crucial question:~
ICSTOR's excuse for the execution date of Milfy City (Marching it off slowly out into the snow, giving it only two 'final' updates) was largely due to the fact ICSTOR (self-admitted), he experiences a burn-out typically mid-way through projects like these and that's why he was now moving onto smaller, more manageable, episodic releases.
...So why's he trying to do two games at once?
Any dev worth his salt will tell you running two projects is an extremely difficult task at the best of times, how exactly does this remedy the situation at all?
Yes, the 'hardcore' Milfy City fans might be pleased the precious
Crème de la crème of their favorite game is still 'running,'
but at what cost?
Now, the root course issue will be even worse,
With ICSTOR now having to time manage both games at once, anyone (with their dick not in their hand still furiously stroking to the thought of their favorite waifu in Milfy city getting railed) can see the nightmare of a production about to happen.
- How exactly is he, unable to manage with one game, now going to manage two?
- What would that release schedule even look like given the already poor time-keeping happening?
- How is this entirely not self-defeatist in the initial reason for abandoning Milfy City to move onto easier to manage projects?
Ah! I've got it!
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ICSTOR's secret plan to clone himself Dr. Manhattan style to make sure both games get done on time.
Only time can really tell how this whole thing will play out, but I think it's safe to say the prognosis is a tad grim.
But who knows? Maybe we'll see a miracle and a rejuvenated ICSTOR will defy all expectations.
"Hmm? What's that?"
"Someone left a note here-"
"Something about Devs needing anonymous sock puppets to be Professional."
"...Why do we need sock puppets?"
...Well, alright then...
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...Am I doing it right? Am I a professional Dev yet? Guys...Guys? Hello? Why have you all left?
This is your Captain,
signing off.
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