That's the thing, you assume most of us didn't pay, but there are over 1000 patreon subs he loses every month while gaining others... and there are a lot of us here who did pay him, and only got delays and false promises. Even now, he admitted he didn't work for months after he promised he would get his shit together.Jesus H. Christ. What a bunch of autistic whiny cunts.
To y'all (and i assume that is a very high %) who aren't giving him money -
What do you think happened when his patreon count plummeted?To his Patrons - I would seriously re-evaluate if you want to support this dev until at least a channel of communication is opened.
And no, he wouldn't establish anything since he's in it for the money only. As long as people hope there's a chance a new version will be out, they will support him. Until they realize it's all been for nothing.
He's fine, more than fine. And he does owe us for the money we put in his pockets. How ignorant can you get!To Icstor -
I hope you are well and idk what is going on but you obviously need time to take care of what ever it is. You do that BUT while that takes place, and you really don't owe us fuck all...but it would be positive step in mending a lot of distrust and sour feelings if you could let us know a real timeline or true projection of where this project goes next. Kind Regards Lucas