Here's the thing though, how do we know he hasn't been using something like fake Patreon accounts to make it seem like he has more supporters than he really does? Just like when you tell a friend to stand in line so other customers come. Maybe by now he really doesn't have too many real patrons and needs more, considering everyone here keeps complaining non stop about Icstor.
In all honesty, I think that is very far-reaching. Over 6,000 fake Patreon accounts to keep his name relevant, or the more obvious one, more people are blindly signing up, sight unseen, expecting him to be able to turn out new product based upon what they see from what was left abandoned well over a year ago (nearly 18 months now, if including the holiday special). But in all honesty, I could see him making four fake Patreon accounts and placing them in the top tier of $100/month, because those four spots have always been filled and there is a cap of four $100 monthly slots. At the time of this post, he has 6,128 Patrons in his account. The last time I checked his Patreon account he had over 7,000.
In all seriousness, whenever his VN is threatening to go into Abandoned status he makes a short post promising to release the 1.0 version within a certain period of time and then goes back into swimming in money blindly given to him. The more people post about it, the less of a chance it is going to be considered Abandoned.
Just a thought, but if the folks who are bitching and complaining about how nothing has happened since December of 2019 stop complaining about how nothing has been done since the 2019 holiday special and let the questions posed by the noobs just...let's say, just sit unanswered, this product will either be listed as abandoned or Icstor will get off his fat rump and do something about it. Just my thoughts.