If 0.3 is Sara>Relationship lvl 3, and 0.2 was Linda and Caroline > lvl 3, then at minimum 0.4 should bring Celia to level 3 as well. And at some point these other teased characters need to be developed--Lily, Judy, the Aunt, the neighbors, Violet, the girl at the swimming pool, the one other girl in school. From a player standpoint, going forward, I'd prefer that all 4 of the main romantic NPCs--Linda, Caroline, Sara and Celia--be developed to the same level per upgrade, so 0.5 would bring them to level 4 and 0.6 would bring them to level 5. If there's a 0.7 that should be the "complete" version, perhaps with bonus content. IMHO, YMMV, etc.