
Jul 25, 2021
But onyxdime isn’t just a writer. If he was just a writer then when he gave updates he’d give updates on his side of things like “hey guys just received some tenders from incstor and did some writing, still waiting on a few more batches of tenders from incstor, I’ll let you know when I get them”.

But that’s not what he said. He literally said he’s taking a more active role, managing the project, will make sure to see the game through to completion, that he’s received thousands of renders and has had more work in the last few months than he has in years, smugly telling people to enjoy the game when it comes out as if it will, constantly repeating it’ll be out in March/April, etc.

He’s not just giving updates on the writing side of things, he’s trying to convince people that the game is alive again and will be coming out soon. I find it hard to believe a simple writer would just say all that, because when incstor inevitably fails to follow through it’s your reputation that gets hurt. So why would onyxdime try so hard to convince people the game was coming out soon and out his reputation on the line if he wasn’t getting paid to shill for incstor? Like I said, if he was just a simple writer he’d keep his updates on his side of things…

Also just a funny quote from onyxdime “I hope you'll be able to look back over every comment I have made on here and see I've been acting with integrity and honesty the whole time.” And here we are in may, with 2 failed release dates, left in the dark with no end in sight, and no proof that anything onyxdime said was honest, because he was a shill the whole time.
This is from today!



Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2016
What happened to him? He was on here giving updates. But I haven't seen anything posted from him in a while now
AS someone said, he said a while ago “I hope you'll be able to look back over every comment I have made on here and see I've been acting with integrity and honesty the whole time.”
So he realized that that would be impossible by now and just decided to fuck off given that, to be fair, it really is not his fault that Icstor lied again

Lupin the 3rd

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2019
But that’s not what he said. He literally said he’s taking a more active role, managing the project
He said he helped to manage it when it comes to the workers that does the renders. And that´s the catch, not every single render will be from the workers, Icstor is also involved "working" *wink wink* on it. So it could be that the missing renders are Icstors "Work" that it´s missing. That´s why I said that you can´t give the fault on Onyx or the other freelancers on this project until it´s 100% PROVEN that it´s their fault. That´s just hate speech what you and others did, the only one you can blame this weak situation for this Game here is Icstor that crashed this project against a wall what others try to fix now.

What I tried to say is: Where is the Proof that Onyx has the same Intentions like Icstor like you claimed yourself. Where is the Proof that they didn´t worked on it and just lied? You can think that obviously, anyone can but writing it multiple times without solid proof doesn´t help in this situation.
From Day One when Onyx posted that he is working on it again he got multiple hate messages on this Thread, claiming that he is a Liar or even worse: He would be Icstor himself. Then he came with his points on why he isn´t Icstor and People still didn´t belive him. What you did is the same stuff, calling him a Liar and calling him Things. It needs to be proven first that he is a Liar, THEN you can call him that. Until it´s not proven, he is not guilty.

Icstor is a Liar, that is proven with his false specifications about Renders that were "done" months "ago". Hell even Onyx himself said he didn´t see as much Renders as Icstor has claiming to be done. Concentrate your Hate against Milfy City towards Icstor and none other as long as it´s not proven that Onyx is also guilty. If it comes out that Onyx is also a Liar and scammed us, THEN you can write your hate against him. But right now it isn´t proved yet with solid points.


Sep 13, 2017
And then you wonder why he remains silent? Just maybe because of mature posts like this.
I'm all for giving people the benefit of the doubt as you stated and proof is needed if someone is a scammer up to a point. But as many people have said earlier, Onyx postings gave hope because of the involvement he supposedly had in the project and the progress he was reporting. When you don't deliver on 2 estimated deadlines and then disappear to answer why, that is the point at which I think his innocence should be questioned.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2019
The consensus (cough for most cough) is that ICSTOR is a scammer. As Orgitas said, the dev updates for the most part only come when Patreon numbers are looking low. Along side that, we've been promised an update repeatedly throughout the time since the last update yet it never came and obviously still hasn't. Last I heard the "update" was 90% finished but there's really no telling if that's true or not outside of images with months of time in between them. Also, if memory serves anyway, ICSTOR has a history of abandoning all his (their?) projects. And what do you mean by no abandonded tag?
View attachment 2580833
Well, the abandoned tag is new to me, I didn't see it on the OG page nor when I finished my comment.
NOW I see it clear as day, what a shame, even though I go through incest games adding "Step" to any relation, this one was a well-rendered and animated one, too bad GREED was the killer of another good project.


Active Member
Apr 10, 2022
But as many people have said earlier, Onyx postings gave hope because of the involvement he supposedly had in the project and the progress he was reporting. When you don't deliver on 2 estimated deadlines and then disappear to answer why, that is the point at which I think his innocence should be questioned.
Pretty much this. After so much of pumping air in to these empty flat tyres of this game, he could've just dropped in here and repeat what he already said at the beginning of this month: that he still hasn't received those renders. As said, it's not his fault that certain someone isn't doing his share of the job, which isn't surprising or news at all to anyone here. But now that he just blatantly ghosts this thread (even though he visits the forum quite often and writes on the other threads) after couple months of just hyping it up, people can't really blame anyone for questioning his real intentions or calling him out on that. I also understand if he got tired of defending himself all the time here thanks to ICSTOR being...well, just ICSTOR. But on the other hand such is life, and after sooooooo long and soooooooo many repetitions of this same exact situation, he should've known better.
Sep 27, 2022
At this point it would be great that who ever holds the "rights" for the game ( icstor?) to give it to some other dev that would carry on the project. But guess that will never happen. Or maybe it wont be cheap seing as how this has over 3400 pages of comments.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2021
At this point it would be great that who ever holds the "rights" for the game ( icstor?) to give it to some other dev that would carry on the project. But guess that will never happen. Or maybe it wont be cheap seing as how this has over 3400 pages of comments.
Well, there is no need of the "rights", someone could simply create a "remake" using different models and a different story....wait.....something like that already exists: F.I.L.F. and PhotoHunt xD
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