Onyx: Listen Ic I cant do this anymore dude, they pretty much uncovered that it's just complete bullshit and all lies
ICSTOR: Look Onyx, you know me dude, we keep it running until we reach 5000 at the least, so hop on
Onyx: Fuck man I can't, I really can't I almost started to feel bad for all the stupifying..im getting off
ICSTOR: Yo Kremes
Kremes: What's up bro
ICSTOR: I need you to hop on the F95, find a way to keep this bullshit going..I don't even care how you do it, I wanna get to 5000 before June 1st.
Kremes: I don't have time for that dude, im already fucking people up left and right on the discord for no reason and I have a lot of pressure coming from my dayjob.
ICSTOR: Listen, if you want me to keep sending you these yummy
Banana Lotti packs straight from Thailand, you gotta get on this shit-train.
I meant that only from my personal point of view, not from the developer's point of view,
I don't really make a living as a discord admin and I'm not paid for it either.
Nobody told me to write here, I'm here purely out of my personal interest to let people know about the current state of the game's development, nothing more nothing less.