No chance this game is going to be released. As a Software Engineer we work using an agile methodology... In english this means we plan, design, develop, test, deploy, review and iterate/repeat. Now, I don't develop games but it's still the same. Like a lot of other developers though, they submit a new release, let users play about and fix bugs as they go but also improve and repeat based on feedback.
If anything, I hope this post educates the none developers/the ones still hoping that there will be a new release as to why it will never happen and that Icstor is scamming people. Even if you have bugs you should be releasing some kind of version. Icstor is no fool because it's exactly what he used to do... unless he has stupidly changed to using a waterfall methodology which would make no sense.
As for the Patreon subscribers/payments - I'd be surprised if Patreon ever banned him considering they are making money as well.
At this point, I keep coming back because the tread is entertaining