Eerie Entity

❤︎ Victoria Shields' One True Love ❤︎
Game Developer
May 28, 2018
@Eunoian I like Sara's, CAroline's and Mom's story equally for different reasons. Sara is that shy and insecure girl who always doubts herself and thus everyone else too, but she's getting there, on the right path. Caroline is the only woman in the family who didn't start corrupted, but considering how close she and MC are and all, I can't blame her for starting to develop feelings for MC, I'm just glad that with her it happens slowly, she's a really great girl (not just because of her astonishing looks, but she has a good head between her shoulders), and then there's the Mom, uuuhh, I could talk about her all day and night, I mean, all of the scenes and even dialog with her, wow, always leaves me wanting for more. I mean like, I don't even need to see nudity or sex or nothing, just the way she looks at MC, that loving and caring, and yet passionate and rather lustful look in her eyes, how she bites her lips from sheer excitement and lust, the way she kisses, man I wish I was in MC's shoes that moment, holy crap, I'd never say no to a woman like that, haha! But I wouldn't say no to Sara nor Caroline either, they're all so amazing in their own ways. You probably noticed that Sara is the only sibling that didn't inherit any of the Mom's genes, everyone else has dark/black hair like the Mom does, blue eyes, and are equipped with..hmm..big "assets", but Sara has freckles, red hair, emerald eyes and she's very petite, and she's also insecure like the Dad. Nonetheless, love them all equally, for different reasons, although scenes with Mom thus far have been hands down the hottest ones...I mean damn, one kiss like that from her and one look the way she looks at MC, man I'd be ready to die :p


Artist & Writer
Jul 15, 2018
@Eunoian I like Sara's, CAroline's and Mom's story equally for different reasons. Sara is that shy and insecure girl who always doubts herself and thus everyone else too, but she's getting there, on the right path. Caroline is the only woman in the family who didn't start corrupted, but considering how close she and MC are and all, I can't blame her for starting to develop feelings for MC, I'm just glad that with her it happens slowly, she's a really great girl (not just because of her astonishing looks, but she has a good head between her shoulders), and then there's the Mom, uuuhh, I could talk about her all day and night, I mean, all of the scenes and even dialog with her, wow, always leaves me wanting for more. I mean like, I don't even need to see nudity or sex or nothing, just the way she looks at MC, that loving and caring, and yet passionate and rather lustful look in her eyes, how she bites her lips from sheer excitement and lust, the way she kisses, man I wish I was in MC's shoes that moment, holy crap, I'd never say no to a woman like that, haha! But I wouldn't say no to Sara nor Caroline either, they're all so amazing in their own ways. You probably noticed that Sara is the only sibling that didn't inherit any of the Mom's genes, everyone else has dark/black hair like the Mom does, blue eyes, and are equipped with..hmm..big "assets", but Sara has freckles, red hair, emerald eyes and she's very petite, and she's also insecure like the Dad. Nonetheless, love them all equally, for different reasons, although scenes with Mom thus far have been hands down the hottest ones...I mean damn, one kiss like that from her and one look the way she looks at MC, man I'd be ready to die :p
haha, yeah I get what you're saying. I do find Sara adorable, and the Mother is very enticing (it's equally as nice to be seduced as it is to be the seducer). I suppose I just prefer the slow burn when it comes to the story elements, but as for scenes/sexual content thus far, I couldn't agree more.

p.s. I'm pretty new around here, so this is probably a wasteful question, but how do you "tag" me in your posts as opposed to "quoting" me in your replies?

Eerie Entity

❤︎ Victoria Shields' One True Love ❤︎
Game Developer
May 28, 2018
@Eunoian I like the slow burn as well, a lot. Caroline, she deserves it and she's worth it. With Mom however, considering all that passion and lust, you can't go too slow with it, especially not with a woman like that who knows what she wants, haha. Sara, you just have to take it slow with her too, let her confidence build up slow. I went the love route with them all, I can't find it in myself to force things or rush things. One thing I do wonder though; how and why did Sara and Mom develop the romantic and erotic feelings for MC, that's something I'd like to know, would help me connect with them that much more (with the mom I highly doubt it's because the Dad alone, there has to be something deeper than that).

You tag by typing "@insertnamehere" :)

Since you like a good story, plus great art, I would HIGHLY suggest that you play Depraved Awakening, it's a dark erotic crime thriller noir novel with absolutely great art and the story is top notch, it has suspense, great plot twists, interesting characters, you can also play different routes with different characters and trust me, your choices do make a great difference, also the animations are realistic, they're very smooth, and yeah, the women look breathtaking, especially my favorite girl in the game; Carli, mmmm, she's in the same boat with me and the Mom from Milfy City :heartcoveredeyes: Highly recommend the game :)
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Artist & Writer
Jul 15, 2018
@Eerie Entity Thanks, I got it. I wasn't sure about the space in your name, but then as soon as I started typing it popped up.

I agree, that some more inner dialogue explaining the mom's interest in MC would add more to the game. She basically just claims she's wanted it for a long time (which is slightly wierd since the character is already so young), and that the Father doesn't do it for her anymore. Maybe more insight will come in the future. As for Sara, I just assumed it was pure sexual curiosity, but then she started claiming it was love during the night-sky bit, and I began wondering if there was more going on with this MC than has been shown shown - especially since the Teacher straight up despises him, for the most part.

And it's funny you suggested DA, I literally just downloaded it. I had planned on trying it out after a couple others, but with your recommendation, it has officially moved up to next on my list. I appreciate the heads up. I'll keep a look out for Carli.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
I'm still of the opinion that the endgame plot should be at least somewhat dependent upon the non-core-family characters. The therapist, Judy, should be essential for developing the MC's relationships to that final level. Celia should wind up not just as the MC's "girlfriend", but most likely as his enthusiastic submissive. The other school girls may open up possibilities with Sara. Violet needs to be "saved". Etc. That's just my personal philosophy of game design--instead of making everything optional, make a substantial amount of it interdependent, but in an enjoyable way that deepens the plot.
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Artist & Writer
Jul 15, 2018
@megaplayboy10k I have been hoping for new sessions with Judy. If I remember correctly, in the opening dialogue, she claims you have to visit her a few times a week at the headmaster's order (who is still missing, hotty?). I hope that gets intergrated into the game eventually. I'd replay the game for that alone, from an RP perspective. As for a submissive Celia, I totally agree. It almost seems too obvious as the "main" point of the game. Here's hoping.

Eerie Entity

❤︎ Victoria Shields' One True Love ❤︎
Game Developer
May 28, 2018
As long as you get a happy ending with Mom, Caroline and Sara, depending on the route you took with them, I'm happy, haha :p You know, I do think that it's possible that if you go the love route with Mom, I think divorce is imminent, clearly she's unhappy with the Dad, he doesn't satisfy her at all, she's not happy with him at all, but with MC? She's more than satisfied and she's happy, haha. But honestly? I think an actual romantic relationship with Caroline is the most probable and functional, and I say that because right now the mom just seem so lustful, had to say if she's actually even inlove with MC, or is it all just purely sexual, and Sara? It could work, they'd even make a good couple, but right now it seem like puppy love, and you know those don't most of the time last too long, a shame really, but I do hope for the best with all of the three ladies :)

Eerie Entity

❤︎ Victoria Shields' One True Love ❤︎
Game Developer
May 28, 2018
@Eunoian You're welcome, just thought I'd pass the knowledge of the game along, because it really is a damn awesome game in everyway. I suggest you play the love route with Carli and see, because, well, without trying to spoil too much, but once you get to that moment, which you will recognize when it comes, that scene is amazing (because I'm a sucker for love, haha), the story built up to that moment nicely, and I honestly didn't think it turn out to be quite that, but it was very pleasant surprise that it did. Shes that type of woman I could never let go of :)
Let me know what you think of the game, wouldn't mind talking about it, or about Milfy City too, they're like my top 2 favorite games after all, and it's nice to meet people here with similar interests :)


Artist & Writer
Jul 15, 2018
As long as you get a happy ending with Mom, Caroline and Sara...
Familial Harem?

Let me know what you think of the game, wouldn't mind talking about it, or about Milfy City too, they're like my top 2 favorite games after all, and it's nice to meet people here with similar interests :)
I'll focus on Carli first then, and let you know what I think. Not sure if you've tried them, but DMD, Melody and Acting Lessons (although the latter two are still quite early on) are great games as well. DMD, so far, is my favourite adult visual novel I have ever played. Acting Lessons has some great characters as well, and can be quite funny at times.


Nov 23, 2017
Personally prefer the Sarah route to all others. Call me old fashioned, but the Mom and Caroline seem WAY out of the MCs league, can easily replace him with someone more mature and responsible, a "real man" to quote the mom. It is implied that Caroline has been around, but we see no other men pursuing her. I get that a lot of people don't want NTR, but they only apply it to the MC losing a target vs being bested by a more suitable match. I suppose that the same could be true of Sara, but she is impressionable and making her first in-roads to romance , so naturally her first kiss binds her to the MC. She can actually look up to him and has no experience of a better suitor. She trusts him and he can reciprocate her need for protection. The mom just wants young cock and somehow stuck on her own son, Caroline is interesting but rightly wonders at her own malfeasance in enticing the MC to lust after her. Does she really not know any better fuck-buddy?
The MC is, as is common in these games, a total wimp. He is cheating on his dad in secret, he is blackmailing a married teacher for sex? She may be a slut anyway, not resisting the demands much, but that does not let him off the hook. He has succeeded in banging her at school, he should confront her in person with a recording of THAT and see what she does. Confront his dad too, give him an out, see if he still holds Moms interest when it isn't behind her husband's back...


Nov 23, 2017
Essentially, I think the game is awesome, well written, great animation and good story telling, love that the player has the option to simply ignore paths and focus on who/what they find appealing , and I look forward to future updates!

And I wish the MC was Caroline's age to make him a better fit vs beneath her.
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Artist & Writer
Jul 15, 2018
@aaronburr yeah an older MC would be nice, and I'm not huge on the blackmail (but it feels justified a little bit at least, especially if it is building up to a submissive character who later enjoys it). The dad I could care less for though haha. I'm sure down the line options like that will open up, but for now, the mom dominating the situation and having the MC keep things quiet is fine by me.
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New Member
Jul 18, 2018
Personally prefer the Sarah route to all others. Call me old fashioned, but the Mom and Caroline seem WAY out of the MCs league, can easily replace him with someone more mature and responsible, a "real man" to quote the mom. It is implied that Caroline has been around, but we see no other men pursuing her. I get that a lot of people don't want NTR, but they only apply it to the MC losing a target vs being bested by a more suitable match. I suppose that the same could be true of Sara, but she is impressionable and making her first in-roads to romance , so naturally her first kiss binds her to the MC. She can actually look up to him and has no experience of a better suitor. She trusts him and he can reciprocate her need for protection. The mom just wants young cock and somehow stuck on her own son, Caroline is interesting but rightly wonders at her own malfeasance in enticing the MC to lust after her. Does she really not know any better fuck-buddy?
The MC is, as is common in these games, a total wimp. He is cheating on his dad in secret, he is blackmailing a married teacher for sex? She may be a slut anyway, not resisting the demands much, but that does not let him off the hook. He has succeeded in banging her at school, he should confront her in person with a recording of THAT and see what she does. Confront his dad too, give him an out, see if he still holds Moms interest when it isn't behind her husband's back...
Couldn’t agree more Sara’s story is the best one by far
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New Member
Jul 18, 2018
Personally prefer the Sarah route to all others. Call me old fashioned, but the Mom and Caroline seem WAY out of the MCs league, can easily replace him with someone more mature and responsible, a "real man" to quote the mom. It is implied that Caroline has been around, but we see no other men pursuing her. I get that a lot of people don't want NTR, but they only apply it to the MC losing a target vs being bested by a more suitable match. I suppose that the same could be true of Sara, but she is impressionable and making her first in-roads to romance , so naturally her first kiss binds her to the MC. She can actually look up to him and has no experience of a better suitor. She trusts him and he can reciprocate her need for protection. The mom just wants young cock and somehow stuck on her own son, Caroline is interesting but rightly wonders at her own malfeasance in enticing the MC to lust after her. Does she really not know any better fuck-buddy?
The MC is, as is common in these games, a total wimp. He is cheating on his dad in secret, he is blackmailing a married teacher for sex? She may be a slut anyway, not resisting the demands much, but that does not let him off the hook. He has succeeded in banging her at school, he should confront her in person with a recording of THAT and see what she does. Confront his dad too, give him an out, see if he still holds Moms interest when it isn't behind her husband's back...
Couldn’t agree more. Sara’s the best character by far, idk why but the connection that the MC and her have is just so special
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Artist & Writer
Jul 15, 2018
Couldn’t agree more. Sara’s the best character by far, idk why but the connection that the MC and her have is just so special
It's definitely the most flushed out thus far. I find it quite endearing, regardless of hopes for other characters relationships. Her dependence on the MC is adorable. Story-wise, it is the best as of right now.
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