
Feb 9, 2018
So when you click on search do you not see this

View attachment 179301
NONE of that exists. That's why I asked if they switched to external scripts for everything now. I've made no changes to my NoScript permissions but the new version of the site doesn't work right. My top bar says only "Forums" at the far left while at the far right are icons for "account", "conversations", and "alerts".

Oh, waitaminute, I just tried something. It appears the site doesn't work right unless you have your browser window maximized. When maximized the top appears as in your pic. I always run several open browser windows onscreen at once and never had a problem before now. I guess somebody's new code just assumed everyone would only use a maximized browser. It seems I'll have to keep flipping the window back & forth if I wanna use the search function.


Feb 9, 2018
Er, back to the game.

When Caroline counts her money and tells MC "Keeping cash, over a liquid asset, only makes sense." Cash IS a liquid asset. In fact, it's the ultimate liquid asset. Stashed and unreported cash could be a "hidden asset" but unless she's properly cooking her books the discrepancy would show up in an audit, such as would be done in case of bankruptcy.

"That ugly pink dressing gown ain't have as bad when it's got violet on top of it." First off, "half" for "have". Second, it's Caroline on top of it, Violet speaking.
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Oct 21, 2017
Er, back to the game.

When Caroline counts her money and tells MC "Keeping cash, over a liquid asset, only makes sense." Cash IS a liquid asset. In fact, it's the ultimate liquid asset. Stashed and unreported cash could be a "hidden asset" but unless she's properly cooking her books the discrepancy would show up in an audit, such as would be done in case of bankruptcy.
I think you might be overthinking it.
May 8, 2018
Hey, got a question. Can you have sex with Sarah on this one? I don't remember which one was the last I played, but I know I want me some Sarah.
V 0.2-Celia sex, v0.3-Sarah sex, v0.4 Yasmine sex and advances with aunt and Caroline, that's what was implemented so far if you are looking only on family members. Next version, v0.5, is about Mom and maybe one another girl, which one, we still don't know.
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Feb 9, 2018
I think you might be overthinking it.

Can't help it. I also notice every time a character on film racks a shotgun, moves into another room and racks it again without ejecting a shell, every time someone fires more than six rounds from a revolver without reloading. I see when drink levels in a glass change back & forth between camera angles in a scene or, in a recent example, the position of bottles in a six-pack carton switch depending on who's face the camera's on in the scene. I'm the guy who thinks that virtually every continuity editor in Hollywood should be fired. I still get annoyed by the fact that Stephen King's first mention of Barby's rank in "Under the Dome" has him a captain but every subsequent mention of it ranks him a lieutenant. I'm the guy who wants to throttle scientists for referring to monatomic-layer materials as "2D" or "two dimensional" when they know better (a single atomic thickness is STILL THICKNESS). Just the way I'm wired, I guess.


Oct 21, 2017
Can't help it. I also notice every time a character on film racks a shotgun, moves into another room and racks it again without ejecting a shell, every time someone fires more than six rounds from a revolver without reloading. I see when drink levels in a glass change back & forth between camera angles in a scene or, in a recent example, the position of bottles in a six-pack carton switch depending on who's face the camera's on in the scene. I'm the guy who thinks that virtually every continuity editor in Hollywood should be fired. I still get annoyed by the fact that Stephen King's first mention of Barby's rank in "Under the Dome" has him a captain but every subsequent mention of it ranks him a lieutenant. I'm the guy who wants to throttle scientists for referring to monatomic-layer materials as "2D" or "two dimensional" when they know better (a single atomic thickness is STILL THICKNESS). Just the way I'm wired, I guess.
Haha, I think I won't be able to enjoy movies anymore if I noticed all those things :D
Aug 28, 2017
This thread should have been locked a week ago. There's really no point since there's no useful discussion here other than the usual questions and the usual bickering about a character.

Reading 7 pages of nonsense every time I check the thread for updates is tiring.

Lock the thread, and allow one member to post any update progress\previews.


Jul 19, 2017
This thread should have been locked a week ago. There's really no point since there's no useful discussion here other than the usual questions and the usual bickering about a character.

Reading 7 pages of nonsense every time I check the thread for updates is tiring.

Lock the thread, and allow one member to post any update progress\previews.
Agreed, I asked for it a couple days ago when we had 3 straight pages of OMG TESTING / WHEN TESTING FINISH / WHAT IN v0.5? It's ballooned to almost 10 pages now and the only mod that popped in was to complain about how the thread was derailing to summertime saga :confounded:
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Ricky Ricardo

May 10, 2018
The only way to stop this.. dont put a its at 90% then its on testing people get worked up. I dont mind the wait but I call this uhh cockteasing haha


New Member
May 29, 2017
People have to know that development completion != product completion, and I wish ICSTOR will have two separate progress levels that distinguish development and testing to not confuse or give anyone false hope
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