Cool red pill advertisement.
Look, I agree that the relationship landscape is shitty's always been shitty. People just didn't talk about it or admit it. Woman is pregnant with another man's child and can't fob it off as her husband's? She disappears on a "wellness" holiday and returns refreshed and ALONE. Man knocked up his ONS? He generously decides to provide for the newborn child of his "distant cousin." Depending on how things were handled, people in the know would just play along.
I lived in the Philippines, where divorce is flat out illegal and impossible. Adultery is a crime. Guess what? People are still shitty to each other and a smart woman can still get the upper hand on her cheating husband (or prosper as a cheater herself). Attitudes, money, etc MIGHT help you get a better outcome but sometimes you are just doomed. Life sucks and then you die.
On the subject of Bob, there is no need to feel sympathy. He clearly craves humiliation and contempt. Not my thing IRL, but whatever floats his boat.