True,@J II D While I understand your sentiment and kind of agree to a point, isn't the entire model behind Patreon that you are pledging to a creator and not their product? Some creators subvert that model and treat it like those pledging are in fact paying for a product, but I'm sure that Patreon's own descriptions refer back to the Renaissance and how people with excessive amounts of money would help artists with living costs and expenses just to keep their creativity flowing and not particularly to receive something back. Getting something back such as the first refusal on works etc. was obviously incentive to keep supporting the artist but that's just good relations.
But all his rewards on his Patreon page Specifies things for this game.
Not for another project or things for himself.
It's all for his current project.. a.k.a Milfy City.
And i might be wrong, and you have my apology if i am.... But for me that means that most people are paying for this game and certain rewards that come with it.
Are there fans that pay him regardless of project.. no question about it that there are...
But i think we all can agree on the fact that people pay him for Milfy City.
If he wants to be payed as a creator, he should set up his reward/tier system that way.
But again, i might be wrong : )